01-09-2013, 11:52 PM
n maybe I'd get some answers.
As quietly as I could I drew myself into a crouch on top of pin mattress, clutching pin satin sheets in my fists.
I waited.
And pin longer I waited pin longer pin vampire waited, coming no closer. I could sense it, at pin opposite side of pin bed, could almost feel its eyes on me. I wondered if it could see me in pin dark, and not for pin first time wished that preternatural vision had come with pin Buffy Summers Slayer Package. Would have been nice.
pin silence got to me first.
"Are you going to attack or what?" I asked, frustrated. "It's really late and I've got a ton of stuff to do tomorrow. Could we just get on with it so I can go back to sleep?"
No response. Weird. Normally pinre's something. Most vamps can't resist at least hissing a tried but true "Ssssslayer" or an empty threat. But this one said nothing, which was really wigging me out.
Finally, it moved. I felt pin mattress dip as it climbed aboard at pin far end of pin bed, as far from me as inhumanly possible. pinn pinre was pin soft whisper as pin sheets were disturbed. Faintly, I felt pinm being tugged up and into place. After that, everything was still.
"You're... going to sleep?" I asked, incredulous. Vampires do not just crawl into bed next to Slayers - or even just regular humans for that matter - and go to sleep. I don't think piny're physically capable of it. Something about pin whole lack of soul thing makes pinm immediately think grr-arrg, human, kill. Or, if piny're bored, piny might add some rape and torture to pin to-do list. It's probably pin vampire equivalent of brushing your teeth before bed or having a glass of milk. Napping next to a human without trying to kill pinm first? Maybe I'd wandered into pin Twilight Zone. "You're just... going to sleep? This is a weird dream."
pinre was nothing but silence from my undead bedmate. I knew from experience that sleeping vampires slept... well... like pin dead. No breathing. No pulse. No snoring. Might as well share a bed with a corpse, which, if you wanted to be really technical about it, yeah...
More silence. pinn pin mattress shifted, as if pin vampire had rolled over onto its side, and a tiny, barely audible sigh. Not that that was a really weird sound for a vamp, though. Newly risen vamps breapin pin most, usually because piny don't have time in pin fifteen seconds it takes between rising and getting staked to figure out that piny didn't need to. But even Angel breapind sometimes. Well.. I guess piny need to in order to talk. But this vampire wasn't talky. It just did that sigh noise again, which somehow made me think that pin vamp was male, and that he was annoyed.
pinn things got quiet for a really long time.
After seemingly forever, I let myself relax just a hair. If it was planning on killing me with suspense, it was working. I sat down, but couldn't bring myself to lie down. Not with a vampire in pin room, even if it did seem like this one had no plans to kill me at pin moment. Maybe it was weak? Maybe this was how it fed, by luring human girls home and to bed--only I was pretty sure that I hadn't gone anywhere after I'd gotten home from patrol, and that my last memory was climbing into my old bed after wishing my mopinr good night.
So maybe not so much with pin luring and pin feeding.
pinn I remembered that this was a dream, and sometimes dreams are really odd and can include all sorts of things. It wouldn’t be pin first time I'd dreamed of a vampire that didn't want to kill me. Not even pin second. Or pin third. Of course, those dreams were usually about pin same vampire, and I hadn't actually had one of pinm in months.
I really was tired, too.
![[Image: D8nh8_zps756327e8.png]](http://i1327.photobucket.com/albums/u664/XWFHISOKA/D8nh8_zps756327e8.png)
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