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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Heavey Metal Weight Championship
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Matt Lennox Offline
I cry like a baby

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05-30-2013, 01:46 PM

Matt is in a pissed off mood still from last weeks defeat. He was never pinned even though he was the legal man. He then heard a noise from inside a room. He looked in and saw a janitor with a mop in his hand. He continued down the hall way toward a staircase and heard someone watching a show. He looked up inside the room from down stairs and made his way up in the room. He looked in and the champion Brian Campbell was watching nip tuck. A terrible show about doctors. Matt runs in and begins beating on the champion. The two went at it as Matt grabbed a lamp instead of a chair and bashed Brian's head and goes for the pin 1-2

[Image: 311kzti.jpg]

1 time XWF Xtreme champion
2 time FTW UFO E1999 champion
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Brian Campbell Offline
Flipping you upside down...

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05-31-2013, 08:11 AM

Matt is in a pissed off mood still from last weeks defeat. He was never pinned even though he was the legal man. He then heard a noise from inside a room. He looked in and saw a janitor with a mop in his hand. He continued down the hall way toward a staircase and heard someone watching a show. He looked up inside the room from down stairs and made his way up in the room. He looked in and the champion Brian Campbell was watching nip tuck. A terrible show about doctors. Matt runs in and begins beating on the champion. The two went at it as Matt grabbed a lamp instead of a chair and bashed Brian's head and goes for the pin 1-2

Nip is in this thread's title.
There is a pin in the title under your name in the word pinning

2 X 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion

[Image: 244w4eq.png]
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