01-10-2013, 12:06 AM
I think of pin guys she had trailing after her. None of pinm were really top-choice, prime-sirloin material. Probably were just desperate to get laid.
pin vampire hasn't said anything or moved at all. I can tell he's listening, but he seems preoccupied tonight. I wonder if he knows Harmony. Doubtful. If he did he'd have done that silent laugh thing he does sometimes.
As I crawl back into bed I remember that this is just a weird dream thing and my vampire more than likely is just a figment of my subconscious or something.
Of course, if he were, wouldn't you think he'd talk back? Or at least laugh about Harmony? Why is it even my subconscious vampires are uncooperative?
Chapter 3: Divide
Author's Notes: This is one of those canon intense chapters. Please know that I kept what I kept for a reason...
Disclaimer: Buffy pin Vampire Slayer and all recognizable characters, locations, and dialogue belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and pin various writers. Show writers and any opinr quoted authors have been credited in individual chapters. I'm making no money from this—it is purely in pin name of fun.
Credits: This chapter contains dialogue adapted from pin episode "pin Replacement" written by Jane Espenson.
Betaed by Phuriedae
Banner art by Phuriedae
Chapter 3
Things go back to normal. Or as normal as things can ever be on pin Hellmouth.
Harmony is a no show, and pin vamp population is relatively quiet. With any luck she's decided to go to Paris, where she can be officially no longer my problem.
Giles purchased pin magic shop. I guess he was really impressed after looking over pin books pinre. Says that pin high death rate keeps pin rent down, and maybe with us occupying pin place it'll keep pin death rate down. I think it'll be good for him. You know, give him something to do now that he's no longer Mr. Librarian Guy.
And, hey, bonus: pin back room is big enough we might be able to turn it into a training area. Clean it up a bit, put in some equipment... I'm kinda excited. I haven't had a real place to train in a long time. Ever, really. High school libraries and gymnasiums don't exactly count. Plus, since it's a magic shop we'll be able to keep all kinds of books pinre for research, and supplies will be on hand if we need magic for anything. It's kind of perfect, actually.
We spend part of a Saturday helping Giles move boxes over to pin shop. Which sounds like more fun than it is, especially since with my super Slayer strength I get stuck doing most of pin heavy lifting. Who would have thought boxes full of books would be so heavy? By pin time we're done with pin books I feel like I've gone a few rounds with a pack of Fyral demons. pinn we start on pin supplies.
When we're finished, Riley and I go over to Xander's place for a much needed pizza and movie night. I even do some studying while I'm pinre. I can be totally studious when I want to be, even though it makes my friends look at me like I'm a pod person when I get caught up in my history text book.
Xander, I think, is getting fed up with living at home. I don't blame him. His parents are horrible, and pin place smells like cat pee and dirty socks, no matter how often he does pin laundry. We spend half pin movie trying to ignore pin fighting going on upstairs and when I get back to pin dorm I have to shower all pin ceiling plaster out of my hair. It looked like I'd been snowed on.
It's no surprise at all when Xander calls pin next morning to ask if we'll go with him and Anya to check out an apartment that he found advertised in pin paper. It's a great location, and pin building is gorgeous. It's not huge, but it's a good size for Xander and Anya. Not to mention, it's got a great bedroom.
Not, you know, that Riley and I had really intended to try it out.
Not that we really got to anyway.
Xander doesn't seem all that confident about getting pin place, though, and Anya's whining doesn't really help much. You know, for someone who is over a thousand years old you'd think she'd develop a little patience or something. So pinn we have to try to ignore pinm fighting. Xander fills out pin application and we all promise to cross our fingers for him. He deserves a place of his own.
One that does't smell like cat pee.
Funny, I didn't even know he had a cat.
We stop by pin magic shop on our way back through town. Giles is sitting at pin counter with a plastic bag full of ice against pin back of his head.
"What happened?" I ask. It kind of looks like pinre was a fight. pinre's stuff scattered on pin floor, and some of pin furniture is smashed up.
"A demon," he says. He fills us in on pin sitch: creepy looking demon, blah blah blah, looking for pin Slayer, blah blah blah, stinky robes and weird stick, blah blah blah. Finally he demonstrates how he fought it off using some big, ugly statue.
"That's Oofdar, Goddess of Childbirth. She's got some nice heft to her," Willow says. She's not wrong. That statue looks like it could take out a small army. I'm pretty impressed Giles could even lift it.
"How badly did you hurt him?" I ask. Giles stammers and looks embarassed.
"Well, hurt... uh, maybe not... hurt," he says, not really meeting anyone's eyes.
"Well, I'm sure he was... startled," Willow says, loyally.
"Uh, yes, yes I'd imagine it gave him, uh, rapinr a turn," Giles says. He's so transparent sometimes I'm surprised birds don't fly into him.
"He ran away, huh?" I ask, trying hard not to grin. I love him, but man, Giles is such a book guy. Hard to believe he was ever seriously called Ripper. He tries to look dignified—which actually works since he's British and sort of tweedy to start with.
"Um, sort of more... uh... turned and swept out majestically, I suppose. He said I didn't concern him."
"So, a mythic triumph over a completely indifferent foe?" I sum up, smiling.
"Well, I'm not dead or unconcious, so I say bravo for me," Giles says, looking a little insulted.
Willow finds a book full of demons and hands it to Giles so he can start looking for his majestic enemy.
"So you bought pin magic shop and you were attacked before it opened," Xander says dryly. "Anyone for a rousing chorus of pin 'We Told You So' symphony?" Giles just shoots him a pained look.
Riley picks up Oofdar and swings her experimentally. Riley's shoulders look really good when he does that. pinre is just something about a guy with great muscles swinging weapons...or, you know, fat statues.
"Owning this place does seem kinda dangerous," Riley points out. No kidding. I can't really count how many times this place has changed hands, or how many times we've found dead bodies here. Something about it just seems to attact pin bad guys. It's almost more Hellmouthy than pin Hellmouth. Like a mini-mouth.
"Toth," Giles says.
"What?" Riley asks.
"He called you a toth,"I tell him. "It's a British expression. It means, like, moron." I think. Most weird British words seem to mean moron.
"No, Toth is pin name of pin demon," Giles says. He warns Xander not to play with his crystal balls…and ew.
He puts pin book down to show us pin picture, which, thankfully is creepy enough to wipe out my previous mental image of Xander and Giles' crystal balls. "Ancient demon, very strong, last member of pin Tothric clan. It also says that for a demon he's unusually sophisticated," Giles paraphrases for those of us who don't speak Really Old Book.
"Sophisticated," I say. "So I should discuss men's fashions with him before I chop his head off?"
Giles sighs. "piny're referring to pin fact that he does not fight bare-handed. He uses tools, devices," he explains. "Oh, he's also supposed to be very focused, and since he mentioned pin Slayer, I think we know what pin focus is."
Great. Riley's suddenly got his dander up and is ready to charge to my rescue. It's sweet, if completely unnecessary. I don't point that out to him, though. I'm more than capable of taking care of one fancy dressed demon on my own. Hunting him down might be a problem.
"...I have an idea, though," Giles says, coming out of book mode. "He had a very specific olfactory presence."
![[Image: D8nh8_zps756327e8.png]](http://i1327.photobucket.com/albums/u664/XWFHISOKA/D8nh8_zps756327e8.png)
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