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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Nightmares & Daydreamers: RP 3
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-13-2015, 10:11 PM

Friends come and go.

Family comes and goes.

Wins come, and they go.

Losses come and go.

Title reigns, they come and they go.

But the King of Darkness-- he rules forever. You see, Dylan George is out here pretending to be the King of Darkness. Pretending to be some fucking nightmare. Dylan, this is no dream. You are surely awake and son, this is all too real. You find yourself about to tread the muddy waters of the mighty Mississippi with no hope of making it out alive. And I am the flowing waters of that Mississippi that will swallow you whole. You're about the step through the gates of hell. I'm the hellfire that surrounds you. You're about to step into my playground, Dylan, and you want people to fear you? Everything you say and do is like watching a replay of a classic Warfare on the XWF network. I've already said it and I've already done it. Just better than you.

Here's a lesson, Mr. Nightmare, sir: Before you can be feared, you must do something worth fearing. That's something you have not accomplished, oh dark one.

You put asses in seats? Before you can sell out arenas, oh master darkness, you must, you know, be memorable. You have to do something that sets you apart from the next guy. What are you, really? Besides a cheap poor mans Sebastian Duke?

I eked out a victory over Hysteria alright. Considering it was two out of three falls and I won two straight, yeah, I'd say that was pretty close. You are right about one thing, in order for you to get to the main event, you better hope that A) I am in a match against you, or 2) that I'm not booked. Because, Dylan the daydream George, that is the only way you'll ever main event anything.

For the record, blood does not “pile.” Ever.

Your useless drivel does two things. One, it bores me. And two... yeah, no, that's all it does. It's just the one thing. My bad.

It's slaughtering time. Seriously man, you sound like a complete jackass and no one will ever take you seriously in this ring or beyond it if you just yell into the darkness that it's slaughtering time. PROVE IT! Do something worth while! Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you fucking belong in this ring! Prove beyond mere words that you're not just another cookie cutter rip off of yours truly. Being the King of Darkness is not a nickname, but a way of life.

Dylan George has a sneaking suspicion that I will wish that he and I never crossed paths. Is it because you're gassy? I mean, everybody can tell you're full of hot air, but is that hot air just flatulence? Because that's really the only think that could make me wish I hadn't met you. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Dylan George intended that to be yet another one of his basic and empty platitudes where I'm going to realize he's something more than everyone thinks... ahem... knows he is. He's a fucking loser on a grand scale. If you're going to be a loser, Dylan, you may as well be good at it. I think you're very good at being a loser.

How's that for positive reinforcement?

So many have walked the halls of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation vowing to make me wish I'd never been born. So many have claimed that they'd teach me the meaning of fear. Yet I still remain here, kicking ass like no one else. I still remain, fearful of no man. That will always and forever include you, Dylan George.

Austin Fernando would like your King of Darkness to fight Defiance like a real man. He has a problem with the way I crushed Defiance on Madness. Let's decipher that shall we?

Upon my return I minded my own business and set out to accomplish some things. That included winning the Intercontinental title. A title I won by defeating Justin Sane, so right there Austin's theory that I can't beat any of them goes right out the window. That same night, after I defeated Sane, I was on the short end of an attack at the hands of Defiance and their new water boy, Austin Fernando. They did a hell of a number on me.

It's at this moment that they placed the targets on their own backs.

Later, during the Lethal Lottery tournament, again without anyone backing me up, Defiance attacks yours truly once again, robbing me of something I earned. They attack like a pack of wolves, yet Austin Fernando has a problem with me, just one man, taking them out when they're all together. Like at Stampede when Defiance was dead set and ready to go and make Austin Fernando the Hart Champion.

Fernando, a man stands his ground and takes back what is his. I did that. I took out Corvus by myself with no excuses left to either side. So whether you want to realize it or not, young buck, I'm not finished. I've never denied any of you a match. You get your match coming up real soon. Are you ready for that? Are you ready to be taken to school and taught what it is to be a real champion? A real fighter? A real warrior?

Defiance is all but forgotten now, Austin. Sane is missing in action. Gator isn't the same as he was. Corvus? He's gone. Hell, Shane reversed the bullshit cash-in leaving the glaring question of whose side he's really on. You are all that's left. If Sane comes back, I'll happily put him down again. Same with Gator.

It's just you, Austin, carrying the torch for a defeated group of cowards. I'm the man on Warfare, Austin. Not you. I was main eventing Warfare when you will still swimming in your daddy's nut sack.

Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration.

Wednesday night, you're going to get a sneak preview of what its going to be like when you finally face me one on one for my Intercontinental title. Trust me, it'll hurt you, a hell of a lot more than it'll hurt me.
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Nightmares & Daydreamers: RP 3 - by Sebastian Duke - 04-13-2015, 10:11 PM

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