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Cohen Horne
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03-02-2015, 06:23 PM

In-Ring Name: Cohen Horne

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Drake Cohen Horne

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: November 11th, 1979

Height: 6’0

Weight: 189 lbs

Hometown: Carlisle, England, UK

Personality: Extremely intelligent, though not as smart as he believes himself to be. Intensely inquisitive. Fixation on small details, to nigh OCD levels. Maintains a dry sense of humour and unhealthy emotional detachment to keep others away. Unabashedly self-centered and egotistical.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel

Physical Build Description: Tall and lean. Slightly muscular, though not toned. Built more like a cross country runner than a professional wrestler.

Ring Attire: Shirtless. Taped hands. Black wrestling trunks with ‘Horne’ on the back in white lettering. Black kneepads with a bright white bullseye on the center of each. Black boots.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Normally wears a black trenchcoat, black button-up shirt, either black trousers or dark blue jeans, and bright red Chuck Taylors.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Pic Base: Benedict Cumberbatch

Wrestling Style: Very, very, very strike heavy. Proficient in mat wrestling, and quite the fan of using submission holds to wear down and finish off adversaries. Will bend the rules as often as he can.

Strengths: His striking ability, particularly his elbows and knees. Isolating a body part and focusing offense on it. Cheating.

Weaknesses: Isn’t very physically powerful. Regaining lost momentum.

Entrance Theme Music: The Animals - House of the Rising Sun

Entrance Description: The classic guitar riff of The Animals’ 1964 hit “The House of the Rising Sun” begins to play over the speakers as the arena lights fade to black. A lone spotlight shines on the entranceway, and as Eric Burdon’s voice sings the opening line (“There is, a house, in New Orleans…”), Cohen Horne steps out from behind the curtain with a wide smile on his face. He raises one of his taped hands to reveal the phrase “Wake up” written in black Sharpie on his palm. He nods to the camera and makes his way down to the ring. As he closes in on the ring, he claps his hands and hops up on the apron, before stepping in-between the ropes. Approaching the center of the ring, he takes one long look at the crowd and raises one arm in the air, fist clenched.

Manager (if applicable):
Manager's Pic Base:

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Right Jab
Left Cross, Hook, & Uppercut
Kitchen Sink
Running Shotgun Dropkick
Roundhouse Kick
Repeated Kicks to the knee/calf area
Repeated Elbow Smashes
Rolling Elbow
Repeated Knife Edge Chops
Leaping Knee Drop
Leaping Double Stomp

Non-Submission Grapples:
Drop Toe Hold
Arm Wringer
Double Knee Armbreaker
Cravate Hold, accompanied with a series of knees to the face
Snapmare/Soccerball Kick
Arm Drag
Butterfly Suplex
Arm Trap Knee Strikes
Russian Leg Sweep
Shin Breaker
Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takedown

Submission Grapples:
Sleeper Hold
Fujiwara Armbar
Indian Deathlock
Single Leg Boston Crab
Ankle Lock
Cross Armbreaker

Trademark Move(s): Rheumatologist’s Nightmare, The Tides Turned
Description(s): Chikara Special, HUGE Lariat out of nowhere that absolutely flattens the opponent (and himself, so he can’t often capitalize on it with a pin)

Primary Finisher: Cracking the Code
Description: Knee Trembler, ala William Regal

Secondary Finisher if applicable: The Confession
Description: Legscissors Takedown transitioned into a Heel Hook

Favorite Weapon if any:

Additional notes:

Messages In This Thread
Cohen Horne - by CohenHorne - 03-02-2015, 06:23 PM

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