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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
July 4th Weekend
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Glisten Offline
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07-07-2015, 10:12 AM

     "Loud noises. People screaming with joy. Fire and explosions. Red, White, and Blue. Songs that send chills up your spine. People upon people upon people crowding together to see the great spectacle. Celebrating freedom. It was a beautiful weekend as we drank in the fun. Oh, the fireworks and celebration of the nation's independence was nice too."

JULY 4, 2015

     Surrounded by people, Glisten, was throwing a large party in the great state of California. They all were drinking a wide variety of drinks, from non-alcoholic to alcoholic. Women and men, all shapes and sizes, wearing revealing clothing were enjoying themselves baking in the sun on the beach, boats, and swimming in the water. It seemed like it was a party designed for kings, or possibly the last spring break party in the world.
     Glisten rarely made public appearances without his usual gold and black face paint that seems to be his identity, but today was a day he was without it. He doesn't have the greatest body as far as physic goes, but because of his mentality it came to no shock when he wore a red, white and blue thong. He didn't even stand out. He was blended with a large crowd who appeared to be carefree about how they looked. It was a time of fun and celebration. Of course, most of those people just joined in because the free booze and sluttiness going on.
     A few people, who were not expecting anything but wild fun, caught Glisten's eye. He paid attention to everything going on around him but a small group just seemed to catch his focus more than anything else. As the day went on and the party got more wild, he saw an opportunity to approach the group. It consisted of four women (red head, two blondes, and a brunette) and three men who looked like they were in terrific shape.

     "You all having fun?" Glisten said to the group, but his attention was on the ladies.

     "Oh yeah!" the girls all screamed, while the men weren't too pleased.

      Glisten noticed the men's reactions when he came up to them. To help smooth things over, he said,. "I bought everything. I put this on for everyone and just want to make sure everyone is having a great time." He noticed everyone was a bit more at ease realizing he is the one in charge of the fun everyone is having. Since their guard was down, Glisten pushed the envelope a little bit further, and asked, ""This really is just level one. There's a lot more fun happening on my yacht if you are interested in taking the party there." Everyone seemed to be in agreement and Glisten led them all to his yacht.

      Several hours later, the group Glisten had led to his yacht for a bigger party were waking up. It was night out and the 4th of July celebration was still going on outside. They couldn't remember what all happened and felt confused, but they thanked Glisten for the fun and left. Glisten laid there in a large bed, smoking a thick cigar with a big smile on his face.

     "There's always a camera on where I am. Why? Because there's always something exciting to capture. So much noise. High piercing screams and a lot of explosions. This was a very unforgettable evening. That red head was simply delightful. Perhaps I'll send them a copy, or they could just stumble upon it on the internet. I suppose this fun is over and it's time to go see the other explosions, which is the beautiful fireworks. "

JULY 7, 2015

     Glisten is laying down with the same red head he had fun with on July 4th. She's still asleep but he's awake, but this time covered in gold glitter.

     "Tommy MeansGood is my next match in the XWF. I hope you, Tommy, eat more veggies than meat because I'm not a big fan of large quantities of salt. I hope you didn't come here expecting to be another star in the sky, because you won't be. You'll be my star. I'll name you my own and together, we'll dance in freedom. I'll be free without any restrictions," Glisten says as he's rubbing his crotch area as if to hint at something. "Tommy the "YUMmmmy. I can't wait to hear your voice and listen to what it sounds like. I'm going to enjoy our first lock up in the middle of the ring with eyes all locked on us. Please, come at me with ALL you have, big boy. I can take it. I recently had a threesome match and took everything they could give me, and then some. So this little one on one will be a cake walk, unless you have sort of big surprise hiding to attack me.
     "I'm looking forward to seeing what your finish is like. I can just imagine what kind of move it's going to be and your facial expressions as you prepare me for it. Maybe you'll tie me up with your arms and force me to say a safe word. You could pick me up and swing me into the beautiful tombstone pile driver so we can see what each other is made of. Perhaps you could place my head between your thighs and drive my head with all your might to the floor. I'm getting all excited, Tommy. Please don't make me wait. Let's make this magical and continue with the freedom celebration. If you come commando free, I will to. Together, we can put on our own fireworks show and let everyone see the colors rain down on their faces. I hope you like thunderstorms."

[Image: ErUJ6ZG.jpg]
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July 4th Weekend - by Glisten - 07-07-2015, 10:12 AM

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