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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Wading the Waters of Insanity
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

10-02-2014, 06:54 PM

Inside the dimly lit room, there was a flickering, and soon the source would show itself as Game Boy and his goings on. Watching it is the crosslegged figure of Ghost Tank. He chuckled a bit at the confusion of Game Boy when it came to his name, and his response. He looked off to the side then, as if trying to peer into the very core of those watching him...

You're.... entertaining, Game Boy. Fun to watch. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever felt pain? I have. Sometimes, the pain will last for weeks! Weeks of torment, of suffering! You want to know why my name is Ghost Tank? What... I am? I am a new breed of beast, a new kind of monster. When you hear footsteps near you, but see nothing but shadow, THAT'S ME! I am fast, I am a destroyer, I am a conqueror! During the Battle Royal, you and the others will know why my name is Ghost Tank. You will feel why my name is Ghost Tank.

His head turned to the right as he looked away, as if listening intently for something

Do you hear it yet? Do you hear the screams? If you can't, then you should start worrying...

He then stood up quickly, rushing the camera, showing his face in its entirety


He sat back down, grinning ear to ear, revealing black teeth, as if the man needed anymore help looking, frightening? Silly? It was up to the one who viewed him

Like a beautiful orchestra, I hear the screams of the past joining the screams of the future. Each person I've beaten, each person I will beat, their screams forever burned, INTO MY MIND! INTO MY SOUL! FOREVER PART OF ME! And on Wednesday, you'll hear the screams too.

He began to laugh, that dark, haunting laugh only someone as creepy as himself could produce. Within a split second he was on the camera once more, holding it close to his neon green eye, which began to look around, as if he was trying to find Game Boy within the device.

Peeeee kaaaaa boooooo... I'm waaa-tchiiing youuuuuu....

His eye then stopped, looking straight ahead into the camera as that laugh rang out loud and the visual faded to dark.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Wading the Waters of Insanity - by Mr. Oz - 10-02-2014, 06:54 PM

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