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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Immortal (rp 3)
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

12-14-2015, 08:33 AM

Cain in Voiceover Said:

Let me recount to you all a tale. This is a tale of blood, sweat, and pain. Not mine though. I have never bled for more than a second, and pain? I'm not sure that I know what that is. It's the same with sickness. What is that thing a human does when those surrounding them say "bless you"? I think it's called a sneeze.

Immortality would be a curse to most. After all, you watch everyone around you, those dear to you, wither and die while you go on living. Same age, same looks, appearance never changing not one bit.

Sounds terrible, doesn't it? Not to me. I care for noone but myself. Sebastian Duke and Enigma once called themselves my brothers, but I thought of them more as tools. Not in the slang sense, but more in the sense of they could help me get where I wanted, no deserved, to be.

Now some people may tend to disagree with my claims. Some people call me a liar, a fake. But I'll be the first to push forth on them my credentials. The killing of my brother was the first. He was what you'd call a "goody goody".  Always kissing up to our mother and father. He made me sick. So I killed him. I bashed his head in with the jaw of an ass. 

Many people question the soldier who drove the Spear into Jesus Christ's side. It was me, but my reasoning would have been considered merciful by some. However, I drove the Spear into his side out of love for a vengeful, hateful God who teaches me that the only true salvation is through death. 

These filthy monkies do not deserve mercy.

I cannot allow any good to exist in this world anymore because these monkies, like Mason Prince, do not deserve it.

Mason Prince is the "New kid" in town. And by "kid" I mean he is young. Naive. This poor fool has no idea of the forces with which he is dealing. He has no idea of the power I possess, of what I am capable of. Perhaps he doesn't believe that I will kill him if I see fit. Perhaps he doubts my claims like everyone else.

In any event I have been doing this a hell of a lot longer than he's been alive, and at Back In Black he will know me as the Last Son of Eden. He will fear me as the last true beast in existence. He will believe in Cain.

Setting: Wooded road somewhere in Atlanta, Georgia

Year: 1977

The roar of the engine was accompanied by the sound of Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear The Reaper" and the laughter of teens, three to be exact.

The boy driving, no older than 17, was Sean Montana. You heard right, and yes he is the high school jock who's mother and father are loaded. They bought him this sixty seven Impala, black, that he now pushes to the limit to impress the girl sitting next to him.

Her name is Jessica Langsley, the head cheerleader. She is the best looking girl at school with her hourglass figure, Sandy blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. She had just the right amount of freckles to let you know that she had them all over in that sexy way that makes old pervs horny. Her best friend is SO jealous.

Her best friend is Jennifer Nelson, a nerd young virgin with a mousey personality. Her hair is the color of milk chocolate and freckles cover her face, her complexion pale like ivory. 

The three were out for a joyride when they just happened upon a figure standing on the side of the road. Jessica blinked and looked at Sean."Babe! Did you see that girl?!?"

He slowly let his foot off of the gas, the monster losing speed a bit as he looked into the rear view mirror. "Seriously? Jess, you need to stop smoking pot! There's noone there!"

"Dammit Sean, I saw someone! It was a girl about our age!"

Jennifer sighed and looked out into the pitch black woods. She could see nothing there, but she had this terrible feeling. It was if they were being watched. Like something was hunting them. 

"There's ... noone ... there. You're seeing things! Now stop it, we've got to get to Jared's place for the part-.."
Just as he punched the accelerator, the car bumped as a thud was heard. He'd hit something, and whatever it was, it flew over the roof. "-fuck! Was that a person!"


"Shit shit shit! I told you so, you hit that girl!"

Sean planted his head into the steering wheel, the car horn beeping. He looked to Jess, his eyes wide as he yelled. "Shut the hell up Jess! It was probably a fucking deer or something!"

Cain Voiceover Said:I've been doing this a long, long time. I am a master hunter, as you will see from this particular encounter with three stupid teens. Oh, and my bait.

"Guys! It's moving and it looks a young woman..."

"Oh bullshit..." ignoring the ugly girl as usual, he looked to Jessica. Of course the pretty young blonde sat there, lips pursed with her arms crossed. "...babe?"

"....don't fucking speak to me."

He sighed and tried to slide his arm around her, but she pushed him away. "Awww come on ba-"

"First of all, don't you ever yell at me ever again. Secondly, you might want to make sure that's actually a deer back there."

Jennifer waved her arms. "Guys! It wasn't a deer! It was a woma-"

"-Gah, fine! Anything to get you two to shut the hell up!"

Cain Voiceover Said:Oh, lovely idea it was. Silence the two women, make yourself look like a bad ass. Back when I was growing up, we didn't have to show the size of our testicles to impress women. I am a true and real man turned monster and always have been. My bait was still alive...

 The young Sean stepped over to the young woman, who was just barely twitching. Sean knelt next to her, pushing her blood stained blonde hair from her face. She was already turning cold to the touch, covered in bruises, and her body was contorted in a sick way. Sean stood and pulled at his hair. "Fuck! What-"  he paced back and forth. "-the fuck did we do?!"

"Is she dead?! Shit Sean, we gotta go! I can't go to prison, they'll tear me up on the inside!"

Jennifer couldn't shake this feeling. She looked out past the "crime scene", her "witch instincts" were going insane at this point. Every hair on her arms stood on edge. Then...the radio suddenly went to an unbearable static noise. She slowly looked to the radio, eyes wide as an evil laughter began to loop. A child's laughter.

Click! Click!

Both locks clicked shut. The awkward silence slash static was then pierced by a blood curdling scream, then another. Except the first scream came from Sean. Jessica screamed next as she saw a beast of a man rip her boyfriend to shreds, pulling his intestines out with ease. The Beast's eyes then flashed as he eyed the other two teens in the car, dragging the intestines of Sean toward the Impala.

Still attached...

Cain Voiceover Said:You see, my violence doesn't see gender. My murderous intent is for every monkey polluting my world. Big, tall, fat, small they are blemishes. They are a virus.

You are a virus, Mason Prince.
The Beast dutifully tied the young man's intestine to the bumper as the girls screamed, looking at him through the blood stained black glass. When they saw him stand and ring his wrists, he was moving around toward the passenger side window with a purpose.

Jessica looked at Jennifer, eyes red and swollen from her sobbing. "Oh my god! He's dead!" she screamed hysterically.

Jennifer slapped Jessica. SMACK! "Snap out of it, Jess! Get in the driver's seat, hit the gas and get us the fuck out of here!"

"But Sean...."

"Fuck Sean! Drive!"

Jessica jumped into the driver's seat of the bad ass car and punched the gas, yet they went nowhere. The Beast just laughed. It was a cold laugh, like a maniac playing with his prey. 

Meanwhile, Sean...was still barely alive. Well, for about as long as it took for the dumb blonde to put the Impala in drive and speed forward. The young man'a body was torn completely in half guts flying everywhere. 

Jessica screams loudly as The Beast landed on the roof of the car. Glass pelted her face and a large, clawed hand grasped her throat. The car swerved off the road, and ...


Jess felt her skull cave in, then she slammed headfirst into a tree. 

The Beast...Cain...was not even scratched. Jennifer looked up at him wide eyed as she stumbled onto the cold ground, glass embedded in her left eye, blood oozing from the socket.

"You can live."

She coughed up blood onto her hands, her body shivering from the cold air and pain. She watched as he turned his back on her and began to walk away. "Wait...*cough cough"

He stopped and looked back at the girl.

"Why....why...won't you kill me? Aren't you afraid I'll go to the cops?"

He laughed and shrugged, commenting as he disappeared into the shadows... "Go ahead. Tell my story, child."

Cain Voiceover Said:And so you, Mason Prince will tell my tale. You will recount every bit of pain which I inflict upon you and you will serve as a warning to those who would make the same mistake you are making by challenging the Angel of Death.

You have two days, Mason Prince. You're not a dumb teenager, you're an adult. So...I won't be so nice.

See you Wednesday, boy.

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Immortal (rp 3) - by Cain - 12-14-2015, 08:33 AM

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