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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The day my father won a belt...and other things.
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Joey Menos Away
Real MuthaFuckin G'

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-25-2016, 06:51 PM

The Past...

[It’s 1984 and we see a five-year-old Joey at ringside where his father Jimmy Menos is taking on Iron Claw Flair, we see how much his father is struggling against him. Then after the sixty-minute draw, we hear this from the ring announcer.]

RA: Due to this bout exceeding the time limit, we award Jimmy Menos the BWA World Championship.

[Just like that, the fans were cheering for him and Jimmy was awarded the big gold belt. Then we see him reaching for a mic on his hand and we hear from the new champion.]

Jimmy: Look here fans, I worked my but off to become a champion, it took me twenty-two years become who I am today. Even though I almost wanted quit, I kept on going until that bell has rung for a draw.

[Jimmy basks in his cheers and looks directly at his son who was in the front row, and he tells him to hop over the barricades. Young Joey does that and he enters the ring and holding this heavy belt on his shoulder, and his dad kneels on one knee to speak to him.]

Jimmy: Son, I want you to know how much I love you…and how much I appreciate you for supporting me throughout this career of mine. I never was around to watch you grow into this young man I see breofe me, so son… this championship belongs to YOU for the night!

[Young Joey then poses with the heavy belt to the roaring fans. Then both of the Menos boys’ head out to the ring into the backstage, and we see him into his locker room. A minute later his dad hears a knock and opens it to a 5’4 Latina looking lady storms into his room.]

Latina: You Stupido! You Stupido!

[Latina smacks him in the face and Jimmy wanted to punch her, but stops.]

Jimmy: Look, I will give you the money next month; just leave my son and me alone!

Latina: Ah, like you give shit about him, you only let him in the ring to give you good exposure you don’t really care about him.

[Then all we see is Young Joey leaving the locker room in tears with his father newly won belt. As he walks near the gorilla position, Iron Claw Flair greets him with crimson mask on his face drying up.]

ICF: Hey kid, why are you wondering around this place? Don’t you know kids your age shouldn’t be involved with grown folk stuff. Heck when I was your ask I always got myself in trouble for doing things I am not supposed to.

[Then Flair kneels down and pats him on his, and we see him giving him a little BWA medallion necklace. Joey has a smile on his face as he puts it on and we see Flair patting him on his dads’ title.]

ICF: That belt you have on your shoulder, was all just a ruse my little man. Now your father is going to have to tour all over with that belt. My time is up and you will end up like your father in the future being the company man.

[Then ICF laughs evilly as he walks away from Joey, and he starts to look at the shinny heavy belt thinking that one day he will be a company man in his future as the scene fades.]

Current Time…

[We see Joey dressed in athletic sweats and an XWF shirt, as he walks into the promo studio somewhere with Tutus LeStrom who is dressed in million-dollar suit with his hair slicked back. They both stand in front of a XWF logo as he starts to speak on the camera.]

LeStrom: Do you see this man who is going to dominate this Federation, me and this man has been in this biz for long years. We toured to all the promotions and tear down the house down with no fucks given.

[Joey stands there with a mean mug on his face as Tutus continues to speak.]

LeStrom: If you don’t know who I am, I am the Don Fucking King Of Wrestling, the man who turns plain males into men who wear gold on their waist. I am the man who’s going to tell the world how much Joey can kick so much but first…

[Then we see that he pulls out headshots of his future opponents this upcoming Warfare, the first picture he pulls out is Rampsyn. He shows the picture to Joey, and Joey laughs as Tutus shows the picture to the camera with a WTF look on his face.]

LeStrom: Who the hell is Rampsyn? So your telling me that this guy is even hired in XWF? Man people with a name like that makes we wonder what happen to the days of simple names like Rampshaker Lu, Rampstien, or Ramp the syner? Besides his name, he is going to witness how much Joey is going to beat you and make you the next second of Lucifer..i mean.. Rampcifer..

[Then Joey butts in…]

Joey: Rampsyn…. Go back into the woods where you belong… will be the last man TO be crucified on live TV.

[Then Tutus pulls out a really old looking picture of Manson’s stepchild Ophelia. Then Joey snatches the photo, and tears it up as Tutus speaks.]

Tutus: Rampsyn?… Ophelia?... what does this company have to offer besides those two guys who are named after from shitty folklore tales. But this guy Ophelia makes the wonder why he got into XWF in the first place, he makes diary reading look so boring and all emo n shit. He thinks he deserves a shot at that Hart Championship as fucking rookie; Joey has a better chance at having an upset victory against Ghost Tank than him even thinking about fighting against Gilmour. So if he is listing to this message, you will be crucified and too broken to be writing in your pitiful diaries.

[Then we see Joey focusing on the camera, with a cold hard stern look on his face, he speaks once more.]

Joey: Ophellia and Rampsyn, you two will be the ones who are going to be humiliated in that ring on Warfare. The world will know about the new Era of Enos, I’m not walking gimmick unlike you two, I have more experience in this wrestling thing. Tyrone, make sure you have those crosses set with barbwire as place holders, because that will be the night I am going to cement Menos into the brains of the fans and you both will fail, see you two in San Diego.

[Then we see them walk off the stage as the scene fades into satic.]

The Era Of Menos

[Image: 7dc2e7efc3549e8a8488a8b28c53659d.jpg]

The Streak Of Menos
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