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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
You Wanted A Challenge, You Got One!
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Joey Hawkins Offline
Back and better than ever!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-07-2014, 04:38 PM

OOC: Scene opens up to Joey Hawkins training at a local gym in Las Vegas while a cameraman records him

Oh Darkwynd. What the actual fuck were you thinking!? You thought that a garbage newbie, like yourself, would be strong enough and talented enough to beat me, the young blood from Sin City? I like that you have some balls though. Unlike some bitches around this promotion. -coughs- Mastermind -coughs-.

Are you scared, Darkwynd? By the way, what the fuck is your real name? Do you just go by Darkwynd? 'Cause if you do, that's just as as being called Frodo Smackins. Dark -Hawkins pauses- Wind??? How can wind be dark? I mean, just how? Were you fucking goth as a child or something? Were you one of those kids in middle school who sat in the corner eating their lunch everyday with no friends? That's basically what your "in ring name" says to me.

I hope wherever the fuck you are, you listen to what I'm saying. You better believe I don't take it easy when newbies are involved. Did you not watch the King of the Ring tournament last Monday? You were probably crying in another corner or something. I did not let up against those two newbies, Harley Jack and Derek Rampant. When they tried to make a pinfall attempt against me, I made sure that they did not succeed in winning. Now, after I destroy your punk ass, I'm taking on Harley Jack again. Why I am doing that? To be honest, I have no fucking idea in the slightest. Shane ran out of good matches I guess.

So back to what I was saying, are you shaking in your goth boots, Darkwynd? 'Cause I don't see your ass releasing any promos. You're intimidated, aren't you? You realized that offering me a challenge was the worst fucking mistake in your pathetic life. What happened to you having balls when you offered me that challenge, huh? Did they fall off overnight and you became a woman? Great, now I'm fighting an emo chick.

I've had it with rookies with these days. Coming into the XWF like they think they're hot shit. The only way rookies can really prove that they're worth something is if they come out of the gates strong. The only way you're going to earn any respect around here, Darkwynd, is if you beat me. Then, I'll respect you. But, there is no chance in the underworld of Satan himself that you're going to accomplish that feat

[Image: OuzNj8Z.png]

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You Wanted A Challenge, You Got One! - by Joey Hawkins - 11-07-2014, 04:38 PM

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