Mr. Oz
Active in XWF
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11-10-2014, 10:02 AM
The video opens up, but what is being shown, is a bunch of people being rushed by. The height from which the people are being viewed, is from someone very tall. To confirm who it is, his voice sounds out
Watch out!
He took a hard right, down an alleyway, which had a fire escape hanging from the side of an apartment complex. The ladder was not going to be easy to get to, at least for normal people. People who only ran, people who only lifted. For someone who did both, and took up a high risk, high reward type of training, it would be a snap, especially because he was so big. He continued his run, but picked up as much speed as he could before running diagonally jumping up high to the wall, planting one foot on it, then kicking off and catching the ladder near the base where the rest of the ladder drops from. Using his upper body strength, he yanked himself up and grabbed at the railings, then pulled himself completely up and on to his feet. He then began his run up the fire escape, leaping over once in a while, to get to the next pair of steps while rushing to the roof.
Once on the roof, he began to look around, looking at how close or how far, certain buildings were. He saw one building was close, and both the camera and him looked down, seeing the gap between the two. The building he was going to jump to had about two feet between it and his building, and a three foot drop. He backed up, ran, and jumped over the edge of the roof, clearing the gap. He quickly touched ground on the roof, and rolled forward and sprung up back onto his feet. He'd repeat this process of looking for shorter buildings, jumping to them, then going on to the next one. Then finally there was no shorter buildings, so he looked around. He saw an overhang that he could, well, hang from and drop safely to the streets below. He quickly moved from roof to overhang, falling the foot below onto it, then bridging the landing to flip over the overhang, grabbing onto the edge and then releasing. As he touched the ground, he rolled to the right and bounced back into position.
Some people don't seem to understand why I do the kind of training I do. Some have seen wrestlers like John Morrison and still can't comprehend how something like Parkour can help in a match. However, there's many perks. You increase your body's muscles, you enable it to take certain kinds of impacts. It increases your endurance. It's what I do every day. It's what I've been doing for a long time now. However, this training is all well and good for the legs, the heart and lungs, but this can't give me the raw power I need in my matches. Oh no. For that, I use the weights in a gym. Or hell, if I'm really bored, and don't feel like going to a place of musk and sweat, I'll go to an animal care store, go to the dog food section, and use however many of the largest bags they have as weights. Takes a bit longer and I get a ton more looks than if I had gone to a gym, but, I couldn't care less. I love running across rooftops though. It's so serene to be high up and watch everything happening below. The busy people, the cars moving through the streets.
That would be all he would say as the video soon faded to black.
The video opens again, but this time the viewer isn't looking in first person, rather, they are looking at him like usual. He wore his normal attire, and once the image of him has sunk in, he'd begin to speak
So, Horseman. Our match is coming up. Can you believe it? Warfare is fast approaching and it's going to be quite possibly the most fun I've had since War Games! You see, Horseman, I plan on making sure you don't answer the ten count. I plan on picking you up after you fail, and then I plan on doing a Gorilla Press Drop off the edge of the roof and letting you fall from an almost extra seven feet in the air. It's not going to feel good, Horseman. You will not enjoy the kind of pain I will bring to you during our match. You may think you're better than me, you may think you're going to get the win. I can tell you something, though. I may be crazy for believing in a Higher Power, you are the insane one for thinking that you will be able to face me and win.
Horseman, I am not impressed with your work so far. I am not impressed with anything you've done, so far. Maybe you'll be able to impress me at a later date, but right now? You're nothing. At least, nothing yet. I don't even remember why I accepted this match. You must've caught me in a great mood, and decided to capitalize on it. Well, Horseman, once Warfare has come and gone, you will know what it is to be cleansed of your impurities. You will feel the power that surges through me as I drive through you. As I put every ounce of my strength against yours, performing a spear so harsh, so painful, that you won't get back up from it. You will feel why I call myself a new breed of Beast, why I call myself a new kind of Monster. It isn't to be cutesy, it's so that people like you, understand what you're going up against. And what do you think you can try to do to beat me? If you bring any less than one hundred percent, you will be ran through, and you will not get up again once I am finished you. After Warfare, Horseman, you will end up just like all of my other opponents, hurting, their bodies writhing in pain as the screams escape them. Warfare is when it will happen to you too. You will hear the screams as they did, as I DO! Then, as you fall down, down, down towards the parking lot, you'll remember what I've said all along. The screams you hear, are yours! They're your cries of pain, of anguish, you finding out your efforts to win were all...
He grinned wide, revealing blackened teeth,
in vain.
His signature laugh sounded out as the camera faded to black and the neon green words flashed on the screen