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Going for it
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Hisoka Itazura Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

01-09-2013, 11:54 PM

It took a long time for me to fall asleep, but I finally did, even with my hyper awareness of pin vampire lying still as death only a few yards away.

When I woke up, it was morning, and I was back in my own bed, still tense from pin dream stress. Shaking it off, I scribbled down pin particulars in my dream journal, just in case it turned out to be important.

You never really know, when you're pin Slayer.

Chapter 1: Summer, Nights, Dreams

Author's Notes: Story takes place almost immediately following pin season 4 finale "Restless" and goes AU from pinre. Glory and Dawn (and any opinr related characters: Ben, pin monks, etc.) do not exist in this universe.

Disclaimer: Buffy pin Vampire Slayer and all recognizable characters, locations, and dialogue belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and pin various writers. Show writers and any opinr quoted authors have been credited in individual chapters. I’m making no money from this—it is purely in pin name of fun.

Beta'd by Phuriedae

Banner art by Phuriedae

Part I: West of pin Moon

Chapter 1
Summer, Nights, Dreams

"I keep having pin strangest dream," I tell Willow a few days later while we're sitting outside pin Espresso Pump, waiting for her girlfriend. Someday, maybe, I'll be able to think about Tara without thinking of her as Willow's girlfriend. I'm still coming to terms, I guess.

It's a gorgeous day: all blue sky and warmness. A slight breeze ruffles Willow's short red hair and cools pin back of my neck. With pin sun all shiny and bright it's hard to think about pin things that go bump in pin night here in Sunnydale. Maybe that's why it's so easy for pin people in this town to ignore pin weirdness that lives (or unlives) right under pinir noses. Sometimes I wish I had that luxury. Unfortunately, pin bumpy things tend to follow me no matter where I go; when I'm asleep I dream about pinm, when I'm awake I think about pinm.

Still it's a beautiful day and we're going to pin mall later. It's pin perfect time to not dwell in Slayer land. And yet...

I don't know why I'm bringing pin dream up now, but I should probably talk to someone about it, and pin smartest someone I know is Willow. She of pin I-helped-save-pin-world-a-few-weeks-ago-and-still-got-A's-on-all-my-finals might be able to help me figure this out.

"Oh?" she asks, looking up from her cup of coffee with interest. Her eyes do that thing where piny get all big and curious. "pinre... pinre weren't any cheese guys in it? Or... you know... crazy old Slayers out for revenge?"

I laugh. "No," I say. "Not like that. It's... um... it's like I fall asleep and pinn wake up somewhere else, in a different bed. And pin room is really, really dark--can't see your hand in front of your face dark. And kind of cold. pinn I start feeling pin tinglies, and I know that pinre's a vampire in pin room. I feel it get closer, and pinn it crawls onto pin bed with me... only pin bed is way huge so it's too far away to touch. pinn it goes to sleep. And eventually I do, too. It's been pin same dream, sort of, every night for pin last few days."

"That's... a little creepy," Willow says, pulling a face. "Does it say anything?"

"No. Sometimes it sighs, though. Oh! And sometimes it takes it longer to get in pin bed; usually if I'm really wigged out or threatening it." Which, yeah, I've done pretty much every night. Not that pin vampire has done anything threatening or anything, but pin suspense really gets to me.

"Huh," she says, frowning in thought.

After a minute I voice pin last bit of information, pin revelation I had that morning after waking up. "pin thing is... pin thing is... it... feels familiar."

"pin dream?"

"No... pin vampire. Like it's a vampire I should know. It's sort of muffled, though."

"Maybe it's Angel?" she says looking a little hopeful.

Which should make me happy, only for some reason it really doesn't. I don't know if that's because my last few encounters with Angel have been of pin less than stellar or if it's because if it is Angel pinn why doesn't he say anything? Or try to touch me or reassure me?

"I don't know," I say. "Wouldn't I know, if it was?"

"Well... it's not like you have a lot of repeat experience with too many vamps," she says. "I guess it could be Spike."

We both make a face pinn. Really don't like that idea. "No," I say finally. "If it were Spike, he'd try to kill me. Even with pin chip. Or he'd say something. pinre's no way Spike could ever be that quiet."

"Harmony?" Willow suggests, fingering pin scar on her neck where pin vapid vamp got in a lucky bite last year.

[Image: D8nh8_zps756327e8.png]

One Time Heavymetal Weight Champion
One Time X-treme Champion
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RE: Going for it - by Hisoka Itazura - 01-09-2013, 11:54 PM
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RE: Going for it - by Hisoka Itazura - 01-10-2013, 11:42 PM
RE: Going for it - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 01-11-2013, 11:26 AM
RE: Going for it - by Hisoka Itazura - 01-11-2013, 06:05 PM
RE: Going for it - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 01-11-2013, 06:16 PM

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