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Breaking My Silence
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-17-2014, 02:16 PM

I sat there, stupefied and horrified at the sight that greeted me: Leon and Dustin, along with one of my cameramen.

"... Uh, guys... Please excuse us for a minute," I said, grabbing Raven's arm. "We just need to talk about something VERY important." Shooting her a glance, I walked with Raven, my temporary parting with the three made Dustin yell at the top of his lungs, "DON'T WORRY BOSS! DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THAT PUSSY!"

Mortified, blushing, and facepalming all the way to the car, I opened our doors, and made sure we were alone. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally spoke. "You didn't stop to wonder why I had left them behind?"

"Look, I'm sorry. Really, I truly am. Listen, you always spoke highly of them, at least when I heard you talking about them. You never said anything about their intelligence, so I thought that while not the smartest, I figured they would at least know their rights from their lefts, so to speak."

"Oh, trust me, they don't. They barely passed the fifth grade, and even then, they were in Special Ed. Anyway, I didn't say anything about their intelligence since I thought if I blabbed about their intelligence, I'd be deserted by you."

"Please, I'd judge you for you, not for your friends or your bodyguards. And I don't care how many people call you a liar, I can judge you for myself now that I've been alone with you for so long, and I can tell that you're telling the truth." She finished her speech by giving me a quick kiss.

I sat there, blushing, probably looking like a fool. My throat became dry and constricted, almost as if a python was slithering up my body and began squeezing my throat. After what seemed like a million years, I quietly spoke, "Thank you. The fact you're on my side about this whole liar thing, when I'm pretty much Public Enemy #1 to the XWF Roster, that means a lot. Thank you."

"My pleasure. And please, to make up for the mistake I made, I'll take Leon and Dustin off your hands for the rest of today."

"Raven, going on my side for this liar thing is one thing. I'd imagine you'd have quite a few people on you now that you've pretty much became my girlfriend and believed me in that I'm not a liar. But taking the Insurance Policy off my hands, Raven you don't know what they're--"

"Josh, listen. I'd imagine you have quite a few things to get off your chest right now. I've been selfish by hogging you for the past few days, tantalizing you with someone you knew. But, you only got the two biggest idiots I ever saw in my life, no offense."

"None taken. Trust me, I'm with you there. But, I don't have anything to get off my chest. I mean, I'm pretty calm right now."

That, to which, I was greeted with a facepalm. "No, you dunce, I'm talking about War Games. During these past few days, yuor team and your opponents surely must have said some words about you. I'll leave you your cameraman and my laptop--"

"Hold up. You have a laptop?"

"Considering what you need to do right now, I'd say the discovery of me having a laptop isn't so big right now. But listen, I'll leave you my laptop, so you can see the promos you missed out. Knowing you, I'd say you're just itching to say a few words about them--"

"Hold up again. You saw they're promos too, and you didn't tell me?"

"I'm telling you now, aren't I? Trust me, a lot of them were dissing you, even one of your own teammates. Now come on. I'll take them off your hands so you can get cracking and going to work."

I stopped Raven from getting out with a deep, passionate kiss, our inexperienced lips and tongues dancing. Finally, I broke the kiss. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you, Raven?"

"You don't need to. Now come on."

Exiting the car with grins on our faces, we went through the large, glass doors to the bus station. After what seemed like no time at all (probably because the trio were waiting for us as soon as we got in), we met up with the Insurance Policy and my cameraman.

The Insurance Policy backed up a few times out of fear, since I had a verystern look on my face. "Now listen up you two, because I won't repeat myself. You will NOT be staying with me today."

"What?" "Come on, boss!"

"I'm not budging. You will spend all of tomorrow with me, but for now, Raven has volunteered to watch over you two today. No, not you, Frank-" I gestured to my cameraman- "I'm afraid I'll need you. Bring your camera too. We'll be going back to the Inn for now until Raven, Leon, and Dustin get back. Now then, you two, I'm laying some ground rules: If you hurt Raven, cause a scene, or don't listen to her, I can personally assure you, that you will be automatically fired. No questions. Be thankful I'm not firing you now for disobeying my direct orders and tagging along for this. Now then, I'll leave you two to it. Frank, with me."


30 Minutes Later

Even though it's been thirty minutes, it feels like an eternity to me, I'm so anxious to tear apart some promos. After climbing the stairs and getting into my room, Frank wasted no time getting his camera set up and pressing play. Meanwhile, I was setting up Raven's laptop and going onto YouTube, and Googiling my teammates promos first. If Raven is correct in that one or two of my own teammates is dissing me, then I can't waste anytime in setting the record straight.

"Alright," Frank said, "We are on in three... two.... one!"

I sat in silence looking at the camera for a few seconds, my eyes trained on the black, soulless hole on the camera known as the lens.

"So. I go on to the XWF's website. I decided to watch the draft, since I slept through it, having gone through an exhausting day taking care of Leon and Dustin. So I'm watching. Knowing my superb record, which is nearly undefeated, not to mention, being a former X-treme Champion, only losing it to Lane backstabbing me and clocking me with a bottle, I fully expected to be picked numero uno for Team Mastermind. But he didn't. He chose Gator.

"Fucking Gator. The man who in a way, started this whole 'Iceman' revolution, for not having the gall and respect to call me by my real stage name while helping Todd cutting an actual promo. Sure, there's no denying his talent. Television Champion, after all. But I expected better from Mastermind. He could have had his match in the bag had he chose me as his number one pick. But no, he chooses Gator."

"But I'm patient. Even if I'm not chosen first overall, first round would still be quite an achievement. So I watch for pick numero dos, where Pest takes the stage. But instead of choosing me, he picks the same exact person I just beat in a Triple Threat match last Warfare- Senator John Samuels. The man I nearly made tap out with a Dragon Sleeper before McBride stuck his ugly head and broke up the submission. See, if Pest chose me, like Team Mastermind, he could have had his match in the bag. But once again, nope.

"However, I'm still patient. I keep waiting in the hopes I'm still picked. But, the draft- and captains- fly by with their picks. Evertrust, who hasn't even wrestled a legitimate match yet, and keeps calling on Crimson Face whenever he's too bitchy not to keep his title on his own. I mean, the guy's got godly powers. But I digress, there's more draft picks where that came from. Doctor Louis D'ville. Proxy, who's only benefit is with weapons, though there won't be any in our rooftop match. Avery Martin Alden, who only wrestled one match. He won said match, but he only wrestled that one. And so the first round is through. And I just sit there, dumbfounded, on why the captains refused their only way to certain victory? And so, I hoped for a second round pick. But once again, it escaped my grasp. Vinnie Lane. Gilmour. Justin Sane, who like Evertrust, hasn't wrestled a match. LH Harrison. Cain. Kessler, who ALSO got promptly eliminated in that battle royal match he had, his only one match.

"And so, in snake order, I hoped Erebus would pick me next, as he seemed to be going for younger talent. But once again, I'm passed up, this time for Heartsford. And so I'm forced to watch unbearably as I watch the time tick by until I'm a draft pick. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. And then, the all- brawn, no- brains monster who resembles the Insurance Policy so much, it's hilarious, Monolith goes next. But finally, finally, I'm chosen. As a mid- third rounder by Morbid Angel.

"Now sure, I could consider myself lucky. I'm joining a team with a wealth of talent in Morbid, D'ville, and Harrison. But considering the fact that I'm drafted halfway in the second- to last round, I consider that a failure. Not to mention, we have a serious unknown on our team in the form of Venomous, or as I like to call him, Venomless, since I don't see him packing the venom his name implies. Hell, we've hardly even heard anything from him at ALL.

"Now, we have the extraordinary amount of promos that have released during my silence. And, it seems as though a little cute birdie informed me that one of my teammates have dissed me. Personally, my money's on D'ville or Harrison, but that's just me. Now then, time to check out what has been released in my absence. Just so you know, since I'm only responding to the part where my said teammate calls me out, I'm cutting out the other parts of that teammate's promo. Now, let's begin."

Maverick first goes to Mr. Doctor D'ville's promo. He cuts to the part where D'ville starts talking about him.

Quote:As I said a moment ago, Mister Maverick has shown us that he is well off running his mouth. He starts fights with nearly the entire roster and now he's being accused of being a fraud. Well, let me tell you Maverick. You are not the only one here who has been accused of being a fraud. Do you believe that all my patients like to be analyzed and questioned? Do you believe that THEY believe an actual doctor is here to save them? Cure them? Make them better?! They do not. Unappreciative cretins, my friend. I've spend months picking all of these men and women apart only to be shut down and called a fraud nearly every time I've spoken up. So do not feel abandoned or alone, my friend. You are not the only one cast out by the waves of disbelief.


Maverick... As I stated before he did not fail to make his presence known here. He's not afraid to make enemies, that for certain. He could be a good addition to this team, indeed. I just hope, as his mouth continues to flap, that his boot does not get lodged into it. It would be a shame if he would be force fed his words again by someone accusing him as a liar. Mister Maverick, as I pointed out to our other fifth, the accusations that come from some of the competitors here can be a bit harsh. Do not let them get to you. You know your past. If you speak the truth about it, it is of no concern to me. If you decide to stretch the truth to make yourself look stronger or more talented, more power to you. I have also been the victim of people lacking faith. If they chose to believe my doctrine isn't real. If they chose to believe I'm not a real doctor, that's there problem. Only one person so far has stood up to me and had their hand raised in the end. One. The other's may have walked away from an encounter with me, but not without assistance from friends on the outside. Sparing you of any more details, if any of my teammates should lack any confidence going into War Games, they should not.

"Now then. Doctor D'ville. It seems as though you are not the lucky teammate who has insulted me, to which, I thank you. However, you make some... interesting points here. 'I'm well off running my mouth?' Please, don't make me laugh. I've just been spending my time, vacationing with my girlfriend these past few days, not saying a recorded word for a promo about this match. If you don't call that me keeping my mouth shut, I don't know what is. And as for you saying you have been 'cast out in the waves of disbelief.' This is completely different. Everyone agrees your a wrestler, and a damn good one, in fact, which I do in fact, find myself compelled to agree. However, you have two professions here. I have one here, and people, no matter how many times I find myself winning, keep saying that I'm a liar, my name is Iceman, I'm not from Battle Creek, etc. Not to mention, I have yet to see anyone not call you a doctor. If you wish to point it out to me, great, all the more power to you. However, I have X-Pac, Gator, Frodo, and Loverboy consistently on my ass saying my name is Iceman, you know the deal by now. Even other people make quick snippets, or even make lies out of that and make them become hypocrites.

"Now then, I'm sure I've spent more than enough time on your promo. Time for Mr. LH Harrison to take the shine here."

Quote:My third teammate is a bit of whiny b… well you know what. But he’s been impressive since debuting in the XWF. He almost beat an entire team of retired legends on his own! He also won the X-Treme title and held it for… well he won the title anyways. However he did beat two solid competitors here in the XWF in John Samuels and Michael McBride.

"Ah, yes, we have struck gold! Mr. LH Harrison, you are the lucky teammate who insulted me! Ah, a whiny bitch. I'm surprised you ripped off Schrute's insult and bandwagoned on that. I mean, you are 'The Inspiration?" Right? Surely, you must inspire yourself to actually use some unique quotes! Or maybe you are just as much of a liar as I am claimed to be. Oh, and har har har. Laugh it up at the guy who got defeated by being teabagged by a 185- pound man! Trust me, man, those balls smell like you're being buried under six feet of cow shit, man. Straight up nasty. But, you don't see me crying, do you! I have only cried once, and that was from a mental breakdown because half the roster has nothing better to do other than stalk me and call me Iceman or a liar! Though, I do thank that you've acknowledged the fact that I actually beat the person who went before me in the draft, John Samuels. Seriously, how DOES that work? Anyway, moving on. Since we have found the teammate who has insulted me, I suppose it's time to answer to the enemy captain himself, Theo Pryce, seeing as how none of his team cares much for trash talk except for him."

Quote:After the Good Doctor comes the federations favorite liar. Fitting that he finds himself on a team with Morbid Angel. For the moment Maverick has been smart not to try and besmirch my name and so for now I'll let it alone. I'm sure in time Maverick will open his trap and allow something to come out of it and when he does I'll be there to laugh and educate him on the error of his ways.

"Ah, federation's favorite liar. I admit, that is a new one, but it basically still built off the same premise X-Pac started with, and what he, Frodo, Gator, Loverboy, hell, half the roster rode to the ground. Anyway, you wish for me to open my mouth and take you through a trip through why you suck? Then please, allow me. You go and act all tough, saying how you're easily the best guy here, even though you rely on the Black Circle oh, so much. And don't deny it either. We all saw you contact John Madison, and how you're wanting to rebuild it with him and Luca. 'Oh sure,' you could say. 'It's just a great faction, and I want to rebuild it--' CUT! No, not you, Frank. Theo, the Black Circle has gone to hell and back. Only John, Luca, and you are still along with it. Trust me, in my opinion, seeing as how everyone deserted the Black Circle, your much better starting off a new faction! I mean, you have such a great track record, seeing as how you've won two titles, and I've won half of that, and I've only been here for three weeks, and you've managed to draft a team who has won NO championships except for you- ah, who am I kidding, you're terrible! I mean, if your team has won titles, evidently they don't want it known! I've went to the XWF's official website, and went to the 'Signatures,' where Superstars usually keep their achievements. However, I don't even see achievements! No record, nothing! Just a banner of the losing si- I mean, your team. Face it, Theo. You can go on and on and on about how you're a legend, you're a former King of the XWF, yada yada, but really, I just hope all this time away from the ring hasn't made your body fragile. Now then, I do believe I have to keep up with the other team's promo's right now, so I believe this is ta- ta for now, Pryce. As for the rest of Team Morbid. I'll work with you for now. But after War Games? Then all of you and the rest of the XWF better be on high alert. Because I will make a permanent stay at one of the titles. Be it Television, be it X-treme, or hell, be it straight to the top with the Universal title! I don't care. All you better keep in mind, titleholders, is keep eyes in the back of your head. Because I'm coming."

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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Breaking My Silence - by Maverick - 10-17-2014, 02:16 PM

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