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08-13-2014, 09:30 AM

Pest is sitting down in a broken chair surrounded by decrepit house. He slightly rocks in the chair, and Barbie comes into the room carrying a tea pot and two glasses. She sits across from him on an equally broken chair before carefully placing the tray on a log in between them, a make shift table. Pest pours himself a glass, and brings it to his face. He sniffs, carefully.

Mr. WGWF:[/white]Peter Gilmour. The man of the hour, the toast of the town. The ignorant fool to whom we all pray. We all kneel at the Altar of the Almighty and praise you. Is that not the way you envision the world? You sit atop the world as a god dangling his feet into the oceans to create tidal waves and Tsunamis just to torture us? Is that not the way you want us to imagine you. So perfect, so untouchable, and flawless? Peter Gilmour single handedly drove the WG WF scourge from the halls of the XWF, he kept them at bay, and ended their hopes of becoming Shane's new boss. Is this not the way the world remembers it?

No, you see kids at home, Peter Gilmour actually tried to wrestle under CCP in the WG WF. He tried like hell to join them, and they allowed him for a time, but then he was fired from there. Why was that Peter? I already know the answer, but your adoring fans may not. Why did Peter get terminated from this federation he deems beneath him? Perhaps it was because the reality is that he is beneath them. He couldn't hack there, just like he can't hack it here, and they fired him. And Peter claims to be the best. Clearly a case of Revisionist History Vs Real History. A concept I do believe Peter understands all too well.

Oh, the news is good Peter, I have found a job for you after you leave this company. You can write text books on American History. Tell them kids just how the United States is undefeated, and a flawless symbol of Freedom. How we were bullied into joining World War Two, we didn't want to fight the Germans. We wanted friendship the world over. That dreadful incident Pearl Harbor, thst wasn't our fault. We're good people, peaceful people. Right, Peter? That's the same as you stating that you're an honorable champion, isn't it?

I mean, you're so honorable you decided to ignore the rights earned by Liz Hathaway and Mark Flynn because they're not worthy. That is the epitome of Honor, is it not? Let us ignore the fact that Liz earned her shot months ago, and Flynn actually defended his title to earn his. Remember what you said about Eli? Well, it's funny you mention that, because Eli actually was a Trios Champion, and beat Luca, Theo, and Flynn to maintain them. Three of the three names on that list are ones you failed to beat. And who helped him win that match? Azrael, but your partner will say he led them to victory. And what about when Flynn flawlessly destroyed Diaz? Could you do that? No, but of course not. Yet Flynn is an undeserving challenger. Ignore the fact that he's already surpassed your record of 53 days holding it. In your eyes your reign made you worthy of praise, what of Flynn? He is on day 54. What does that earn him?

And what of Miss Hathaway? She earned her shot, and by the rights of the GMs she is deserving of one, but why isn't she in your opinion? Is it because she wins more than you do? That's a rather petty answer, but not one that wouldn't be expected by you. And please tell me, why is it that you refer to all women as cumsluts, or whores? Every single woman, except Maria Brink. The woman we have actually seen engage in lewd sexual behavior, you hold her up on a pedestal that dwarfs your love of Satan. You dong worshiping pussy.

But we'll ignore your latent, and not really latent, homosexuality for now. Let you revel in the thoughts that you've fooled us into believe you don't long for the sweaty sack of another man to be bouncing off your chin as if Jordan were dribbling a ball again. Your secret is safely tucked away for good. No one even suspects you're a closet case. But what we do suspect is that you're incapable of understanding when someone agrees to things. Peter honestly believe I was the one running from him? Is that the case?

(08-08-2014, 12:28 PM)Mr WGWF Said:
(08-08-2014, 12:11 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: if u drop the loser leaves town stip yes i accept

That's the part I was told to stick to. Anything else about the match can be your rules, but loser has to leave the fed. Came from up above.

Here we see where I told him I will face him in any type of match he choose. There's not me dodging you at all. You're the one who refused to accept anything until you basically got forced into a corner. Do you want to continue with the Loser Leaves Town match, along with whatever stupid stipulations you want to add? Do you want to have to lose after I beat you, and take your title? You can still back out, if you want. I won't judge you, too hard. Yes, yes I will. But then, I'd really like to know where you get your facts. Where do you get that I ever backed out from a match with you?

And I have to ask this serious question. You mention my last promo taking place in a morgue, then you mention my lesson on History. They were two different promos, the Morgue was #3, and the history was #4. You combined them, and it even looks like you combined my first address to you to in there to make it all appear as being from one Promo. Peter, did you pre-record this one, and just digitally edit it after your story with John Madison? That'd make sense for you to do, if you had help from someone. Are you sure you're actually following the real world? Because you're not looking like it. You're looking as if you're living in the fantasy world I described. It's more than a little sad.

You talk a big game Peter, talk about how I have yet to put up a challenge, but the truth is that you're sweating. You're terrified of me, terrified of what happens if we meet and you can't quite stop me. What happens if Dim cannot stop Flynn? What if no one helps you? There's that possibility that your efforts fall short, and once again you rely on John Madison to get the job done, but he just doesn't show. Oh, no, you're counting on Maddy carrying you to victory. You even claimed you'll win with John in your corner. Did you wonder if maybe Madison hired me? What if Madison is in my corner tonight, and not in yours?

Oh, Peter, what if Chris Page and Randall Cross come back to fuck you up? Wouldn't that be something special. Or what if I do remove my mask and it turns out that I am James Raven? Could you ever really stop me? Can you imagine the surprise you'll have when I take off my mask and I'm Steve Jason? Dammit, did I just spoil it? Ok, I guess I did. I'm Steve Jason. Good news for you, you don't need to stay up at night watching old tapes from the Brown Era to figure out who I am, I just told you. The big question is, am I being sincere?

Of course not. I just thought another name in the mix would thoroughly mind fuck you. You think you'll expose me and find out, but the truth is, Peter. You couldn't handle knowing who I am under this mask. So when the time comes, and I reveal myself to you, I do hope you'll take it in slowly as to not melt your circuits. Peter, do you realize you're the only one who would actually be destroyed at the revelation of who I am? You simply could not handle the knowledge of it, but everyone else can. Why? Because you are weaker than everyone else. Less than they are. Peter, I'm Dim. Let it sink in, I am Dimallisher under this mask.

Doesn't it make sense? I seek you out, Dim goes missing, I upload a roster page for the fans to check out, and it's virtually identical to yours. I know so much about you, and Dim goes missing. Peter, I am Dim. Are you happy? The secret's out.

Pest finally takes a sip of his tea. It's too hot for him, so he does the only natural thing, and throws it in Barbie's face.
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Pest's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (08-13-2014)

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Closing Arguments - by Pest - 08-13-2014, 09:30 AM

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