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Tommy indulges in pederasty
Author Message
Dolly Waters

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05-27-2015, 05:55 AM

Dolly Waters is walking with a group of friends from class. They all point and start giggling at Tommy who's searching for the meaning of his life in a dumpster.

OHH! Girls! This is that weirdo I’s tellin’ ya’ bout’!


Tha’ one who was fantasizin’ bout’ enslavin’ young girls to be his sex puppets or somethin’

…said he likes tha’ feelin’ of prepubescent blood splashin’ up onto his crotch, and went on bout' how he goes home and masturbates to tha’ Disney channel…

Ewww Tommy! What ah’ creep!
Yer’ tha’ type of man our teachers tell us ta’ look out fer’.

Do you also drive a black van with spray painted windows and try suckerin’ little kids in with candy and such?
Or do you just continue to watch us on tha’ playground from yer’ court ordered 500 feet ban of our School? Wearin’ binoculars, ridin’ round’ with some creepy pet poodle you named after Frodo’s daughter who turned ya’ down fer’ not bein’ man enough.

In all honesty, it’s really, REALLY good ta’ finally see that ya’ accomplished somthin’ here in tha’ XWF, I mean it’s only been over two years of you runnin’ round’ here lookin’ like ah’ moron, but hey! Even tha’ nastiest pederast goes up fer’ parole at some point.

Granted, ya’ won tha’ title cause Ma’Daddy was passed out drunk and Dick E. finally decided to take his meds and wasn’t sleepin’ on tha’ job fer’ once.

I mean let’s face it Tommy, there are boys at my school with downsyndrome who are more likely to succeed than you.

As if comin’ out tha’ womb lookin’ like one of the mean Gremlins wasn’t bad enough, ta’ make matters worse, yer’ Momma’ musta’ helped scale ya’ plumb to tha’ tiptop of tha’ ugly tree, where yer’ goofy butt proceeded to fall, smackin’ every one of them there branches on tha’ way down.

You’re most likely, tha’ worst Federweight Champion of all time, and your reign has just begun… It’s truly unbelievable that ya’ beat Ma’Daddy, technicality or not. You don’t deserve that belt. And since you’re too stupid to opt into tha’ show that you issued an open challenge fer’… tha’ Waters Legacy is here ta’ put an end to this sideshow champion.

I mean seriously Tommy, yer’ absolutely, one hundred percent, a talentless waste of roster space in tha’ XWF… and yer’ bout’ to get beat by an eleven year old girl!!!

That should forever seal up tha’ story of Tommy Wish, tha’ man who wished he didn’t suck so badly…Ah’ bigger joke than Gillberg or Mini Morbid…
and tha’ sad thang bein’ that you were tryin’ ta’ be serious, turnin’ all dark and edgy, instead you just look incredibly gayer.

Dolly makes a loud fart noise with her mouth and puts her finger and thumb in the shape on L on her forehead,


Dolly’s friends begin pelting Tommy with rocks, as she runs at him, kicking him square in the nuts. She goes for the cover as he falls down, nearly puking at the smell of his dreadlocks.



Messages In This Thread
Tommy indulges in pederasty - by Dolly Waters - 05-27-2015, 05:55 AM
re:Tommy indulges in pederasty - by Tommy Wish - 05-27-2015, 06:14 AM
re:Tommy indulges in pederasty - by Dick E. - 05-27-2015, 06:52 AM
re:Tommy indulges in pederasty - by Dolly Waters - 05-27-2015, 07:12 AM

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