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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A new beginning
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Brian Campbell Offline
Flipping you upside down...

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04-26-2013, 04:29 PM

[Image: Samuel-Mikulak-02-540x630.jpg]

Brian Campbell was in his locker room, doing pushups while he talked to a very attractive woman. Suddenly, Liz Weinberg, XWF's interviewer entered the locker room. "Are you Brian Campbell?" She asked, with an bored look on her face. Brian seemed to be annoyed by her interference. "Haven't you heard that it is rude to enter without knocking?" He asked, as he got up and whispered something in the woman's ear. "I will see you later honey." Brian said to her, as she giggled and left the room. "You still haven't answered me. Are you Brian Campbell?" Liz asked again. "Yes I am. What do you want?" He asked, as he leaned against the wall. " I have to ask you some questions. The only thing I don't understand is why they always send me to interview the newbies." Liz sighed, as she looked at the question sheet. "A newbie? Do you know who I am? I am BRIAN CAMPBELL! I have wrestled all around the world! Japan, Mexico, America, Europe... I have been everywhere! " Brian said, with a hint of rage on his voice. "If you have been everywhere, how come you haven't won any championship in your entire career?" Liz now had a sadistic smile on her face. She had found his weak spot. Brian was trying to keep cool. "You see this?" Brian asked, as he pointed to a poster on the wall that had the U.S championship on it. "One day, it will be mine, and after my match this wednesday, you will understand why." Brian said, as he looked straight in Liz's eyes.. "Sure thing, pretty face." Liz ironically said, mocking Brian. "So, first question, what do you think you have that makes you stand out from all other wrestlers in the locker room?" Liz asked. "I have everything! The looks, the skills... I am perfect!" Brian proudly said. "Well, you sure got the looks, but I don't think you have the skills, judging by your career before the XWF." She said, as she looked at her sheet for the next question. "Look, I don't have time to answer to your stupid questions. Just watch my match, and you will understand what I am all about." Brian said, as he left his locker room, slamming the door.
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A new beginning - by Brian Campbell - 04-26-2013, 04:29 PM

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