We see a right proper cunt walking down an undisclosed street.... actually no, fuck that! It's Elm street, yeah you heard me prick, we see that tosser Scully walking down Elm street like he owns the damn thing! Must think he's Fredy Kruger or something, tosser. Suddenly out of nowhere a noose drops down from a nearby light pole catching Scully around the neck. The noose tightens as the rope lifts Scully into the air proceeding to hanghim. The camera now pans to the top of the light pole and that is where we see him, BATMAN! No, no wait, it's Scorpio who appears to be asleep? Da fuq? As he tries to free himself Scully drops his Heavymetal Weight Title in a nearby dumpster, without opening his eyes Scorpio leaps into the dumpster then starts to stift through the trash until finally finding the belt. As soon as the title hits his hand Scorpio awakens.
Scorpio: Huh.... where the hell am I? And why do I smell like garbage? Oh god, I didn't bang Maria Brink in my sleep again did I?
Scorpio looks around noticing Scully hanging there and the Heavymetal Weight Title in his hand.
Scorpio: Mmmmkay. Well..... FUCK A PIN IT'S MINE NOW BITCH!
Scorpio starts to scamper off on all fours holding the title close.