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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Oh Jesus *Rp1*
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-29-2014, 03:02 PM

*Oh Jesus*

I had gotten over my cuts and bruises, after my recent debut victory over Darren Dangerous at the XWF pay-per-view, Relentless. It was onwards and upwards. That victory had made me even more confident than I already was. I had been waiting in the shadows, ready for my next victim when I seen the, "introduction" from a newcomer called Father Steve. Not a father as in your daddio, I mean he could be a dad after all. Sex after marriage and all that. But a priest. A priest in the XWF? He must have walked through the wrong door. This place wasn't the holy ground, this was a place full of violence and conflict.

Father Steve Said:Good afternoon, XWF and thank you for giving me the time to introduce myself. My name is Father Steve Robinson and I am the youth pastor of this church. It seems the kids really like watching the XWF so I figured I would give it a shot and try out for this wrestling thing. I am shocked at what I see and I hope God forgives each and every one of you guys for what you do. Deaths. Matches involving feces. The good book says to forgive and I forgive each and every one of you and pray that you one day stop with the insanity. With the Lord behind me, I am pretty sure I can help save each and every one of you.

This guy was preaching to the wrong people. I mean what we all gonna do around here? Start licking each others bum holes? Let's not fight, let's be nice, let's cuddle and pray. Really? This is wrestling. Ok, sometimes it might be a bit of a soap opera but we're here to fight and be the best... Well so I thought till this guy came along. Steve didn't like my response or my attitude and challenged me to a match on Wednesday night Warfare, where I will debut for that particular event.

Location: Woodlawn Park Cemetery - South 11655 SW 117th Ave, Miami, FL 33186
8 PM

I was with my new camera man, Alfie. We was live, exclusive on the XWF website. I was at a Cemetery in Miami. It was dark and the wind was howling. It was a little spooky as I walked past the grave stones. Some of them were well looked after, others had been vandalised or left to fade. Some Flowers had just been laid, others left to die. Alfie was panning his camera around so the viewers could see the surroundings. It was very quiet apart from the wind. I hear a squeak as a mouse scurry's across the ground past my foot and through a fence. I walk over to a tall tree which is swaying a little. I stand underneath it and greet the XWF fan's.

Scully "Wasssssuppp XWF Morons..... Welcome to another edition of Scully Cam. I need no introduction.
Here I am at Woodlawn Park Cemetery in Miami. Is it scary? Is it spooky? Well I don't believe for one second, that Johnny Star over there.....

I point over to the far right as Alfie pans the camera around and focuses on a grave stone. He zooms in on the information engraved on it.

Alfie then brings the camera back to me.

Scully "Is Johnny Star, going to rise from his grave and pull my guts out? No, I don't think so. Do our souls go to Heaven? Or is there a Hell for the bad people of the world? People believe in God. People believe in Jesus Christ. People believe in miracles. Children believe in the tooth fairy and Father Christmas. I, however don't know how I feel about God.... I have never met God and he or she or whatever has never spoken to me. So what I want to know Father Steven, is why are you so special? Why has the good Lord come to you? Are you better than me? I thought everyone was treated equally? Obviously not!
I was baptised a Roman Catholic. But I don't go to church. Why? Because I'm not going to have something shoved down my throat. It wasn't my choice to have holy water poured over my head!
Alfie... Pass me a drink, please

Alfie throws me my bottle of water, take the lid off and take a swig. I pour some over my head. I put the lid back on. I then continue

Scully "They say God works in mysterious ways. Why is there so much bad in the world? That would be the individuals themselves causing uproar. There is also good. Why do people die? What happens when we all die? I am afraid of death. The only thing I am afraid off.
Father Steve, the fact is you don't actually know what happens. You just read a bible and think you know. Mary couldn't have been a Virgin. She wouldn't have got pregnant. Noah built an ark for nothing? Because if anything the world is probably a more damaged place!
Steve, you can eat your cardboard, drink your wine and say your prayers but nothing is going to save you. You will not try and force me to follow you in your beliefs. No.. No... No... But you can believe in this.... I am going to give you a beating and you will beg for mercy. You will pray to your new God, the God of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation..... Scully. I am Mr. Untouchable. I Always have time for a fight.... And after Warfare I will be going to confess my sins, for kicking your ass. The end Scully has spoken!"

With that I smirk and Alfie turns off the camera to end Scully Cam.
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Oh Jesus *Rp1* - by Scully - 08-29-2014, 03:02 PM

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