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A Doctor, a preacher, and a rabbi walk into a bar
Author Message
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-18-2015, 11:28 AM

Perhaps you could consider my December a holiday. I had a few things to take care of beyond what the XWF could see. A few patients that needed my special care. You know how it is.

So forgive me if I happen to be a bit out of the loop. Then again, it is actually my job to ask questions. To dig deep within the mind and soul for the sake of a patient. I knew about your head injury, Jacob, I just wanted your thoughts on the whole situation. You obviously weren't happy about giving up your title, seeing how you came right back and went after it.

Are you sure you took enough time off?

Head injuries are VERY serious, my friend. I'd hate the life of your career be shortened because you're too stubborn to take the time off that you need. The Television Title would've been here when you came back, even after six weeks to recover.

I believe I've already extended my appreciation for your lack of interest during the tournament, Jacob. I was unhappy about it. In fact, that gives the stupid little dwarf a leg to stand on when it comes to the end result. My lack of competition in the tournament just gives him an excuse to why he lost and I walked away as the King. If you want to use that and the fact that you've been the only one to actually pin the Doctor against me, so be it. It's been a long time since our first encounter, my friend. Are you sure you want to base any future encounters with me off of that? Precedence? Perhaps you did hit your head a little hard. You've always been a very cocky individual and I've always admired your confidence. However, squeaking by a 'rookie' in his premier singles match in this fine federation, in my opinion, isn't much to brag about. I'm no longer fresh on the roster. I'm rarely challenged. I am King. I am champion. If anything, perhaps, I should pick up that "Universal Title-Mind set" you were talking about. After all, opportunity does fit nicely in my back pocket. Or locked in a briefcase, however you wish to look at it.

As for your challenge, come and see me once you're done kicking off the dogs that keep jumping at you from below. I wouldn't want anything else clouding your mind during our session... The nipping at the heels can be quite annoying.

As Gator walks away from the pin attempt, Gloria Estefan appears in front of him. Gator stops as the beat turns around on him and turns him upside down. She lights up a cigar blows the smoke in Gator's face. She laughs as the smoke covers her and her face and body begins to flake away like burning paper. After she disappears Gator crashes down on his previously injured melon. The Doctor walks up and takes a seat beside Gator, resting his elbow on his chest pinning him.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Messages In This Thread
re:A Doctor, a preacher, and a rabbi walk into a bar - by Doctor Louis D'Ville - 01-18-2015, 11:28 AM
re:A Doctor, a preacher, and a rabbi walk into a bar - by Homeless Jimmy - 01-19-2015, 10:42 AM

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