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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Turning Point PPV
Just Words II (RP 4)
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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01-22-2015, 05:02 PM

Turning Point.

Can you think of a better event, or a more appropriately named event for your King of Darkness to return? It truly is a turning point for me. It truly is a new era. The start of a different direction. The start of something brand new. This is, by all accounts, my turning point.

For more than two years, I've faced anyone that's had the balls to try and take me down. Most of those I've beaten. Some I haven't. It never has been about winning and losing for me. All that has ever remained within my focus is to hurt anyone that crosses my path. I've faced some of the best as well as the worst, but the question remains: Why Tri Bute? I've been a busy man these last several days, but one of the questions that everyone asks me anytime I'm caught in public, is why Tri Bute? Why waste my time with someone so obviously inferior to me? That answer is really quite simple: because its something new.

Another question those same random people ask me, and its been the same every place I've been since my return to the Xtreme Wrestling Federation was announced on the internet, is why now? Why choose now to come back to the XWF? Why choose now to exert my power on those unfortunate beings that will stand in front of me? Again, the answer is very simple. There's been an influx of new faces streaming in through the doors of the XWF. They started entering the halls of the XWF even before my latest 'extended vacation.' Men like Gator, Doctor D'Ville and Jon Heartsford. Men like Vinnie Lane, Justin Sane, Polvo Blanco and LH Harrison. Of course, along with those new names, some more familiar names exist as well. Like Eli James, Morbid Angel and Luca Arzegotti. Not to mention that there are still men that continue to besmirch me even if I'm not around here to defend myself.

John Madison comes to mind. Say what you want about him, but I know from experience that as crazy and as cowardly as he seems, he's also one of the toughest competitors I've ever faced. He got lucky against me once. For as crazy and as unhinged as he is, the man is smart enough to know that a second round against me is not something he wants. Where John Madison has stayed stationary and slowly devolved into a shell of his former self, I've evolved. Since the first time he and I went at it in the ring, I've become even bigger and better than I was back then. That's not something my old “friend” wants to attempt.

All of the men I've mentioned, are completely different from the next. With the exception of John Madison, I've never had the opportunity to face any of those men in one on one competition. You should tread cautiously though, because that fact is about to change. I fully intend to make sure all of you are added to my laundry list of beaten and broken down opponents.

Our dear future friend, Tri Bute. He's the first in a very long line in the next chapter of my career. I've done it all. I've won every title, I've won numerous other accolades. So, you might want to ask what's left? What do I really have to prove to anyone? Once more, the answer there is really quite simple. Nothing. Nothing, but bringing more pain and more violence and adding more names to the list of victims. Simply put, I enjoy inflicting as much pain, inflicting as much punishment on others as I possibly can.

Many people like to talk a lot. They like to paint on a brave face and verbally tear down their opponents and for what? To get a few cheap laughs? To be perceived as funny? I'm not that way. I never have been and most likely I never will be. I'm not laughing. I don't laugh. Nothing I do is funny nor is it meant to be that way. I'm a man of action, not of words. I could sit here and verbally rip Tri Bute to shreds, but for what? He's done nothing to me. I've done nothing to him. At least not yet anyway. Talking about what I'm going to do doesn't interest me. Action is the only thing that interests me.

The cowards and the weak minds of the world, they talk.

Men like me, we act.
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Just Words II (RP 4) - by Sebastian Duke - 01-22-2015, 05:02 PM

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