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I'm Not Sorry *Rp2*
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-22-2014, 12:47 PM

*I'm Not Sorry"*

With the Wargames pay-per-view fast approaching, I had shit I needed to sort out beforehand. It had to be done sooner, rather than later so I could get on with my professional wrestling career. This one thing or should I say person, that was suppose to be pushing me forward, was actually holding me back.

A manager. What is a manager?
In professional wrestling, a manager is a secondary character paired with a wrestler (or wrestlers) for a variety of reasons. The manager is often either a non-wrestler, an occasional wrestler, an older wrestler who has retired or is nearing retirement or, in some cases, a new wrestler who is breaking into the business (or a specific company) and needs the experience in front of the crowds. The wrestler that a manager manages is called his or her charge. A wrestler's manager has nothing to do with their real-world agent.

What is a Manager's job in the wrestling industry?
He or she helps their client to book matches and appearances, and otherwise works to further and guide their career. Within the context of storylines it is the manager who positions their charge fortitle opportunities, decides whom to trust as an ally, and generally acts as a mouthpiece on their wrestlers' behalf. Outside of storylines, a manager's job is to help the wrestler they're paired with get over. 

There have been some great managers over the years. Let's just name a few off the top of my head... Paul Heyman, Paul Bearer, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, JJ Dillon, Classy Freddie Blassie, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase, Captain Lou Albano, Jimmy Hart, Jim Cornette and Zeb Colter.
There have also been some inspirational valets, female manager's too. Like Trish Stratus, Sensational Sherri, Terri Runnels, Sable and Lana.

I have a manager or I'm suppose to have a manager, his name is John Black. I haven't seen the guy for a few weeks now. In my opinion he sucks as a manager and should go down in the Top ten of worst managers... Ever. Then again, I would even go as far as saying, he would be number 1 on that list.
The last time I seen him was after the mini gauntlet at Wednesday night Warfare. I was pissed off after that match, as I was controversially pinned by Gator, which I am over by the way and eliminated from the gauntlet. I sort of insulted John and haven't seen him in person since. We've text on a couple of occasions, I wonder if he actually wants a sincere apology?
How many times has John Black escorted me to the ring? The answer, zero. Now don't get me wrong, John is alright but he doesn't seem very motivated. Maybe we just couldn't work together. It was time for our scheduled meeting at Ruby Tuesday.

Location:Ruby Tuesday, 9199 NW 152nd St, Miami 33177

I had arrived at the Ruby Tuesday restaurant. I was already sat at a table awaiting the arrival of John Black. I decided not to have an acoholic beverage today and was enjoying a glass of cherry lemonade with ice. I then see John Black enter the restaurant. John notices me and walks over to the table. I stand up from my seat and we shake hands. I sit back down as John takes off his jacket before taking a seat, opposite.

John Black "Hello, Scully"

Scully "Hello, John"

John Black "Wow, this is awkward".

Scully "Just a bit"

There is then an awkward silence as we are both looking at seperate menu's. That is until the waitress makes her way over to table.

Waitress "Hello gentlemen, what can I get you? Would you like drinks? Appetizers?

I was too busy staring at the waitresses cleavage as she smiled, knowing what I was looking at.

Scully "Nice..... Hair... I have a drink, thank you. I will have the Fried Mozzarella please"

John Black "I'll have a 20 oz Bud light and i'll go for the Fire Wings, please"

Waitress "Ok, gentleman. Thank you"

The waitress smiles at me before turning to get John Blacks drink. I stare at her ass as she walks away. I then look at John.

Scully "So where have you been, John?"

John Black "I,ve been around, Scull. I,ve been at the shows"

Scully "So you couldn't come and see me, huh?

John Black "I could say the same for you. You haven't come looking for me"

Before I could reply, the waitress returns with John's enormous drink. We then continue the conversation.

Scully "Look John, you're suppose to be my manager. You should have come to find me"

John Black "And you're suppose to be my client."

Scully "Are you just going to be difficult? I don't know if you noticed but since I last seen you, I have destroyed the XWF'S version of Zack Ryder, The Spike Hannigan and been in a big 4 on 4 tag team match, which the team I was on, lost. Yeah, we were defeated and I haven't even seen you!"

John Black "What you said last time, upset me. In fact it realIy pissed me off. I was trying to help you see sense"

Scully "I know what I said and well.... I'm not sorry

John Black "See Scull... This is....

Before John could continue, the waitress comes over with our appetizers. She places mine in front of me and John's in front of him.

John Black "Thank you"

Scully "Thanks"

Me and John both tuck into our food. I check the waitresses ass out as she walks off. Our conversation was turning into a bit of an argument. John eventually continues the conversation.

John Black "As I was saying....."

Just as John was about to finish off what he was saying, the waitress comes over again.

Waitress "Is everything okay with your food?

Scully "Yes thanks, it's beautiful like you."

The waitress begins to blush.

John Black "Yeah, it's nice thank you"

Waitress "Could I get you any drinks?

John Black "I'm cool thanks"

Scully "I'll have another Cherry Lemonade please darling"

Waitress "Okay sir... Thank you"

The waitress smiles at me before going to get my drink.

John Black "Wow... What a flirt!"

Scully "Yeah but she's hot... "

John Black "True dat."

We both look at her, over at the bar making my drink. She looks over and smiles. I finish my appetizer and she comes over with my cherry lemonade. She places the glass on the table and drops a piece of paper, sneakily on my lap. I look at the paper and it has her phone number on it with a cheeky wink face on it. I smile as she winks at me. John Black finishes his appetizer.

Scully "Thank you, that was delicious."

John Black "Yeah it was good... Cheers"

Waitress "Would you like to order your mains now?"

Scully "I know what I'm having for desert"

The waitress blushes and smiles

John Black "I'll have the Full-Rack Barbecue Baby-Back Ribs please

Scully "I'll have the Petite Sirloin* & Lobster Tail please"

Waitress "Sure, thank you"

The waitress collects our finished plates and takes them away to the kitchen.

Scully "So John, what was you saying a while ago?"

John Black "Oh yeah... I'll be honest with you. I was just going to say, you are a very talented superstar but you have a bad attitude.

Scully "Bad attitude?"

John Black "Yes, Scully.... A bad attitude. I've seen your promos recently, you have become even more disrespectful. I mean look how you spoke about legends like Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon. Look at the things you have said about the TV Champion, Gator.

Scully "What because I don't take shit from no one. You heard what they said about me to right?

John Black "I just think you could handle things differently. You've became more cocky and the lads in the back are beginning to dislike you. In fact, hardly any of the lads like you. Who's friends with you? Maverick? Pest? Another two people who are disliked in the comapny"

Scully "John, I'm not here to make friends. I am in the XWF to be the best. To be a champion. Fuck every one elses opinions and you know what, fuck you.. John!"

John Black "It's like that, huh?"

Scully "Yeah... It's like that and that's the way it is. You see John, this business relationship isn't working. You're too nice and that's why everyone has walked all over you."

John Black "Well not any more. You're an asshole!"

John Black stands up and stares at me. I smirk. The waitress then comes over with our food. John looks at the waitress and nods. He then looks at me again before turning and walking away. I stand up as he's close to the door and the customers in the restaurant all stare as I shout

Scully "What about your food? And the bill, you cheap bastard!"

John ignores me and I shake my head before sitting back down. The waitress puts the food on the table.

Waitress "There's your food, sir. I'll be finishing soon so if you're still here we could go out for a drink?"

Scully "Sounds like a plan"

The waitress smiles at me then goes to do her work. I look at both meals, shrug my shoulders and get stuck in. I'm left to eat alone.

Alfie has the camera set up. We are sat in my kitchen, this time he is sober and can do his job, properly.

"Team disaster, I can't believe some of the shit I've seen you simpletons say. Well, obviously I can believe it cuz you numpties said it.

Mastermind, you will be the captain of the team who were left laid out on they're backs. You're used to losing though, nothing new, same old shit. You'll carry on though like you said, that's if you get back up. Or even recover from the beating you're about to recieve. I will drown? I never knew we were facing off in a swimming pool match. I'm pretty sure we are in a double ring, surrounded by a cage, match. You're obviliously a bit simple. A swimming pool match might be a good idea for the future, maybe you should suggest it to management.

McBride, it seems you're too busy drilling out people's eyeballs than paying attention to the upcoming match. I give you permission to bring your drill to the ring at Wargames. See if you can do the same to me. I doubt it, The Scully Meister won't allow it. I am going to leave you looking like that poor guy you beat up, bloody and battered!

Ezekiel, you really need to get your facts straight and stop chatting shit. Everything you said about me was the dumbest, straight up shit... I have ever heard.
You are definitely not just the weakest link of your team but the weakest, in the whole entire company.
What is with the nickname, Skully? It's spelt with a 'C', not a 'K', firstly. Secondly, it isn't a nickname, it's my surname. There are a few professional wrestler's, for example Antonio Cessaro, who just use their surname.
Then like the dumb fuck you are, you claimed to shag my mother whilst being pregnant with me, right? Wrong! You unfortunately, was born in April and I was born in November, both in the year of 1989. So, you was anywhere between being a new born and 7 months old? And my mum abused you? Sorry, dickhead but that is a load of bollocks.
Then you claimed before you went on hiatus, you busted ya ass off throughout the company, you're a hard worker, right? With the great record of 5 wins, 4 losses and a draw in the entire 10 matches you have competed in, in the whole year you have been here!
I'm gonna beat you so bad, you will leave again. Thank God. You're about as useful to your team as a chocolate covered tea pot!

Bummer boy, Vinnie Lane... You said you don't understand me? That's because you're ignorant. Or so you pretend to be. You know what I said but you don't have any other comebacks, other than I am . Wow, at least if you're gonna call someone a , just like I did with your tag partner, Ezekiel, have some reasons to back it up. For example... Wait one second..."

I put a blonde on wig on my head and try to put on a high pitched voice. Although, it's quite difficult.

"My name is Vinnie Lane, I am a rock star or so I claim to be. I attract 16 year old girls and I have a fetish for leather pants. I've been called out plenty of times, for being a crybaby and a hypocrite.
Scully is a because he insulted me, then asked me to sponsor him. Actually, Scully isn't the , Loverboy is. I mean if I, Vinnie Lane sponsored Scully, at least I'd be guaranteed a TV title shot. That's the whole point of me sponsoring someone, so they go on to the win the match and take the TV title of my boyfriend, Gator and then I'd get a title shot. But I'm too stupid to accept this because Scully told everyone I wanted to be a girl."

I then pretend to cry

"I hate him... His team hate him! Why does he like Pest? Why doesn't he like me? I respected him when he came here and now I hate him. I just hate him. Wah wah wah"

I throw the wig off and begin to laugh. I shake my head and then I cough a few times. I cover my mouth and put my hand up towards the camera. After my coughing fit, I continue.

"News flash, I don't care if you like me. I don't care if my own team mates, dislike me. This ain't a popularity contest. Don't worry I heard Frodo compare me to you, which is an insult to me. Saying you're the Scully of your team. But it's fine, I couldn't give a damn.

So you went to see Mystic Meg? You should of came to see me, I could of told you, your future. Well, I could of at least told you that come Wargames, I am gonna drag you around by your hair, and beat the living crap out of you. Why? Because I can. I've just beaten some rookies? I have never denied that. But what would your excuse be when I beat you and your bum buddies? I am about to be on the winning team that beat you and your cronies!"

I put on a Gator mask

"Wow... These thing's are uncomfortable. I feel like a gimp wearing this. I just need a collar and some chain.
So Gatorbator, my fellow Englishman. You wear this and your costume because you don't want anyone to see your cuts and bruises? You think hiding behind a costume from Argos makes you look more of a hard nut?
Do you know what I think? You'll probably say you don't care but I'm going to tell you anyway.
I disagree with you, wearing a costume makes you look like a twat! I feel like a cunt right now just with the mask on. Unlike you Gator, I don't hide behind a mask. I don't hide at all"

I take the mask off, and throw it to one side. My hair is a bit of a mess from wearing the mask so I play with it quickly

"This is what I think.... I would rather be part of a brutal and voilent match. Be battered, bruised and bloody. Have cuts for all to see and come out victorious. So everyone knows that no matter how beaten I was, I still came out on top. Wearing a costume from the fancy dress shop, doesn't make you look like more of a man, it doesn't make you look super human. Everyone knows you're still a man, hiding behind an outfit.
I liked the little clips, you got of me on your phone the other day. I found one of you. In fact, there were quite a few. But I'll just show this one. In the closet, I see"

I pull my Samsung Galaxy S5 phone out, unlock the screen and click on the apps button. I click on the video logo and look through my videos until I find it. I get it up and show it to the camera

"So dancing with not one but two gay guys... This was just the beginning of your evening, you then went for some bum fun. Homosexuality isn't an issue though. I've said it before and i'll say it again.
You are what you eat.... A dick!
Oh and before I go, I've seen your boring promos with the Fox... I'll leave ya'll with this...... Enjoy"

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I'm Not Sorry *Rp2* - by Scully - 10-22-2014, 12:47 PM

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