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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » 24/7 Federweight Championship
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Muddy Waters

XWF FanBase:
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05-03-2015, 09:02 PM

Muddy sighs and steps out of the way to avoid Grime's foul breath from further singeing his eyebrows...

...Guess Muddy knew it'd only be ah' matter of time b'fore' tha' toilet scum of tha' X-dubya'-F come crawlin' out tha' woodwork after his shiny new belt…

Ooopps! Hell Fire! Where tha' hell be Muddy's manners? Lemme' introduce ma'self, I'm Muddy Waters and my dick is bigger than yers'

Here be ah' news flash fer' ya' though ya' ol' Vinller Ice fan boy, if yah' plannin' on beatin' tha' man, ya' gotta' at least pin him first. So how's bout' Muddy finish up at there pitiful excuse of ah' nursery rhyme fer' ya':


Three be tha' number of times yer' Momma' got denied at tha' abortion clinic b'fore' she decided ta' leave yer' ass on tha' corner of worthless and fucked. So ya' mean ta' tell Muddy that after spattin' out generic rap that'll leave even Too Short scratchin' his nuts, ya' didn't even find it within yer' man-gina ta' try and pin Muddy Waters?

Can't say Muddy blames yer' bitch ass fer' bein' such ah' snivelin' sack of monkey poo, hell if Muddy was born with ah' butt-fucked brain like ol' Grimy's he'd spend all day thumbin' his asshole and lickin' shit scum off tha' floor too. Somehow, this here stupid fuck wound in tha' X-dubya'-F, as if they aint nuff' half brained dipshits runnin' round' this here place already…

What happened Grime? Sellin' blowjobs outside tha' casinos not payin' tha' bills anymore? So ya' try and run up on ol' Coach Waters soundin' like Mother Goose and Dr. Sues' half bird, half acid trip offspring? Ya' orta' go meet up with ol' Tommy Wish and have yer'selves ah' rootin tootin' 'I wanna' be black soooo bad' rap off? Never knowd' there was ah' dumber piece of shit than ol' Tommy, but Muddy is bein amaze-afied' erry' damn day.

Dick E. how's bout' ya' go grab us ah' couple of cold ones and point this here pansy ass dirt bag toward tha' unemployment line. Muddys' got him some fat bitches ta' plow...

Messages In This Thread
Sir-Grime-Unstoppable - by Grime - 05-03-2015, 01:48 PM
Sir-Grime-Unstoppable - by Muddy Waters - 05-03-2015, 09:02 PM
Sir-Grime-Unstoppable - by Dick E. - 05-04-2015, 08:03 AM

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