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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
To Hell... And Back?
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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01-28-2015, 09:07 AM


"Eli doesn't look like himself in this triple threat match with Theo Pryce and Peter Gilmour. What happened to the feared and preacher of truth that he claimed to be all these years? Eli James the Fourth is nothing more than dust in the wind ladies and gentlemen. He'll be gone and forgotten like the rest of people who go through here. We told you."

The voices echo in my mind. I heard each and every voice I came in contact with. I saw each of their faces. The laughter... the mocking... the hurling insults. I was sacrificed and beaten for them by a group that came and left in the same minute. I set them free, but they were to blind by their own lusts that they rose up against me. I blotted out the names people feared and hated. I rescued the souls of man and in return, I was left to rot. I poured my soul out and spoke openly about my love and mercy for them. I was pushed aside and ignored. I was a ghost that someone conjured up in their mind and wrote down on paper, or spoke it to his neighbor. I only came onto the scene when someone spoke my name three times...

Beetlejuice! Beetlejice! Beetlejuice!

What the hell is wrong with me?

No, I came onto the scene when someone fell asleep. I became their nightmare. I would strike revenge for how I was treated. My flesh was burnt. My claws were sharp and ready to slice.


No. No. That isn't me. What's wrong with me?

Oh, what is my purpose? Why am I here? TELL ME!"

A man is walking on the streets of New York City. His hair is unwashed and slightly below is waste. He has a very wild growing beard close to the same length. His black shoes have holes in them and covered in dirt. His clothes are wrinkled and looks like they've been found from within a dumpster. He walks sluggish among the people who just walk right past him on their way to work. He starts talking to himself while he walks...

"I'm Eli James. Purpose. I have a purpose. I'm here..." :: burp :: Following his loud burp, he starts to make noises that people around him don't like. He stretches his arms out and smiles. People walk by and just knock him around until he eventually falls to the concrete.

Surely it wasn't always like this, but I can't remember a whole lot. Sometimes, my dreams would place little snippets like I was there but then I wake up. It's just a dream. I would doze off and see myself fighting other men and preaching about someone called Almighty. I saw people following me and listening to my every word like it was bread in their stomach. I would wake up smiling and think to myself, 'That man is doing some good. He's helping people.' But then I would have these weird dreams about a barn. I see a man I tortured and called him Elisha. I would see two men without heads with me standing above them. 'That guy is evil. Who wants to follow him.' I'm not too sure where these dreams come from. Maybe I had a bad meal from the dumpster. Could be just my mind playing fucked up tricks on me. Deep down, though, I sense it was a part of who I was. Somewhere deep inside my heart is who I am. I don't really know anymore. No one wants to stop and help me, so I guess I'm on my own. It feels so familiar.

A few days ago I woke up on a bench. I had trash all around me. I had a Where's Waldo book. There was some game called Myst underneath a magazine that featured a man called Brock Lesnar. He looked like a beast. On a newspaper, it showed that Anonymous seemed to be threatening various groups on the technology side of things. Maybe this was my genesis. A fresh beginning. It had to be a sign.

Then yesterday was the strangest day yet. I was at a large park. People were everywhere. I don't know why, but I decided to stand up by the fountain and shout at the top of my lungs...

"What is wrong with you people!? You walk around carrying so much weight and hope your green men will save you from the trouble. Your little green men will fade. The green in your eye will go swift into the night and never to be captured again."

What the hell was I saying? I probably rambled for hours. Some people through trash at me... a few more would make fun and hurl insults.. and the rest would just walk by like I wasn't even there. It's not hard to pick one of those options. I would've done the same thing. It's a good thing my throat became dry where I had no choice but to shut up. I wasn't really sure why I was doing this or what I even meant, but there had to be a reason, right? I can't be crazy. I'm just a bit confused.

The man who once preached a message about the Almighty is now a homeless street preacher who has no idea about his past... for the most part. Eli continues to sit on the streets and tries to make sense about everything that is going on.

Eli falls asleep.

"Wake Up!"

Who is the fucker kicking me in the stomach and yelling for me to wake up?

Eli wakes up and no one is around. It's night time outside and the streets are, for the most part, empty with light travel from vehicles. He notices a brown envelope near his hand that wasn't there before. It's a picture book that features him holding a XWF Universal Title and standing over the bodies of Shane and The Administrator. Along with the picture book are two tickets... an air flight ticket and a ticket, front row, to the XWF pay per view called Turning Point. As he goes through various pictures... a folded piece of paper falls out that looks to have instructions.

So this was me...

He keeps flipping through pictures and comes to a stop when it's him and Sebastian Duke fighting.

Something rose up within me when I came across this man. It says his name is Sebastian Duke. I feel we have a history of sorts, but I'm not sure if he's a friend or foe. What happened between us? I guess I have to follow these instructions....

As Eli starts to grab the little things he owns and plans to make his way to the airport, a young girl walks up to him.

"Hey Mister!"

"Go on girl. Get outta here."

"Why are you talkin' like that to me?"

"Go on now. Didn't ya learn not to talk to strangers."

"Oh, you're funny. We ain't no strangers, Eli."

This girl... knows my name? How?

"Daddy is out gettin' some seed to plant. He saw you and told me to come get ya. You can stay in the barn."

Barn... barn... barn. Why do I feel a dark presence when I hear that word. It's a damn barn.

"Hello again... Eli."

"Wait a ... I know you... Eli .... Eli .... E.. Elisha?"

"The name is Eric Rex. You must have hit your head on this concrete or something. Come on now. Let's get you cleaned up."

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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To Hell... And Back? - by Great Buzzard Eli James IV - 01-28-2015, 09:07 AM

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