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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Shove-It! Boards » Shove-It! Results
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Si!W: 3/6/16 pt 2
Author Message
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-06-2016, 10:33 PM

[Image: Nq7PrTs.png]

Welcome to the second part of Shove It!

Gaylord Cockchafer: We're back, folks. I hope you enjoyed your break and got plenty of snacks and a juice or two. I've got Cracker Jacks and Rootbeer for myself! But let's not get sidetracked, or should I say... side TRAX?! Hold it, I'm being told that there is a development happening backstage. Take it away Negar!

We go backstage to King 2 Madz' office where Trax is about to walk in.

Balaque Negar: Business just picked up, Gaylord. Our VP just ordered Trax into his office. Let's see what happens.

We go into Vice President Madison's office where he's ordered Trax to appear in a suit and tie. On John's wall is a paddle which he uses to discipline his employees when they act out of line. Hopefully he won't have to use it tonight.

King 2 Madz: "Trax, we have rules. You ambushed Robbie Bourbon and LeStrange last week. Well, you just can't go around fighting people backstage! That's bad! That's what the ring is for."

Trax goes to speak.

King 2 Madz: "Please don't interrupt me while I'm speaking. Like I was saying, my Shove It is a new Shove It. It will be the best show show on television but it will also be fair and sportsmanlike. Handshakes and shit. Not like Warfare which will be an afterthought if it isn't already. Look, Trax, I can relate to you as the struggling black man that you are. We're fighting for our survival, right?"

Trax: "You've got to be kidding me."

King 2 Madz: "Let me finish. Like I said, you and I are a lot alike. For instance, last week I also made a mistake when I attacked Robbie Bourbon. Why did I do that? Well, because deep down, I'm angry... and black."

Trax: "You also got powerbombed through a table."

King 2 Madz: "Maybe I deserved that but I'm sure Robbie regrets his decision. Regardless, you and I hurt some people last week, and it's time for us to make up for our selfish actions."

John pulls out a tray of cookies and two glasses of milk.

King 2 Madz: "And we're going to do it together, Trax. That's right! Did you think that I made this stipulation for LeStrange and Robbie Bourbon? Shiiit, my nigga. I did this for us as a healing exercise. We just have to make sure that you lose first, right? Isn't that how the stipulation works? Now, I know that it's hard for you to lose, but I can help in making sure that it happens. I've got plenty of resources at my disposal. Luca! Fern! Peter! Dim-"

Trax interrupts.

Trax: If either of those hashfags Lucas and Fern, or lumbering oafs Peter or Dim show they're faces in my match their face is receiving a Trap Silencer and then I'm finding YOU and giving you similar treatment, brotha. Listen, I ain't apologizing for shit, and the only people that are going to be needing healing exercises are my opponents when me and yes Ms. Riot are through with them. I'm Trax, I don't lay down for anybody. Especially because some wigger who somehow managed to two step his way into a management position asked me to. You want me to lose? Better pray Macbeth and McVeigh pull a miracle out the bag tonight. That's all I've got to say to you.

Trax swipes a cookie from the tray and take a bite, before taking a swig of milk, as John just sits there, uncharacteristically speechless.

Trax: Hmm..tasty.

Trax laughs and gets out his seat heading towards the exit.

King 2 Madz: Hey! I didn't say that you could have that! Get back here! Give me those cookies back! GAH! Stop him, Balaque Negar!

Chris Macbeth & Ophelia McVeigh
Alexis Riot & Trax

Winners take 1,000 X-Bux from each of the losers
If Trax loses, he has to apologize to LeStrange and bake him a plate of oatmeal cookies with a glass of milk.
If Trax loses, he has to apologize to Robbie Bourbon and bake him a plate of oatmeal cookies with a glass of milk

The bell rings and we have Macbeth and Trax starting things off. Macbeth gets the ball rolling first, throwing Trax away with a hiptoss. Macbeth charges after Trax and throws a Trouble In Paradise but Trax slips under the bottom rope and regroups on the outside. Macbeth lets Trax in and immediately comes at him with chops to the chest. Macbeth slams the side of his forearm into the side of Trax' face and jumps up to give him a hurricanrana, but Trax reverses that into a powerbomb, holds it... lifts Macbeth up again and gives him a second powerbomb! Trax maintains his positioning and rolls up Macbeth.



Macbeth gets his shoulder up. Trax pulls Macbeth up, throws him into the ropes, and gives him a t-bone suplex. Trax waits for Macbeth to recover. Goes for the Trap Silencer but Macbeth dives out of the way and escapes the ring under the bottom rope similar to the way Trax did earlier in the match.

Macbeth walks back inside and tags in his partner Ophelia. Trax tags in Riot as well, giving us two fresh competitors. Ophelia runs at Riot for a diving lariat but Riot simply ducks under, bounds off the ropes, and knocks down Ophelia with a Sling Blade. Riot backs Ophelia into the corner with chops. She uses that corner to plant Ophelia with a tornado DDT and makes the cover.



Ophelia reaches up and touches the bottom rope!

Riot drags Ophelia to the center of the mat and goes for her next move but Ophelia kicks her in the face. Ophelia gets up and runs off the ropes. He goes for a running superkick but Riot ducks it. Ophelia followed up, though, with a powerful lariat that causes Riot to do a backflip. Ophelia mounts himself onto Riot's chest and smothers her face with his as he holds her shoulders down to the mat.



Riot gets her shoulders up.

Ophelia throws Riot into his corner and tags in Macbeth. Macbeth walks in and begins throwing punches at Riot in the corner. Once his fist gets tired he slams his shoulder into her abdomen. Macbeth sends Riot into the ropes and tries to hit a Trouble in Paradise but fails to connect. Instead, Riot hits him with a drop kick. That allows Riot to dive for the tag.

Trax runs in. He ducks a punch from Macbeth and kicks him instead. He gives Macbeth the Fame Asser! Instead of a pin attempt, Trax turns Macbeth over and locks him in a sharp shooter. Macbeth finds himself in a lot of trouble with no rope break in reach. Macbeth is clinching his fist, anything to stop himself from tapping the mat. Ophelia can't watch, he runs in and gives Trax a drop kick into his back. That pisses off the referee and he nearly disqualifies Ophelia for getting involved.

Macbeth is no in control of Trax. He delivers a Russian leg sweep and then throws Trax into the corner. Macbeth seats Trax on the top rope and pulls him down following a top rope bulldog. Macbeth covers Trax.



This time Riot breaks the pin!

Ophelia runs in and tackles Riot to the ground and starts punching her. Ophelia pushes Riot into the ropes and tries to knock her out of the ring but she throws him over instead. Riot climbs to the top and dives to the outside on top of Ophelia! Macbeth walks up to Trax and hits him with the End of the Night (Code Breaker)! He covers Trax



Riot slides Trax' foot under the rope!

Macbeth kicks Riot away from inside of the ring. He takes Trax to his corner and tags in Ophelia. They both send Trax into the ropes and go for a double team move but instead Trax drop kicks both of them, planting a foot into each chest!

Trax throws Macbeth out of the ring. Ophelia throws a running super kick but Trax catches his leg and throws him over with a t-bone suplex. Macbeth tries to jump into the ring from the top rope but Riot hops onto he apron and pushes him off! She then runs off the apron and flies into Macbeth with a forward somer sault.

Trax picks up Ophelia and drops him with the OTM (Jack knife) and covers him.




Gaylord Cockchafer: Trax and Riot have done it! Trax doesn't have to apologize for shit! In fact, Trax looks ecstatic about their victory!

Trax pulls in Alexis Riot and gives her a hug. He then props her up onto his shoulder and parades her around the ring.

Gaylord Cockchafer: They could be next in line for the Tag Titles after what we saw- WAIT A MINUTE!

Trax slams Riot chest down on the canvas!

Gaylord Cockchafer: What the hell!?

Trax waits for Riot to stand up and he Trap Silences her! He then lays on top of her and grinds his crotch into her nether regions.

Gaylord Cockchafer: That sick asshole is dry humping her! She didn't consent to that! Stop him, referee! We have children in the audience! She never said yes!

The referee tries to stop Trax but he gets fed a Trap Silencer as well! Trax then drags the referee and lays him over Alexis with his crotch on her face.

Gaylord Cockchafer: Poor Alexis! She's got Earl Hebner's old, sweaty balls in her face now!

Trax leaves behind his masterpiece as he heads up the ramp with the fans cussing him out.

Dick Tickler
Luca Arzegotti

Triple Threat
Winner faces Vinnie Lane in the semi-finals at he next Shove It!
For 2,000 X-Bux

After the break, we get everyone to the ring except for Luca who is on the outside resting. Luca is laying face down on a massage table while two, hot Asian bitches with big titties rub his naked body. Well, he does have a towel on, thankfully.

Gaylord Cockchafer: Oh come on! I don't know what a full body rub has to do with the nature of Luca's injury. And why is he doing it next to the ring?

Tush and Dick slowly walk up to each other into the center of the ring. They try to ignore Luca.

"Hey ."

"Hey cunt."







Tush is hit square in the jaw with a right hand hook that sends him flat on his ass. Dick then kicks him right in his front teeth before covering him for the first pin of the match.



Tush kicks out but is still groggy from the effects of the sucker punch, as Dick grabs him in a side control headlock while giving him a noogie. Tush quickly squirms out and gets to his feet, where he runs the ropes and hits Dick with a vicious clothesline. Picking Dick back up he attempts a DDT, but it's blocked as Tush is interrupted with a knee to the balls, the force nearly popping them into an explosion of cum. Dick picks up Tush and hits a bodyslam before... climbing to the top rope?

"Eat this moonsault you shitstained maggot."

Tush is already up at his feet and moonwalk away from the moonsault attempt although it didn't matter anyway as Dick Tickler simply spiked himself straight on his head. Tush walks over and stomps on Tickler's back before kneeling down and bending his fingers into places they shouldn't be bent. He then begins raking the eyes of Dick, what a cheap underhanded tactic!

Meanwhile, Luca has those two masseuses servicing his penis under the towel.

Tush drags Dick to his feet and places his head under Tush's legs. He looks to be setting up a Come Here Driver. Instead, he pelvis thrusts his penis right into Tickler's head, sending him to the ground. He then rolls out the ring and grabs a microphone.

"Luca. I hope you're enjoying your little spa day because I'm about to put this old man down for good, and win this!"

Luca looks up at Tush who's standing over the Dick Tickler. He gets up from the massage table and ties the towel around his waist. Luca is going to compete wearing only a towel!

The crowd goes wild as Luca runs/limps to the ring, sliding underneath the ropes. He beckons Tush to get in the ring with him, who charges right into it attempted to take the #MemeQueen by surprise but Luca drops him with a DDT. Luca then stands over Tush and hits like 10 elbow drops in succession. He goes for the pin.



No! Luca is interrupted however by Dick Tickler, who clothes lines him from behind and then hits a German Suplex. We get a good shot of Luca's package tumbling around under the towel as he flies through the hair with his legs spread wide. He starts kicking him right in his head but Luca gets right back to his feet and hits a punch rally on Tickler before throwing him to the outside. Luca then runs the ropes and hits a suicide dive, both men hitting the concrete floor. Luca almost loses his towel from that one.

Suddenly, Tush runs the ropes as well, hitting Luca with a suicide dive of his own! Dick Tickler stumbles up to his feet half-conscious and slides into the ring. He starts run the ropes and literally throws himself to the outside, but Luca and Tush roll out the way as a flailing Dick smacks against the steel flooring of the entrance ramp, completely overshotting.

Tush and Luca are swinging at each other, punch after punch as suddenly Tush doubles over from a gut kick. Luca spins him around and...


Luca grabs hold of the ropes trying not to collapse due to lack of stamina as Tush's lifeless body slips off onto the floor from the kneeling omega driver. However, the time for standing around is over as a toothless, hating Dick Tickler grabs Luca's leg and pulls him off the apron, landing back first against the floor. He rolls Luca into the ring before he himself follows, as he grabs Luca by the hair and drags him to his feet. Luca counters and hits a brutal brainbuster on Dick Tickler before scaling to the top rope.

The Fuck You And Your Stupid Face Splash connects! Luca hits a majestic Phoenix splash on Dick, quickly followed by a pin.


Tush is up on his feet on the outside and notices the pin attempt!


He slides into the ring!

3! Tush couldn't get there quick enough!

Gaylord Cockchafer: Luca steals this one in his towel! I can't believe it! How did he manage that? He will face Vinnie Lane at our next show as this tournament advances.

Vinnie Lane walks out on stage and raises his title belt in the air.

Gaylord Cockchafer: It will be non-title but it will be an epic battle between the self-proclaimed and the Universal Champion! Up next following the commercial break, we will have our main event between Robbie Bourbon, Rebel Star, and LeStrange! You won't want to miss it!
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[-] The following 5 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (03-06-2016), Mr Killjoy (03-06-2016), Ophelia (03-07-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (03-06-2016), Vincent Lane (03-07-2016)
Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-06-2016, 10:53 PM

Trax is seen walking through the hallways with a sadistic smirk on his face. Steve Sayors approaches him.

Trax, care to share a couple of words regarding your match and your shocking actions afterwards?

Trax swats away the mic SS sticks in his face, which previously attired with a smirk but now plastered with a scowl.

The match? What about it? I went out there and dominated two scrubs like I said I was going to, waste of my time, but hey I made 2000 XBUX, easiest buck of my life, as for my attack on Riot? Nothing personal. I just have a fond dislike of tag team matches and people that rely on me to do the brunt of the work, whether its in the promos or in the ring, reminds me of Robbie Bourbon, who I'll be dealing with real soon. Didn't I just make Riot 2000 XBUX richer too right? She's welcome. Those "shocking actions" was just me reminding people and sending a simple message, management tried censoring me? Go censor THAT. I'm Trax, I can do and say whatever the fuck I want, and if management, Riot, or anyone else has a problem with that, come see me, peace.

Trax barges past SS and heads to his locker room.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Mr Killjoy's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (03-06-2016)
Ophelia Offline
The Truth


XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-07-2016, 02:46 AM

Alice, Ophelia's 'kid sister' is seen sitting on a crate backstage, glaring into the camera.

[Image: chibi2_zps4w9l3vtb.jpg]

"You truly are a smarmy sunnuvabitch, aren't you Traxxie Cab? Not to mention a RAPIST. Well, if you ever tried something like that to me, I'd cut your junk off with a pair of hedgeclippers, you big-headed, smelly rotten ball-licker!! One day you will meet Ophelia again, and I'm simply stating this as a warning. I'm sure you'll brush it off, but it's not a threat, more like a promise or simply a heads-up, you self-absorbed rat BASTARD! You hurt my bubby, and I'll be waiting for the day that the tide turns. Pray."


[Image: ophelia2_zpstx1ql308.png]

The Truth will set you free.
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Equinox Offline
Mr. Ratings

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

03-07-2016, 02:37 PM

Figure with how their family names the kids and all the incest.

[Image: 965490-alice-cooper.jpg]

[Image: q9xELSp.png?1]
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