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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » 24/7 Federweight Championship
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This Drunken Redneck is a Champion?!
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-12-2015, 01:24 PM

"'Sup, homo. Figure I might as well check in and see what the hell is going on."

"So, I see you won yourself a belt! Yeah, let's go, Black Hand pride and all- oh wait, it's that belt that those mentally inept also known as the mongoloids that appear on opening matches try to get in an attempt to make themselves relevant."

"Well, Sir Redneck, lemme just stop your fun. Now, in no way am I trying to degrade myself to a level such as yours, I'm just trying to rob any and all joy you have, since you and the rest of the Black Hand jumped me from behind and knocked me unconscious. You humiliated me, now I'm going to humiliate you."

"So, is there anything else you've done that could possibly be considered relevant while I was gone?"

"Let's see, looking through here, I see a win over a who probably soils himself to sleep every night, and... that's it. Okay, maybe let's just check what's coming up ahead, maybe you're facing someone releva-"


"You're not."

"And yet, despite this, we're seeing you just prance around like he's on top of the world. Kid, lemme lay it to you straight. You ain't gonna do shit here. Yeah, Federweight Champ. Goodie. But, please, tell me, when has anyone other than the previously mentioned opening carder- mongoloids care about that title? Vinnie Lane? D'Ville? Gator?"

"Alright, yeah, sure, I can give those to ya, but note- they never cared about the title in the end. Gator tried to hand the title to D'Ville when he was napping, which led to D'Ville THROWING THE TITLE DOWN THE TRASH, which led to a fucking hunt for the title, which, I admit, I was a part of, but only to bring some prestige back to the title, but now, thinking back on it, I realize how ill- thought that was. You can't save a title that got thrown down the GODDAMNED TRASH!"

"Then, Lane. Dude held the title for a fairly long time, longer than anyone, in fact. Buuuutttt, are we to forget that Lane was so fed up from the lack of competition that he tried to PIN HIMSELF? Hell, I think he was done with you shitstains from the moment you made your second attempt at the title. That's why he didn't kick out. It was because he didn't want his IQ to drop anymore points that he just gave up. And like I said, the only reason I'm daring to dwell where people like you live is because I'm going to make sure your life becomes a goddamned living hell."

"Unless, of course, you decide to grow a brain and skeedadle before I make my full return, in which case, good for you. Here, 500 dollars, free of charge. What to do with it, you may be wondering? Leave this place, start a new life. You look like you could be a nice circus clown. And then, when that terribly botched stunt gets shown, forgive me for when I watch the flames and laugh."

"Now, git."

Mav shows no respect to Muddy by laying him out with just a hiptoss, then places a boot on his chest as Dick E. slides in for the pin.



1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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Messages In This Thread
This Drunken Redneck is a Champion?! - by Maverick - 05-12-2015, 01:24 PM
re:This Drunken Redneck is a Champion?! - by Muddy Waters - 05-12-2015, 02:49 PM
re:This Drunken Redneck is a Champion?! - by Muddy Waters - 05-12-2015, 05:23 PM
re:This Drunken Redneck is a Champion?! - by Muddy Waters - 05-13-2015, 10:59 AM
This Drunken Redneck is a Champion?! - by Dick E. - 05-14-2015, 09:27 AM

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