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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Epilogue: Elbows 2 Noses rp.3
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Clean Lucena Offline
the cleanest player of the game

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

09-01-2014, 02:27 AM

- Once again, Clean sitted on his couch, with Biographer at his side and a "No, fuck you Lawrence" t-shirt. Now, looking way more relaxed that in the first promo, preceeds to talk -

Clean Lucena: I was thinking in some kind of conclusion for this timeline in promos but I didn't really get anything interesting to work with. I suposse at the end, Luke Gunnar is half the man I am, and he deserves a beating. It's that simple. But well, there is something to say after all. Long time ago I talked about why one of my beloved moves it's to make variations out of my elbows and I though I told some shit like it was the easiest way to leave the trainning center and start my wrestling carreer but most of it it was just some shit I invented to fill five minutes of promo. It's definely not because of that. It has a way more deeper sense. No, it's not what you're thinking. It's not because I follow New Japan Pro Wrestling since I was a kid and Meltzer was cumming everywhere with Misawa, and that shit. It hasn't something to do with the wrestling business. Well, it has because I use it on my matches but it's not what you're thinking. In fact, it's pretty easy. A simple move, you take your elbow, balanced it with the correct weight, and shoot it, straight to your opponent nose. Such a simple thing, such an easy way to smack someone's head, nose, and whatever part of his face that gets in the path of the punt of that bone. And when it smack the opponent face, it's just some seconds, but there is a proccess in their minds. Meanwhile all his face his moving because of the impact, like if I were that guy that beat the shit out of Pacquiao several times and he had to knock him out. The proccess on his mind it's just those seconds that his face is moving, decomposing, disfiguring for two or three secs, his mind is active. The first of all that you think may be "The fuck, that was a hard strike, just disconnect this because we're going to lose anyway", but that not always happen, sometimes they continue on their feet. But that's not the point. The point is that most of the language fluent through non-language communication. I make a statement: "you were pretty wrong when you got yourself stucked in a match against me, I'm god, you can't beat me and the fact that you still on your feet don't prevent you to understand the circunstances of your decision of being in a wrestling ring with me". It's shorter that what it looks. You assimilate that information way less time that I use to say it. And then, in the second two of the hit, of the elbow that gives you straight to your face, your thinking: "I can't beat me, and he could kill me". It's that easy. You understand that you don't have a chance agaisnt Clean in that time. And that's exactly what is going to happen to Luke Gunnar with some differences. This Luke Gunnar guy, that was saying that I'm a bad person, that I never changed... that I'm a lyer. As I told in my first promo, it's the first time that people in this company has make me feel a feeling that It has been forgotten since I asked to a girl to go out sometime and she told me that she was in loved for Enrique Iglesias. Trust me, I almost kill that guy, he was classmate of her and it was ugly as fuck, not like me, that I'm handsome. I have this feeling of: "you should destroy his entire life" and "let's send him hell" or "let's send him to CLEAN MY ASS". So, I'm sorry a normal elbow, or rolling one, or some standard one, that is part of my moveset it's not enough, if you're fan of him. So...

- he points at his left elbow, again -

Clean Lucena: So here where it comes this elbow I only use to hit my finishing move. And this time I'll let you know why it's called Metta World Peace. Well, a new renewed man as I am, now called The Pandas Friend. Anyway, pal, I'm sorry to tell you that you always will be Ron Artest. But getting straigh to the point, a new renewed man as Metta World Peace strikes someone's head with his elbow. That wasn't because he didn't really change. The fact that nobody knows is that Harden is a shit person that put that beard just to sell beards on stadiums, to give importance to his person, when he's nothing more than a ballsucker that throws a lot but nothing hit the basket enough times to be considered a superstar, being Artest gifted with all the tools to be the superstar that Harden supossedly is. For me, this is enough to kill the guy, but it's also said that Harden said to Artest/Peace/Friend that his momma has an ass that you need vacances to give a walk around him. And then... this happened.

[Image: ron-artest-elbow-harden.gif]

Clean Lucena: I also spin around myself before the elbow, but in that moment, when he hit Harden face, it wasn't Peace fault. It's Harden's. He's the cocksucker. He's the one that touched Artest balls before he had to take actions. So you can't blame him. In the same exact way that you can't blame me to smack Gunnar with my secret weapon made to destroy the fuck out of the shitty person that doesn't know a shit about anything but they talk anyway about things. I pay respect to Metta World Peace calling my finishing move for his name. You hear Gunnar? I'm Ron Artest/Metta World Peace/The Pandas Friend. And you are Harden. You're a shit. And I'm awesome. And I say this with all the respect in the world because I want you to be awared that you signed an "the other guy that you wrestle won't take responsabilities if something bad happen to you" and the match that we have this Wednesday could end with you murder. Let's take this shitty people along the world with me playas. Let's elbow those noses.

- End of the promo -
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Epilogue: Elbows 2 Noses rp.3 - by Clean Lucena - 09-01-2014, 02:27 AM

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