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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes (May 25th) PPV RP Archive
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Alex Richards Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

05-18-2013, 07:53 PM

[OOC: Enjoy this shit, plus no rereads :)]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQt5eu_TwqMX2gWZrPLdu6...hA4qLNG0kQ]

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion. Hebbel

It's a sunny day beautiful day, when I woke up from my dark nightmare’s. I roll out of master bed to the smooth floor. I had these nightmares’ going on for my whole life. But as long as I had the music box; which belong to my sister the nightmares wasn't that terrible. These are the same nightmares that make me sweat. The same nightmares that bring someone like me to their tears. If you could look into my dreams; the first thing you will say is “How could anyone live through that!”

I slowly get up from the smooth floor I made my way to my big beautiful window. I begin to slowly open the curtains. I pull on the rope and the bright sun slowly entered my dark filled room. Just by the site of the sun including my beautiful backyard; made the dark thoughts of my nightmares disappeared away. I knew it will be an awesome day now.

Why wouldn't it be awesome? Every day I get to be the good looking, talented son of a bitch in the world Alex Fucking Richards.. A guy that every women wish she had; plus what every guy wanted to be. Just thinking about it increased my Ego ten ford than ever before. But is it good to have a right Ego? Being confident at what you do. Showing what you can bring to the table. Or is it deadly to have an Ego like I do?

Well from what I have achieved in my career. I should have a very big Ego in the world. The right to brag about everything I do or have done in the past. But when I walked out of my room into the hallway I could feel the emptiness inside of my heart, the pain I went through my entire life. I try my best to hide the pain. But some way in hell it leaks out again; the pure hate and anger of it all. This is how I unleash that that hate and the pain. But destroying whoever I face in that ring.

But when I am not in the ring I can't stop feeling depressed about the memories, the deep dark memories that cross my mind each time. I slowly pull the music box for my pocket. I begin to lose my train of thought; slowly the dark memories begin to fill my head. I try with every each to battle the demons inside the best I could. Before the memories could reach my mind I quickly put it back in my pocket. I hide the memories from the rest of the world; to most of the world I am having fun! For someone of my lifestyle I am having a fucking blast. But the truth is I am dying in the inside. That is why I put all my passion in everything I do in that ring. This ring is my antidote from the signs of the pain.

It is a beautiful way to leave the real world to tell the truth. I know what you thinking in your small mind; why would some like me want to leave the real world?

Well, most of the times having a life like mine. Always in the spot light! Everyone knowing your name! Waiting and watching your every move! This kind of life gets tiring at times; but that is the life for a person that owns a company. 

Oh yeah! I didn't know? Sucks for you bitches.

But at times it gets very boring. But to most people I am having fun. When people think of me, these are simple facts that come to their mind.

1. Going out partying all night.

2. Drinking and smoking and making money.

3. Having beautiful girls always wanting your body.

I know what you thinking right now, how can you get tired? Well you don't live the life of Alex Fucking Richards at all. You see, since coming to XWF. Everybody start watching out for this place again. I know what you are thinking his Ego, is about to start a rampage again?

You damn right it is, because it's the fucking truth. Like, nobody cared about this place. Nobody at all, when I saw the rating I was lost for words. Not lost for words not in a good way mind you; but in a bad way.

But they were fucking terrible that is the way I am here to Devour the whole everyone. Next on my list is World-1 and Mike Cross!

I begin to walk through the hallways of this beautiful house all paid for by yours truly Alex Richards. I begin to walk down the soft steps. I finally reached the bottom step and stanched with a sound of a yawn comes out my mouth. I begin step my foot down on the cold, hard, wooden floor; I head right into the kitchen. I go to the refrigerator and grab a beer. Which by the way it is, nice and cold just how I like it. I know it will hit the spot on a sunny morning like this. I walk over to the couch and takes a seat and cross his legs; Alex begins to opened beer slowly.

The sound of the can echoed throughout the empty house. As you see the messy hair of Alex and the shirt he is wearing. You can tell that he is not a morning person at all. Alex takes another drink of his beer. These were the days that Alex's enjoys the most; the fact that it seems so peaceful on these days like this.

But in the awesome mind of the great Alex Richards. He realized that he has to go to work; He being a wrestler is a hard job to tell the truth. You might say someone that slams dudes bodies on the mat; which is not gay. Kicking everyone’s ass in the ring; also seeing beautiful half naked girls. How could that be hard?

Well, because it simply is. But I will not get into details or complain about it right now. But trust me it is a hard job to do. But I do get passion breaking motherfucker’s neck. As Alex bring the beer can to his lips, he shallows down the rest of his beer. 

Alex begins to think to himself “This is my first PPV in XWF” Which by the way is called High Stakes. At this very event I will be facing World-1 and Mike Cross in a match. Did I do something wrong? Is it because I state the truth in my promos? Or maybe it is because I am here to have fun and devour everyone?

I don't know, but I don't give damn ether, why in the bloody hell. I am facing lame ass talent like this is beyond me. Please gods give me answer I don't understand. When I stated to everyone I don't want a match, with some sorry ass talent he does just that.

Alex begins to shake his head in disbelief.

But it's alright for the most part. I don't have anything personal against them at all. Beside World-1 being a fucking jobber; and Mike Cross being some weak ass mid-card talent; Trying to think that he will achieve so much in this place. But when we are in the ring, I will kick his bitch ass all over the area on the PPV. He will really know that he is a low card dumb ass hoping to make it big.

Can you feel that bitch?

Alex winks at the camera.

~Fades to Black~

Ego Time Bitches

It has finally fuck come, Alex Fucking Richards has a match at a PPV. Not just any match mind you, this match right here is a triple threat match. A match where anything; can happen in the world. But in this not one of those times. Just look at who the fuck I am facing in this match! World-1 and Mike always suck dick Cross! How it’s going guys? Are you having fun so far? Sadly right now you’re fucked! But do you know why?

It is a real simple answer you’re facing Alex Fucking Richards! The guy that takes your women, a guy with so much talent he makes you bitches shit on yourselves. I am like Jesus in this fucking sport! But sadly my skills are wasted on beating two lame ass stars for the most part. A guy named World-1 that is basically everyone’s bitch including John Black’s! Sad don’t you think? That shit don’t even cut it! But tell me something? Why should I even talk about this motherfucker? Whatever you say or do it won’t change the fact you are my bitch in and outside that ring! Plain and fucking simple and too the fucking point. You will be nothing but a fucking joke here.

Now we have come to the next motherfucker Mike always shitting on himself Cross! Before this lame ass motherfucker; right here try and his best attempt to say something Intelligent. Before he makes; himself look like a complete ass. I have something to say before that, which is how in the fuck are you here? Why did you join XWF huh? Now that I got that question out where was I? Oh right look here Mike Cross you get the chance of getting your ass whipped by Alex Richards in your first match! Sounds awesome don’t it? You can put that on your job application for Burger King after I kick your ass. See Mike I know guys like you, guys that will try and look for ammo to use against me in this match. Trying to use every dirty trick to get in my head! But look here, that shit is not going to work playa. Those Jedi mind tricks aren't going to get to me play boy. But it was a nice try right?

Alex begins to clap.

You see Mike I checked your bio for this company! I All I seen was the same ways boring worthless shit. I see day in and day out of this company, you see Mike when management thought about signing you to this match you was already fucked. I bet currently your scraping up some kind of materials to battle my words. But it is clearly too late for that shit now. I bet right now you’re sitting in your room, pissing on yourself hoping that playing Call of Duty gets you’re off the fact I made you my bitch in the ring.

This is what you call Competition?

I don't think ether of you is, Is that a bad thing?

You damn right it is. You see World-1 you can say how you beat those two people here; and Mike you can say how you did all that shit somewhere else. But I am nothing like nothing you ever faced before. I am on my own level of awesomeness. No matter how hard you try. No matter whom you beat? I will still be better than you. I will always be better than you even when it’s your good day and my bad day.

Then you have some like me, Alex Fucking Richards.

You have the guy who will change the way others view this company, the guy who will bring entertainment to those all around the world, the guy who is going to make a difference.

"The Real American Icon" Alex Richards, the best thing star this company can product.

There’s a ring to it, but I guess I need to add something else for the moment.

The guy who’s going to win this fucking match, the guy who's going to win Every title and fuck your bitches while doing it, the guy who is going to be your hero and your icon.

The faster you all realize that, the faster that you bow to me, the faster that you lay for me-the faster that your suffering will end and the faster you'll be spared of the pain and humiliation that I will plague you with on the PPV.

Thank you this message was brought to you by Alex Richards; I'm off.


[Image: richards.png]

The pain has come. Safety is no longer guaranteed. Your worst nightmare is here.

Life, as you know it, is forever over.

Can you feel it yet?
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Passion - by Alex Richards - 05-18-2013, 07:53 PM

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