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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
Everyone Dies(Rp 1)
Author Message
Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-15-2014, 03:37 AM

It's a bright, sunny day in Phoenix, Arizona as the scene opens up on a small church. Unassuming. Holy and benevolent in appearance. The kind of place where you go for the fellowship of the Lord and his people. But that's what churches are for. Fellowship. It's about ten in the morning and there are cars parked all in the parking lot of the small house of worship. But things are so quiet. You don't hear the singing of hymns, or the preacher stomping his feet and preaching of hellfire and brimstone. The only sounds heard are those of birds and various insects in the wild.

The scene fades to black.

Fading back in, the church is like any other. The pews, the pulpit, the open bible on the pedestal. But what stands out about the church is the absence of light and the deafening silence. Even more, the camera slowly pans over the pews and we see a gruesome scene. Dead people. Men, women, and children. Young and old, ripped to shreds as if by an animal. The whitewall stained with still warm blood, faces frozen in horror. Where Christ would normally hang on the cross, we see the preacher, hanging upside down with the cross itself. The baptismal waters are stained blood red.

Then...there was Cain.

"It's like I've said. I am not here to wrestle. It never was about the wrestling for me. It isn't about winning. It isn't about titles. No, Sacrelidge, it is about causing pain to anyone. Snuffing their lives out. The very lives that the very same God who cursed me so needlessly gave to them. I kill, I don't wrestle. I hurt, I don't grapple. You'd do well to remember that, Sacrelidge."

If you were to watch Cain match then you would notice that most of the manuevers which he pulls off leave his opponent writhing in pain. If you pay close attention that is. Cain's solid black eyes flash red for a moment as he looks over his dead listeners. The camera pans over them, most with their intestines piled in the floor, all with their chest ripped open. Strangely, all the childrens' eye sockets were black. Hollow. He doesn't grin. He just continues.

"Have you ever imagined what it must be like? You're born the bastard child of the world's first mother and father, to a mother who was erased from history. They raise you up to be a farmer, and you spend days at a time, toiling. Working hard, only for him to forsake you because your fucking brother sacrifices the family pet. So you kill your brother, and you get cursed to live forever, with what should be a whole pile of guilt. But not me. You see, I became addicted. I became a demon in my own right, because that's what GOD forced me to be. However, there's just something about seeing a man's light leave his eyes, and making his family cry. So have I truly lost? Because I am an alpha predator. I make a meal out of people like you, Sacrelidge."

He chuckled lightly and shook his head.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We both know that is what happens, right? We die...or you die...and we all go back to the ground from whence we came. But you, newcomer, you say "fuck the blood of christ", so according to the Christian faith, hell awaits you." his voice became deeper, more demonic. "This isn't a game, mortal. This isn't going to be us exchanging technical submission holds. I will show no mercy for you or your kind, and your blood will become the sacrificial blood everyone speaks of. Before me are the gates of hell, Sacriledge and trust me, I await you."

"You think that because Pest speaks so lowly of me then I am an easy victory! You think that you're new, so I will go easy on you, but mother fucker I don't go easy on anyone! Noone in this world deserves his mercy, and they damned sure will get none from me! Do you not understand?!"

He looked down for moment, calming himself. Then, the camera zoomed in onto him in silence and he looked up. His voice level and calm, he made asimple statement.

"The King of Darkness demands a sacrifice."

Eyes glowing red, fangs gleaming as he grinned evilly. His grin faded as he seemingly looked directly at the camera, but talked to the person operating it instead.

"Excuse me?"

The camera shook a bit as a young man's voice was heard.

"Y-yes Mister Arkham?"

The Beast...The War Machine sniffed the air.

"What's that..."a look of disgust washing over his face. "...smell?"

"Ummm....well....I kinda shat myself."

"You what?"

"You scare me....I'm not going to lie. I shit on myself. Watching to tear these people to shreds was surely the most frightening thing I have ever seen."

Cain thought for a moment as he looked dead at the young cameraman. He was honored in a way. But at the same time, he was sickened by these weak humans. Fear caused this man to release his bowels? What's more, he'd seen Cain murder fifty people in less than twenty minutes. Yes. His speed was that great. A killing machine. He advanced on the cameraman, who obviously stumbled backwards.

"It's very intelligent of you to fear me, Manuel."

We hear a gasp from behind the camera. " did you know my name? I never told you. I'm just a random XWF Cameraman!"

"Pfft. I've been around since almost the beginning of time. I've tasted the blood of your ancestors..." He narrowed his eyes, the camera shook more as Cain's fangs flashed from his top lip. "...but your bloodline tastes like shit on top of trash, dirty Mexican."

"I'm cuban, sir!"

"What the fuck ever. Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican...all brown like shit. White people taste the best..." we see Cain walk on by Manuel. "...damned wetbacks."

"'re not going to murder me?"

Cain offscreen. "I never said that."

"But you said you didn't like my ki-"

The camera hit the ground hard and we heard screaming and saw the hulking form of Cain ripping the young cameraman to shreds. Blood flying everywhere, eventually covering the lens of the camera. We saw Cain stand up and...


[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
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(08-15-2014), Darren Dangerous (08-15-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (08-19-2014), Ozymandias (08-15-2014)

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Everyone Dies(Rp 1) - by Cain - 08-15-2014, 03:37 AM

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