Travis McCoy
The Real McCoy
XWF FanBase: Men, some teens (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)
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03-01-2016, 04:55 PM
In-Ring Name: Travis McCoy
Wrestler's Real Name: Travis McCoy
New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New
Wrestler Date of Birth:11/21/1981
Hometown:St Louis MO
Personality:Confident asshat. Chip on his shoulder.
Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel
Looks Description: Built like HHH (current) Dark hair, blue eyes, hald of Travis' face is semi paralyzed. Mouth and eye both sag. The eye on that side is milky. The other is still a blazing blue
Ring Attire: Long black trunks with kick pads, no shirt, fists taped up the forearm
Ethnicity: White
Pic Base:Tommy End
![[Image: TommyEnd.png]](
Strengths: Grappling/technical wrestling. Travis has been wrestling since he was 15, he's done it all, including high flying in his younger days. Brawling and grappling are just what serves him best now as his age catches up. But a highflying move or a dive can be brought out if need be. He's a bigger Pete Dunne
Weaknesses: High flying/speed, someone as willing to go as low as him.
Entrance Theme Music:"The Red" by Chevelle
Special Entrance (if any):None
5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
German Suplex
Rolling German
Deadlift German
Dragon Suplex
Tiger Suplex
T-bone suplex
Exploder Suplex
Roaring Forearm/elbow
Catch wrestling style shooter submission holds. Will lock on a hold and continue grabbing limbs tweaking the hold bending the opponent further in the wrong direction
Trademark Move(s):"The Real McCoy"
Description(s):Snap powerslam like Orton uses, but with only 3/4 rotation so it ends dropping the opponent on their head in a kind of impact small package drop. Holds it for a pin.
Finishing Move(s): "Seeing Red""Spirit of St Louis" "Sugar Hold"
"Seeing Red"
Spinning tilt-a-whirl piledriver. Piledriver is inverted like the one Owen Broke Austin's neck with
"Spirit of St Louis"
Discus big big. Chris Hero calls it the Cyclone Kill
"Sugar Hold"
Submission hold made famous by Stu Hart, Full nelson camel clutch
Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Really not sure what this one is looking for.
Additional notes:
To know Travis’ future you must know his past, Travis’ Grandfather Theodore McCoy was a boxer his record was 2-138-1 the two wins were decisions…he paid the judges. He then became a wrestler, his record was 3-178-0 his three wins were all intentional disqualifications by his opponents, sometime during this amazing streak Teddy met a women and asked her out, she said no…he didn't listen.
Into the world came Charles McCoy, Teddy saw an opportunity to become a success, this time as a manager, Charles took to wrestling like an autistic kid to the ocean. He loved to wrestle, but wrestling didn’t love him. Charles started losing and Teddy took off, and probably died.
Charles wrestled in St Louis as a jobber, and met his wife at the Chase motel, before a match she lost her virginity to him and Travis was conceived, during that match Charles took a piledriver and broke his neck losing all use of his legs.
Charles saw an opportunity to train Travis as an amazing technical wrestler, but Travis wasn’t tough, and since Charles couldn’t stretch Travis himself Charles hired wrestlers to toughen up his 13 year old son. Travis was beaten senseless by these huge men, but it did toughen Travis and he had no choice but to fight back. Slowly Travis got good and began winning matches. But Charles continued to belittle Travis a main insult being Freak, which Travis has taken as a moniker for himself.
As a bit of revenge to his father Travis mastered the very move that paralyzed his father, the piledriver and many different variations there he gets his second name “Messiah of the Piledriver”
Travis mother sat by and watched Travis get beat up and tossed around, Charles was as rough as he could be from a wheel chair, Travis naturally never fought back. Regardless Travis was closer to his mother until she died.
Travis then came to XWF. While his career was gaining steam here it became obvious that Travis had suffered from multiple concussions throughout his career and that they were beginning to take a toll on him. Travis caught a chair shot and spent the next six months in a coma. When Travis awoke half of his face was paralyzed and he seems to be suffering from multiple personality disorder. The voice he often speaks in appears to be his now deceased fathers
Also, Robbie made this for me and it's fucking dope. I have no idea if or when it can be used but it deserves to be seen.
Travis McCoy
The Real McCoy
XWF FanBase: Men, some teens (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)
XWF Roster Page
Joined: Tue Mar 01 2016
Posts: 204
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Hates Given: 2
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X-Bux: ✘50,000
03-03-2016, 10:08 PM
Updated picture with a CAW my buddy made with my face scan cause he's dope like that.
and added a few things to strengths/weaknesses
Travis McCoy
The Real McCoy
XWF FanBase: Men, some teens (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)
XWF Roster Page
Joined: Tue Mar 01 2016
Posts: 204
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Hates Given: 2
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Hates Given: 2
Hates Received: 3 in 3 posts
X-Bux: ✘50,000
04-10-2016, 06:03 PM
Changed my pic base to a more traditional style. Figured it'd be better for graphics and such.