(02-02-2015, 02:06 PM)Maverick Said: "Two Rumbles in two weeks? Hahah, oh shit, Frodo can't tell time. I'm fairly sure you mean three days, since the Federweight Rumble is on Wednesday, and the Rumble hosted by Archie is gonna be this Saturday, but, I don't know what mechanisms work in that twisted, tranny- loving mind of yours."
"Actually Maverick it's you who can't tell time. To be pedantic the Rumbles actually on Sunday, it's 4 days after Wednesday. So get it right."
"Wow, a- fucking- mazing. One day. Yipee. Feel proud of yourself for that, Masterbitch? That doesn't detract from my original statement. Frodo said two Rumbles in two weeks, and yet they both happen in the same week. Moronic dipshit."
(02-02-2015, 02:29 PM)Frodo mother fucking Smackins Said: "Classic Iceman bullshit. Lies about shitting on titles, lies about the weather, lies about anyone wanting to be him. Lies about everything. Even about his plan to go after Gator. You had no intention, because you're a massive pussy. Fucking massive. Hell, you're even a huge enough to drive a Porsche. And you don't even say it right. You da it Porsch, like one syllable. Fucking piece of shit. Two syllables. Porsch-ah. Say it with me. Or just gargle on your own vomit, you know like always.
Oh, and two rumbles, a ladder match, and the the shove it for Wallace, plus I'ma be on next week's Madness. Nigga, I got a string of matches ahead of me. Most within two weeks. Like I fucking said. Detective dipshit. Lern2attention. Or, you know, flop around like a . Your choice. Why do you even bother to show up for shit? You're never the winner. You're not even taken serious. By anyone. You title shitting back of Archie's cum."
[font=Trebuchet MS][color=#DAA520]"Speaking of moronic dipshits, here's this fucking . You have no fucking proof I wasn't going to go after Gator. Hell, should he so desire, I'd welcome Gates to attempt to take the title from me after I win this whole shebang, since there isn't much in front of me."
"Oh shit, you wanna go on about me mispronouncing shit? You just pronounced 'say' as 'da.' I mean, the fuck? My mispronunciation might be semi- common, but who on Earth pronounces 'say' as 'da?' And also, who pronounces, 'learn to pay attention,' as 'lern2attention?' Seriously, you're making tag look as if he has an actual functioning brain."
"Well, you could have just said those matches right from the get- go and not make yourself look like a fucking . Oh, wait, you're already a ]
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