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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
2. Life of The Party!
Author Message
CjSharpe Offline
TheHardcoreHitman/ TheNorweiganNightmare

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-07-2015, 04:34 PM

The scene opens at a filled parking lot. Loud music is clear heard. A Pagani pulls up and CJ Sharpe opens the door. He gets out and he is wearing a pair of blue jeans with the bottoms rolled up, A black v-neck shirt, a pair of black and white convers, and a pair of sunglasses. He closes the door and bangs on the top. The other door opens and Chameleon pops out. He is wearing his mask, A Dope Show hoodie and black jeans. Then Anthony Steele pops out. He is wearing a blue and yellow letterman jacket, Khakis and a pair of Nikes. They step to the sidewalk and CJ hands the Valet his keys.

Chameleon: This really isn't my scene... Can we just go?

CJ: Hell no! This might not be your scene but its damn well my scene! Right Anthony!

Anthony: I have to agree with Chameleon man... We have a big match coming up..

CJ: Calm your tits... Just come on!

The three men walk to the entrance and open the door. The music gets louder and Chameleon plugs his ears.

DJ: This is DJ No Nirvana and you are at Electric Night club!! We have a special guest tonight! Please welcome.. The party animal of The Dope Show, CJ Sharpe! Come up here CJ!!

CJ walks past women with skin tight dresses and men trying to get some. He gets up to the DJ booth and grabs a microphone.

CJ: Hey DJ Double N! I'm hear with two fellow members The Dope Show, Chameleon and Anthony Steele!

Chameleon rolls his eyes and finds a booth with nobody around it. He sits on one side and Anthony sits on one side.. Chameleon puts in his headphones.

Anthony: What are you listening to?

Chameleon: What!

Anthony: I said.. Who are you listening to?

Chameleon: Oh. Black Dahlias murder!

Anthony: Oh..

The camera goes back to CJ at the DJ booth.

CJ: Who sucks?

Crowd: The Dangerous Alliance!

CJ: What do they suck?

Crowd: Donkey dicks!

CJ: Who is going to beat them?

Crowd: The Dope Show!

DJ: Let me ask you some questions CJ!

CJ: Shoot DJ double N!

DJ: What do you think of your opponents at madness?

CJ: Well DJ Double N.. They are nothing to me.. Like lets take Dildo Faggins for example.. He has some real skill... Not! It doesn't take skill to say 2000 swear words.. It takes skill to be real! That's something Frodo isn't! He is a fake bitch! He doesn't belong on this earth under our great God Almighty! Amen! He is more worthless then a piece of dog shit on a field of grass! He is already disputing who is the leader of The Not So Dangerous Alliance.. Double D Twinkie tits or Dean Moxley McShithead.. That's the beauty of The Dope Show... We don't have captains.. We are all equal.. Just like America.. Every man is created equal!

Everybody goes crazy at the the sound of that...

DJ: You told my sources earlier that you have a present for everyone here! What is that present CJ?

CJ: I have coupons for everybody here to go on and get a free Dope Show Tshirt and Jacket! Like these here!

[Image: LAHZYaS.png]

[Image: PjAhAEs.png]

[Image: EKwDwPr.png]

[Image: 5ie4XIK.png]

DJ: Those are nice CJ! Can I have one?

CJ: Of course you can DJ double N! Just go on the XWF shop!

DJ: I'm hopping on that when I get home!

CJ: Good Idea!

DJ: Now we have patron questions for CJ! Whoever wishes to ask him a question just raise your hand!


Chameleon and Anthony are sitting there. Chameleon is listening to music. Anthony is playing a game on his phone. All of the sudden a waitress comes up to the men.

Waitress: Would you to like anything to drink or eat?

Anthony: Can I have a Mountain Dew?

He looks at Chameleon..

Anthony: Make that two please!

Waitress: Anything to eat?

Anthony: Can I have some Cheese fries?

Waitress: Coming right up!

The camera goes back to the DJ booth and people are raising there hands..

DJ: Yes you in the pink dress what's your name?

Woman: Chelsea!

DJ: Ok Chelsea.. What's your question?

Chelsea: What do you plan to do to your opponents at Madness?

CJ: I plan to make them suffer! I want them to beg me to stop! I want them to scream in agony! I want them to beg and plead for there lives.. I know that there lives are in the hands of The Dope Show! Next Question!

DJ: Yes you in the Blue Polo Shirt! What's your name?

Man: Henry!

DJ: OK Henry.. What's your question?

Henry: Who do you want to destroy most coming into this match?

CJ: Darren Dangerous.. He has a big mouth.. I want to shut it!

DJ: That's all the time we have! Thanks and enjoy the party!

CJ steps down from the DJ booth and starts dancing. Anthony is drinking his Mountain Dew and eating his Cheese fries and Chameleon is listening to music as the scene fades to black.

[Image: zIWvLZo.jpg]

[Image: Q662NgF.jpg]

Morbid Angel!
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2. Life of The Party! - by CjSharpe - 08-07-2015, 04:34 PM

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