" 'Down the barrel of a gun. This is you trying hard to make sure that you're seen With a girl on your arm and your heart on your sleeve.' Do you know who said those lines, Gator? It was Adam Lazzara. Do you know what he was referring to, Gator? Betrayal. That's what. Something you've done. And the sad thing is, you were too stupid to know you did it. You went and took my title, now, you know I'm not much for titles, but this one resounded worse. Because, you also went behind my back and shit talked me. Even though you and I were supposed to be on good terms. Ya'know? I went and I paid you more than 3 times what you were asking for your car, I even gave you Fancy Feast. Bruh, I never went behind your back. And hell, I even upheld my end of the bargain. But you, you're a dirty dealing piece of shit. You really are. But it's ok, because at the end of the day, you're still less popular than Todd. You could have replaced yourself entirely with Rodd and Todd, and I promise, everyone would be happier. You know why? Because you're the wrestling equal to Steve Klein.
At this point you're probably asking yourself who Steve Klein is. Unless you've paused to check Wikipedia. Which is exactly why my point stands. Steve Klein is the former guitarist for New Found Glory, he was terminated when it came out he's a kid toucher. Now, I'm not saying you're a kid toucher, but what I'm saying is that no one really cares about you. They care about the TV Title, sure, and they care about the antics of the Asylum, of which you claim to be trying to stop. Yet, there's not Gator fans out there going wild like they do when The Asylum comes out. So, much like Lane and Gator try and claim about me, despite the mountain range of evidence backing that they're just describing themselves, it would appear Gator is trying to come for my team's fame. That's why he selected CorVus, some unknown creepy fuck who made one appearance since founding their team, to back him. Someone he knew wouldn't take his spotlight. And why he stole Sane from Trust Insanity, a team that involved Sane latching onto another legacy's sack. You see, Gator picked leeches to try and make himself look better.
And he claims I'm the leech. And now we go to this very important question. Gator, you're an Ozy guy, yes? Then why do you not go to Ozy's show? Is it because you only want to claim Ozy because everyone else who was on his team is gone, save Cain? You want to be associated with a vanished team, and Cain, so you can claim to be the big superstar of a failed team? Flawless logic. Come back with something about Feder, please. I dare you to try and bring him up some more. Like you know the man."
Frodo drops a Hadouken! to Gator's sack, before hitting the doubled over bitch with a Demi Lovato looks good in Jeans. He breaks the hold, and goes for a pin.