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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Crime Lords Bitch Pt 3 / Plus a little bit extra.
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-06-2016, 07:02 PM


Jasmine was in shock, she hadn’t stop shivering since I managed to calm her down. The bullet riddled corpse still lay sprawled across her desk, slowly stiffening as the rigor mortis set in. I hadn’t let her go since I found her sobbing curled up in the corner of the room, gun by her side. I could tell that despite her very attractive toughness portrays on a daily basis to us goon’s, and with her obvious family life, she had never killed before, I doubt even shot a gun before. Halliday had always insisted she have a gun on her presence for protection, especially with all the people he upsets, there was always the worry that one might seek revenge and his own daughter may suffer the consequences of his actions. Don’t et me wrong Jasmine was no saint, but ripping some girls hair out in a bitchy cat fight is a lot different to killing somebody in cold blood. So what had happened, what had driven her to this, who’s was this blood splattered over the normally bright clean white walls. I need to get her to talk so I can help her.

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.

~Albert Schweitzer~

I slowly release my grip from around her shoulders and sit back against the wall next to her. The tears had stopped and her breathing had calmed, but the shivering was un-relenting, it was making me feel as cold as the body over the other side of the room. Taking her hand I turned my head towards her to talk, her eyes were glassy just staring at the damage she had done.

Macbeth: Jasmine, What happened?

No response, not even a twitch she just stares at the body. I took her by her still shaking hand and asked again.

Macbeth: Jasmine, I want to help you but I need to know what happened here, who is that?

Tears began to form in Jasmine’s eyes again as she spoke she burst into tears.

Jasmine: It’s my boyfriend.

I was taken aback, I didn’t know she was in a relationship, the way she flirted with me i truly thought her feelings for me were on par with mine to her. Stop now Chris, i think to myself, this is not the time to be thinking of yourself.

Macbeth: Ok so, what happened?

She wiped her tears before beginning to fill me in on what had happened, and how the body of her boyfriend ended up filled with bullets right here in front of us.

Jasmine: Just after you left, he came into see me. He noticed you leave and was questioning me about you?[/pink]

[lightblue]Macbeth: About me?

Jasmine: Yeah, he was jealous.

Macbeth: “Of what?”

Jasmine:” I don’t know, nothing i guess, he was just a jealous type, always has been.”

Macbeth:” You must have said something to cause him to feel jealous of a random guy walking out of here? I mean he must have seen dozens of your dad’s goons walking in and out of here.”

Jasmine looks down to the floor as if she wants to say something but doesn’t, I continue to question her on the subject but she has turned into a closed book, not saying a word until I finally give up.

Macbeth: Ok fine so what happened here today then?

Jasmine: “He got angry, was threatening to kill me.”

Jasmine slowly lifts her head and turns to face me for the first time, she strokes her hair back showing a black eye. The son of a bitch hit her I thought to myself. I asked her this question, for confirmation and she told me about her violent history with her boyfriend, he would repeatedly hit her for no apparent reason things like is food not being cooked on time, not liking her new haircut and just for his entertainment when he was drunk. This is a real scumbag I thought to myself, deserved what he got. I wouldn’t say this to her though, in her shocked state it was obvious she was feeling remorse for what she had done, and you would do, it’s not a small thing taking a life. She explained that he had gotten jealous and when she denied anything was going on between the two of us he accused her of lying and hit her and she fell to the floor, but the sick scumbag didn’t stop there he continued to kick her in the stomach, legs and chest all around the room. She would try get to her feet but he was just hitting her back down again, until she feel down next to her bag. She reached in and pulled out the gun her dad had given her and pointed it at him, “He just laughed in my face, said I wouldn’t do it, I wouldn’t have easier if he had just left me alone but he was shouting at me, screaming, then he came at me again”.


That the point where she shot him the first two times. She had only caught him in the arm, he continued to shout at her, shouting, screaming, threatening her, that’s when...


She fired of two more shots on striking him in the shoulder, the other in the chest, the fatal blow, the final blow; he would never hurt her again. It was at this point she slumped back against the wall where I found her.

A sad soul can kill quicker than a germ.

~John Steinbeck~

Right we have to move I say to her, a vehicle... we need a vehicle. She pointed towards the door and told me we could use her dads van, its parked out the back. I grabbed the keys from the hook near the door and headed back out into the rain and over to the van. I had just opened the door and was getting in when I heard it, that dreadful noise again...


I rushed back into the room, “Oh god, no” I slump to my knee’s head in my hands as I hear the siren’s approaching and two dead bodies in the room around me.

“Why was I so stupid, why did I leave the gun with her?”

This story will be continued after the few words for one of my next opponents.


Equinox I may have underestimated you, i see now that despite your awful taste in name there is some intelligence there, I agree your only goal should be to concentrate on stopping me from winning the battle royal. However, despite your desire to stop me I would have already beaten, battered and stopped everyone else before you even realise that I have smacked you in the back of head, driven your face into my knees and beaten you as well, this is a big pond for a kid like you to come play in, oh and once I've beat you I'm going to steal your Firefly memorabilia, yes I am a Browncoat, soaring through space on board the almighty Serenity with Kayley and the crew. I do have the hots for that Kayley...Yum.

Kayley and Chris, Sitting in a tree, K.I.C.K - I.N.G your ass all over Tokyo. Bitch!

This is a brown jacket. - I don't have a coat.[Image: sweet-smile-joseph-gordon-levitt-33665782-500-700.png]

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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