(09-20-2014, 03:06 PM)Maverick Said: With Maverick's anger almost getting a hold of himself, he sighed.
He turned to Crimson, and said, "Don't worry, I'll give you my money soon. If you'll excuse me, there's this bitch here who won't stop pestering me."
The Avatar of Perfection turned to Frodo, bitch smacked him, then said, "Bitch, of course management wouldn't openly refer to them as that. It would make them seem like Peter Gilmour. And NO ONE wants to be like the guy who threatens eight- year old and dies in Shane's shit. Though, apparently, the name stuck, and whenever I hear them talking about the promos, it seems they turn them into text, then make it like into a message board, and from there they refer to them as 'threads.'"
"Do you love keeping up the tradition of being wrong? First of all, I'm not in that room with you. Wherever you are. I'm setting up my new house in Royal Oak, not anywhere near you. Secondly, they don't convert shit to text. It stays in video format, and it's in sections called Archives. Not threads. Also, why would they convert it to a message board style format? Are you role playing with Peter? Dumbass nerds. Go watch this video." http://xwf99.com/showthread.php?tid=14785