In-Ring Name: SwagMire G. Swaggington Swaggins IV
Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Charles "Carlton" Ward
New to XWF or a returning roster member?:
Wrestler Date of Birth: 10/15/1969
Height: 6'4
Weight: 275
Hometown: Clawson, Michigan
Personality: He's a gangsta, cop. A cop who thinks he's tough. But really he's Carlton from Fresh Prince
Alignment (heel/face/tweener): He's a chaotic good
Physical Build Description: Look at him
Ring Attire:
![[Image: 64BB6689579AF67CC873839AF1CC4_h498_w598_m2.jpg]](
Out Of Ring/Casual Attire:
Ethnicity: Half black
Pic Base: Carlton from Fresh Prince
Wrestling Style: Nerdy brawler
Strengths: He distracts you with his "gangsta" dancing
Weaknesses: He's Frodo's brother
Entrance Theme Music: It's not unusual by Tom Jones
Entrance Description: He does the Carlton dance on his way to the ring. He thinks it's cool, and tough.
Manager (if applicable):Jorge
Manager's Pic Base:
![[Image: ChaotH_from_Unexpect.jpg]](
Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Big Boot
Clothes line
Choke Slam
Knee Drop
Shining Wizard
Snap DDT
Swagmire Cutter
Snap Suplex
Crucifix Power Bomb
Punch to the face
Trademark Move(s): The Dirty Jerker
Description(s): He drops hammer fits on the opponent's crotch repeatedly
Primary Finisher: The rapist
Description: He pulls a bar of soap out of the back of his shorts, and rubs it in his opponent's face before Irish whipping them into the ropes. On the rebound he hits them with the Dirty Jerker.
Secondary Finisher if applicable: Perp Walk
Description: He pulls a bar of soap out of the back of his shorts and begins to rub it in his opponent's face before irish whipping them to the ropes and delivering a big boot to their chest.
Tertiary Finisher: the Dirty Jerker XTREME
Descrption: After he Dirty Jerker's them, he also crouches down and head butt's their genitals repeatedly.
Favorite Weapon if any: His awesome moves. Dance moves
Additional notes: He's Frodo's brother, Swagmire Swaggins