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Mastermind is a Crying Vagina!
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-24-2015, 07:55 PM

The scene opens to St Petersburg, Russia! Morbid Angel is walking the streets dressed in a black suit and tie. Almost like he was as rich as Mastermind. Smaller Russian people rush by him to do whatever it is they do. Morbid turns down an alleyway and quickly rushes inside a doorway.

As the camera enters, first it was darkness then it was bright and the sounds of nothing. Morbid was seen sitting in a chair across the room holding the new iPhone 67 tablet so he can view the promos but...

Fades to Black!

The scene opens up to Morbid Angel sitting on a beach in Hawaii. He was working on his tan wearing a speedo and rubbing coconut oil on his skin as the camera moves in, Morbid reaches under the sand and pulls out an Microsoft tablet PC to review the promos for this week but....

Fades to Black

The scene opens to Morbid Angel in the shower washing his massive pectorals with some Irish Springs bar soap. He begins to seductively dance as the water ran over his chest. The camera moves in as Morbid's hands go down towards his genital region which was just out of sight of the camera and pulls out an Android Waterproof 7-60 tablet to review the promos with but....

Fades to Black

The scene opens to Morbid Angel running for his life in Spain! Bulls are right behind him as he runs with a look of determination plastered across his face mouthing the word "FUCK" as he ran!

He checks behind him to see where the bulls where at as one crashes into him and throws him over a fence. Morbid lands on a side street gasping for air as the wind was knocked from his lungs. He rips open his white shirt and reveals a Nabi Big tab 20' tablet was taped to his chest. He rips the tape and loads this weeks promos but...

Fades to Black

The scene opens to Morbid Angel bent over a table get his prostate exam. The camera makes his way around from where the doctor was and hands Morbid a tablet to review this weeks promos...

Morbid Angel-"God fucking damn it! Here I am again, too soon! I mean, Mastermind is the only fucking shit to show up thus far and it's annoying! I just beat his ass like the fucking bitch he is and now I have to basically face him again because every other motherfucker decided that they have better shit to do. How is this fair to me? What makes anyone think that I am all for facing another McBride. I guess I can continue to make Mastermind my fucking bitch.

Speaking of bitch, he had to pay me off in order to NOT get a sex change for our match then he fucking kiked me out of half the pay off! What should I do now? should I threaten to cut his prick off? He lied to me! All he had to do is wear a shirt that Said "Morbid Angel mastered my mind!". I mean, how difficult is that? He is trying to fuck me over! KIRK! Mastermind is a fucking jew that is trying to fuck me out of what's mine! I EARNED MY VICTORY! You earned shit! You sucked so much ass it wasn't even funny! The fact remains that you are trying to fuck me over! It bothers me! Your very existence bothers me!

Fuck this! Let me sink my fucking teeth into these fucking promos! I'll rip you wide open and let Frodo fuck your face!

OK, For one...Why in the FUCKING HELL did they bring you into that bastard little pack of The Asylum? I mean, it did a lot better when I was running that shit! I was the Asylum and considering Hysteria "claims" D'ville is the higher power now is laughable! D'ville is nothing! He never defeated me! In fact I made him what he is today! He was a member of my faction during War Games! He was nothing more than a sniveling bitch before I took him in to destroy Theo Pryce! The fact that you linger around the Asylum compound is laughable! Why? What is there? NO ONE! They are doing absolutely NOTHING! They are over! Bankrupt! defunct! Harrison fucked off back to faggotsville USA because he couldn't cut it working with real competition! AND HE SUCKED! I mean, that bitch wasn't worth the blood soaked maxipad he was sporting over his cunt. He was nothing more than a crying, whining bitch!

Who else is in the Asylum that's worth a fuck? NO ONE! Frodo? Ghost Tank? Don't fucking make me laugh! Hacks!

Now I had to listen to the New Zealand National Anthem. What a treat! I mean, I am so happy I had to suffer through that pile of worthless shit! Why would I even care? what is there to care about? What has New Zealand even done? I know nothing about that dump other than it being half infested with filthy rodents. Mastermind bows his head in shame. I can see that. It is a shameful country full of nothing.

This man, who "Masters the Minds" is crying like a fucking over what? I thought he was supposed to be tough. I mean, I don't fight bitches! I fight real MEN!...And the occasional woman needing a good titty punching.

OK, so you were crying over some old war memorial? What a fucking bitch! You, sir, are a goddamn bitch! SHAME! Shame on you for tricking us into believing you were a man!

Maybe you went through with the Sex Change anyway and this is the estrogen peeking through. If that is the case I will forgive you for the tear. If not, then you are the biggest I've ever met!

This man is crying over a battle that happened back in 1915...100 years ago. Everyone that ever met anyone in that battle is already dead! Why the fuck do you cry? Why? I need answers for that shit! I mean, that is the biggest bitch move ever, you cry for some punks you never even met. I don't see anyone crying over the American Civil war. I don't see anyone crying over WWII. No one! You are crying over one of the dumbest fucking things ever. All that respect I've held for you...Well, what was left. It's all gone. Nothing left for you.

You of all people want to give us a history lesson on your shitty country?

Let me just say this first. I noticed you Travel a LOT! I mean, you go back to New Zealand at least 4 times a week and come back to the USA for a few hours to leave again. Lets pretend that this is real life. It is a 12 hour flight. You literally fly to America and New Zealand twice a week. that is almost 3 days on a fucking plane! Not to mention sleep and shooting promos. The cost to fly is outrageous.

Lets do some basic math. You have a private jet. jet fuel is $9.28 per gallon.

It is 7,793 miles to New Zealand and that is JUST to New Zealand, not an airport. That would mean it costs you $72,319.04 EACH WAY!

Now you do this 3 times a week.

A grand total of...$216,957.12 Every fucking week! That is $867,828.48 a month. $10,413,941.76 a year! Sir, that is 10 million! 10 Million a year! In the XWF no one has a contract like that! For the sake of the little people, 10.5 million is near what the XWF pulls in every quarter. Pays us each a million to keep things worth our while and that leaves them with a pretty check. You blowing your million in 1 month brings a lot of questions to me. You are not a business man like Theo Pryce, you are not connected like Duke. You are a bottom rung slob that bought a second hand aircraft and wants to look bad ass.

The Numbers do not lie! But you do.

I am betting you'll have a nice comeback for me about the numbers. I assure you, I am right and before you tell me your little tale of the take allow me to put out my two cents for you.

You are a fraud! You are claiming to have done all these things to make people think you are well off but you are not. It is easy to shoot a promo on the green screen. you can build sets for less than 70k so with that in mind. I think you are a liar!

Now Jack.

Jack....Nevermind. Not even worth my breath!

I mean, there is no one really worth talking about at this point. I, Morbid Angel have been sucked into a match full of nothing but shit. McBride, How I will miss the battles between us, This is going to be easy!"

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
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Mastermind is a Crying Vagina! - by Morbid Angel - 04-24-2015, 07:55 PM

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