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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes (May 25th) PPV RP Archive
The Forgotten Day (RP #4 - Tag Title Match)
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Crimson Cobra Offline
Dat Crimson Boy

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

05-23-2013, 01:56 PM

He thinks that I have perished…

He thinks that I am no more….

He thinks that his clan of Crimson Knights can save him from destruction…

He is wrong….

I will only return stronger….

The migraine slowly leaves Cobra’s head and the words he has heard are gone. Was it a warning, the storm of the inner demons had only come to the eye, the calm before the storm perhaps? No matter this was not the biggest worry on the mind of the crimson warrior. With ninjas attacking, a woman asking him to keep his partner safe so she may kill him and the tag team championship match getting ever closer Cobra had a full plate already.

An arch enemy has finally been defeated, David was obviously crippled after the battle with KnightMask. The jiu jitsu player wouldn’t give up and forced KnightMask’s hand, he forced KnightMask to leave ethics behind and leave the man as a stain in the concrete. David would never make the mistake of crossing the path of the incredibly skilled team again. But with one enemy defeated would this leave a new one in charge? Natalie Rodrigo, the disappearing woman. She comes out of nowhere to attack Cobra for the crime of leaving KnightMask in a wheel chair after their epic battle on Ultimate Wednesday Night Warfare so many weeks ago.

So many scenarios are sent rumbling in Cobra’s over active imagination. What could happen, what should happen, what will not happen, but then again all of this is just what he believes and could be proven wrong at any moment couldn’t it?

The woman could pop out right now and slit Cobra’s throat leaving KnightMask all to herself and leaving Cobra dead on the sidewalk.

“Why am I so worried about a chick dressed up as a damn ninja?” Cobra asks himself as he continues to ponder all of the possibilities.

Lightning strikes and Cobra is reminded of the little boy who warned him of the oncoming storm. The boy was right but Cobra’s knowledge was much deeper than towards the storm of rain and lightning, the clash of titans, the battle of gods was about to commence and this would bring a greater rain than any other storm before it!

Just as KnightMask is forced to deal with his own enemies by himself Cobra has been plagued with the same problem. The migraine headaches return with yet another message. Cobra is paralyzed by the pain and can do nothing but sit still, squinting his eyes and wincing at the powerful waves of pain radiating from his head.

It is almost funny to see you thinking you escaped…

You don’t even know what happened that night do you… ?

Allow me to show you…

Cobra’s eyes open but instead of seeing the street that was once in front of him it looks as if he is in a boiler room. He had been here before. Chains wrapped his body, restraints held his arms and legs to a chair. Turning his head Cobra sees that chair with the chains cut off. He looks left and right and the scene is just too familiar. The thick black clouds of smoke are still lingering from when the demon took his father. Just as Cobra did before he took off following the trail.

For some reason Cobra couldn’t remember anything past this point happening, it all seemed to be a bright white blur in his mind.

But still he continued down the halls until he escapes the darkness of the smoke. Crimson Cobra realizes that he took a wrong turn and goes back into the smoke, following the smoke as if it were to lead him through a maze. The pipes continued down the halls with Cobra water and steam running through each one. The thickness of the smoke seems to clear up as the narrow hallway opens into a room just like the one Cobra was being held captive.

Only in this room there was no chair with chains upon it but instead two men looking exactly alike fighting to the death. It would be impossible to tell which man was the real one if it weren’t for the demon’s deep, deathly tone of voice. A punch from one of the men sends the other flying back along with the blood that has spurted out of the cut on his face.

The blood splatters across Crimson’s cheek and makes him flinch, he slowly realizes that it was only blood and he wipes it off. Knowing that one of the men is his father who wants to kill him and the other a demon who wants to kill both of them Cobra is unsure on whom to help. His only options are death and he knows that he won’t be getting out of the situation alive.

While being held down the man on the bottom of the fight is getting punched repeatedly in the face. The cut grows and more blood leaks from him onto the cold, hard flooring. Another punch coming is stopped but a palm catching the punch. The man onto looks towards his hand and follows the arm back to its owner… Crimson Cobra?

“Don’t interfere while daddy is busy! He well be ready to give you your punishment in a moment!” The raspy demonic voice is heard and Cobra can now tell the two apart. The demon is on top of his father beating the life out of him while Cobra does nothing but watches.

Cobra has had enough and is ready to kill the both himself and winds back his foot to punt the demon off of his father. It comes flying towards the look alike of his father and sends him rolling. As the demon comes to a stop he looks over towards Cobra with his cold dead eyes. The stare is intimidating but Cobra knows he must hold his ground. The demon lifts himself back up to his feet and cracks his neck twice both times in a different direction. He breathes out hard, an annoyed and angry sigh, letting Cobra know it is time to fight.

This vision is all too vivid…

Is this reality… ?

A single punch from the demon sends him flying across the room, his head hits a metal pipe and Cobra goes down hard. The demon is still not satisfied and continues to advance towards him.

It has to be real, that actually hurt....

A cold hand wraps Crimson’s neck and begins to choke him. He is lifted up to his feet but then the demon continues to lift him higher and hold him in mid-air choking him. Cobra’s strength is nothing compared to this undead warrior as he continually fails in his attempts to break the hold.


The tunnel vision takes over Cobra’s eye sight and the already dark room is made darker, all he can see now is the man standing in front of him, choking the life out of him. He squirms, punches and kicks at the man attempting to regain his breath but the lights are about to go out on this bulb.

The last thing Crimson is able to hear before his hearing shuts down is the sound of his own choking. The last thing Cobra sees before his vision blurs is a shining bright light that seems to appear out of nowhere.

The light forces the demon to not only drop Dakota but to also cower in fear. The demon dashes to the darkness needing to heal its wounds that have been attracted from the light. But it is as simple as returning to the shadows for the monster to heal.

Crimson’s hearing slowly returns to normal and he hears the battling of words.

“Why have you come here I can finish him on my own!”

“I will not allow you to hurt my son any longer!”

From the bright light a beautiful woman appears. Her hair color matches that of Cobra’s but the length is much different, the woman has something coming out of her back… and what is that over her head?

It is too hard for Cobra to make out many details from his vision still being dampened as a cause of the choke. The darkness only grew darker and Cobra’s bad vision only grew worse.

But her voice he had heard it before, somewhere that felt like a dream. The angelic voice still rang in his ears as he waited to fully recover before standing.

“Be GONE! Fowl demons of the underworld! You are banished back to the planes of oblivion where you shall continue to suffer for your wrong doings!” She spoke again, and even in the angry tone Crimson could tell that she is a loving woman.

The blur coming back to clarity shows Cobra the unthinkable. HIS MOTHER! She has returned and saved his life, she had returned for the second time. Cobra raced to his feet and over to where she once was. Reaching the spot he only gets a face full of white smoke. His mother had come and gone without him even realizing it.

You see boy….

The fool only rid you of your demon…

She forgot the one thing that will actually kill you….


Cobra feels the intense migraine yet again and grabs onto his head. His eyes slam shut and he feels as if the world is spinning, as it slows down and the head ache leaves he is able to open his eyes again.

Cobra finds himself lying on the sidewalk to the street he was once walking on. People are all crowding around him and checking on him. There is a baseball that has rolled just inches away from Cobra’s head and he touches his head finding that the ball had left and imprint on it. Cobra sits up and shakes his head.

“I’m real sorry about that mister. I didn't mean to hit you in the face!” A young boy is apologizing to Cobra for connecting with the ball and sending it right at Cobra apparently knocking him out.

Cobra smiled and gave the kid two thumbs up as he walked off in a hurry. Now that he could remember what happened that day with his father and the demons he only had one question.

Where are my parents?

1x Quote of the Moment
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x Tag Team Champion

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The Forgotten Day (RP #4 - Tag Title Match) - by Crimson Cobra - 05-23-2013, 01:56 PM

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