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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
He who makes a beast out of himself(rp #1 vs Anthony Steele)
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The Reverend Tholomew Plague Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-10-2015, 12:55 AM

"He who makes a beast of himself, get's rid of the pain of being a man,"- Dr. Johnson

I can't believe he would dare try to speak to me after he left me with my mother, just one day walked up and left

my father

Are you going to sit down Jim, or am I going to have to come to you?

Did you forget the part where you left me with Satan as a child

Hey, no matter what you want to think, your mother was not Satan, she went through much worse as a child then she put you through

So that's suppose to make it alright for her to treat me like that, cause it sounds like you're just trying to justify her means for basically fucking up my childhood, for all the times she hit me, clawed me, kick me, spit on me, smashed the metal part of a belt into my face......are you saying that's ok because she was supposedly abused much worse, are you serious right now?

Look Jim, I'm not trying to justify what she did at all....but you can't take that out on me, I left because I was sick of seeing it and being screamed at and threatened, I'm sorry if that had some impact on you but I can't help that now, so come on and have a drink with me Jim, I've been keeping this spot right here open for you for....God almost an hour and a half. Come sit with me, don't make my efforts go to waste,

As reluctant as I am to want to sit anywhere near him after he left me with my mother, who as far as I am concerned is the worst person I have ever met, he is right, I can't blame him for her actions....I make my way over to him and order a whole bottle of vodka from the bartender, I sit there for a little bit, I see on the news someone T-Boned another person and killed them in a 3-vehicle car accident, as the third car was behind the one that had it's side smashed in......I try not to pay too much attention to detail

Are you sharing that or are you going to drink yourself to death?

I have never drank a whole bottle in one sitting and I don't attempt to start now, but no I am not sharing with you

Damn, well at least I got you over here

We sit there and talk about what has happened since I last saw him when I was ten, he apparently got married shortly after the divorce, I couldn't tell him I was pansexual, if there is one thing I know is that both my parents would have yelled at me about how I am wrong this or it's against God's plan that. I just tell him that Trevor, my girlfriend and soon-to-be wife Ashley, and myself all put money toward the place we currently live in and we've been there for about 3 years now, and how I am now wrestling for the X-Treme Wrestling Federation, he informs me he watched the ppv, I then inform him I have a match Wednesday against another rookie named Anthony Steele, I never hated my dad, we actually got along great, but when he left me, didn't even try as far as I am aware, to get custody of me, things changed, I just couldn't bring myself to visiting him even after my mother passed away from her kidneys and liver failing. As much as I hated her I did try to warn her that all that diet coke was she was consuming was going to come back and bite her in the ass, and I was right, I actually lived on my own during my last year of high school, and that was my happiest year of school. I don't know how long I was sitting there before I received a call from Trevor

Jimmy, can you back to to the house soon, we need to talk.

Yeah I guess, Trevor you sound worried, what's wrong?

Just get back to the house soon OK?

On my way

I pop the cork back in the bottle of vodka and turn to my father

I gotta go, Trevor wants to talk about something,

It was nice talking Jim

I make my way to the door and begin the same walk I took here in reverse, during this time I finally take the time to think about Wednesday, Anthony Steele, based on my knowledge he is a decent fighter, but I know I can take him, so I am not too worried. I don't remember how long I walk for, partially because I am fucking drunk and partially because I don't remember how long it had been walking to the bar in the first place, for some reason I start thinking about July 23rd, 1994. The day I was almost drowned,

the reason I hate my mother.

She was bitching about bill payments and other shit with my dad, nothing out of the ordinary. However then she stormed the bathroom, the words echo in my brain.


I don't know what the hell I was thinking getting drunk with my dad, it just brought back too many memories that I was gone. Finally I reach my door to find....

a cop?

No what did I do? What could I have done to get a cop here.

He tries holding me back but when I tell him who I am I march in and there I see Trevor, on that same damn couch.


What's going on here Trevor?

[color=#6B8E23]Did you watch the news?

The car crash pops into my head......

What happened Trevor, just tell me what happened, are you alright?

It wasn't me in the accident, I am fine.......

Who was it then Trevor? Just tell me already man, quit trying to conceal this information from me, I want to know, I NEED TO KNOW!

He looks down at the ground


He looks up and at this moment I realize what he is getting at, I can see it in his eyes, his beautiful hazel eyes, my head begins spinning at a hundred miles an hour, it takes a lot to keep myself from throwing up and collapsing on the ground as I wait for him to say the inevitable. I already know who it is......

It's Ashley Jim, she's gone....

Once I finally hear it I let darkness consume me and collapse

[Image: udr4SEL.jpg.]

[Image: 1309562639969_f.jpg]

Win/Loss record:2-3

Accomplishments: 1x Xtreme Champ (8/23/2015-9/2/2015(aired on 9/4/2015) Length:11 Days)

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He who makes a beast out of himself(rp #1 vs Anthony Steele) - by The Reverend Tholomew Plague - 08-10-2015, 12:55 AM

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