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So, Fuck God Anyway; God is Obsolete
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Kendall Savannah Sawyer Offline
Repetition is the key to success.

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(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-30-2014, 09:21 PM

I think you need to take off the gauze, Jack. It's really, really affecting your hearing, if your response to what I said is anything to go by though in all actuality it's just as likely that he just doesn't know how to listen, seeing as though he's the leader of a self professed cult. Those cult leaders really don't have the best reputations for listening. Only talking, as Jack proves. He talks and talks without really saying anything and the few times in which he does actually say something of real impact, it's wrong. His gaffes are already piling up to the levels of Peter Gilmour and he's been here for what? A week? Yeah, it's that bad. Maybe he should get someone else to speak for him because he's proven multiple times that a microphone in his hand is about as positive of a situation as leaving your hamster in the custody of kid who pulls legs off of spiders. But, enough expositon and stuff you already know about Jacks lack of intelligence for a supposed leader of an underground organization dedicated to obliterating oppression, let's get this show on the road and vivisect his latest offering to me. Place your bets now, folks; how many fuck ups will he make in this small little message?

Well, first things first; he literally lists off that his alleged organization has a fucking terrible success/failure record. One to twenty? That's something you really should've kept to yourself unless you really have a thing for telling everything about your, again, Hidden Order and get a hard on from being berated. Is that it? Am I facing a masochist or something? There can't be any other explanation shy of mental as to why he just hands out his inadequacies on a silver platter for everyone to eat off of. Maybe it's because of his communist leanings. Yes, obligatory "group dedicated to helping the impoverished and the weak is communist" remark but not because of their mission. No, the idea of what they do is noble. I can admit that. The problem therein lies in the fact that, well first of all, as it stands I don't even know if there actually is an organization or if he's just lying about that to get people to care about him. Looking past that however, the way he dresses, like an emo mummy for the record, will only attract one crowd of people: the wannabe edgy kids who wanna act hard for being in a militant organization and at the same time appear sweet for helping people to their significant others who do volunteer work. Precisely the target audience for "communists" in air quotes because they're the types who buy thirty dollar Che Guevara T-Shirts completely unironically.

Skipping past his halfhearted justification for the horrible numbers because really, that's all it is. A pisspoor excuse to distance himself from the failings of his (growing more and more imaginary by the second) Organization. Just like Cain does whenever he talks about trying hard and coming up short like the effort put forth is incredibly important without anything to show for said effort. Excuses, excuses. But hey, that's all you know, right? How to lie and weasel your way out of all your shortcomings. Fucking pathetic, it really is. For someone who is supposedly adamant about stopping oppression, simply kicking the dirt and saying "oh well, better luck next time" when they fail.

But wait, there was an Aesop there. At least, I think so. It wasn't about his group's failures (y'know, of course it wasn't), it was about how, how, okay I'll admit I don't even get the lesson here. He talks about how in that "Lower Middle Class house of mine everyone got exactly what they wanted" and I'll just stop there to correct a fact that's really, really minor but since he brought it up and is hilariously wrong I have to mention. Not lower middle class. I was actually, surprisingly, born into a little bit of wealth. None that I took when I moved out and decided to make a place for myself in the world because I'm not the type who gladly accepts handouts but it's there anyway just as a shot against you for poor research. Just like the Einstein debacle. Heh. Also, there's the anachronistic pairing of "getting exactly what they wanted" and me accepting my flaws for what they are. No, I'm not the only person with flaws. For Christ's sake I've been poking at yours for most of my promos! Obviously I know that part but since you didn't hear me the first time, and likely the second time, let me make it clear for you. I accept my flaws as my own and my fault. Others, like you as it would seem are so content to blame other outside forced for your failures because you can't shoulder that burden. You wanna live in denial, that's fine. Just don't fucking claim the moral high ground while being in denial, you whiny cunt.

Then he goes on a spiel about accepting things about me. Like my disapproval of my parents' lifestyle and behavior, whatever that entails in the obviously not all there head of his. Okay, cool. Wasn't looking for empathy, especially not from you of all people but fine. Or how about that I oppose your Holy-Shit-Can-We-Stop-Calling-it-Hidden-Already? Order? Okay, it would kinda be hypocritical if you took offense to that what with your whole anti oppression platform. Mocking your appearance? Cool. Then he goes to things he can't let me get away with. Namely mocking the people you try to save? Hello, genius. I did openly mock the people who'd join your group. Never the people you try to save but hey, you wanna be wrong go right ahead. Not my problem and besides, you obviously have no issue with being wrong. Again, all the other gaffes of yours thus far and another one.

Jack (no seriously, he's like the leader of something apparently) Said:Mock all of the men and women we try to save from the oppression of corporations like the Westboro Baptist Church

The Westboro Baptist Church. A corporation. Do, do you even know what words mean? Seriously? What the fuck? I really don't want to get to all the reasons why this is wrong because I'll be here for hours and I don't want to do that. Hell, I feel my brain hurting already with all this stupidity hitting me the face at once.

Then he rants some more about how we all have faults and there are some things that are out of our control. Well, obviously the extent of these uncontrollable outside forces is debatable but a lot of times in domestic situations, they aren't truly out of control. They're all caused by us in one way or another. Take for instance my alcoholism, something you used as an example. Easy fix: I could've never touched the stuff. I was after all, preconditioned to the disorder but against my better judgment I fell down the slippery slope. Is that anyone else's fault but my own? Not at all and I'm not going to treat it like such because that's the coward's way out. Pointing fingers to pin your failures on someone else. Weak people do that.

Makes sense why you made that justification for your save to loss ratio.

And your love of odd analogies. Okay maybe not so much there but still, it's like you're trying to jam in every possible ostracized group even when it makes absolutely no sense with what you're saying. Though, you're right. I do accept my probably fate on Wednesday:

Standing victorious over you. Oh, come on. You made that last line too easy to twist. If you had any brains at all, I'd be worried there was a trick in that statement but as we've already established, you're kind of an idiot.

Okay, not kind of.


Awardments and Accoladations:

Last European Champion (Won April 28, 2014 -- Unified into the Universal Title May 19th, 2014)
Tag Team Champion (w/ ???) (Won August 13, 2014 -- Lost December 10, 2014)
Star of the Month (April 2014)
Wannabe Jessie Diaz (You know, if you're stupid Swagmire)

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.” ― Mary Shelley
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So, Fuck God Anyway; God is Obsolete - by Kendall Savannah Sawyer - 09-30-2014, 09:21 PM

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