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PlaceMarker Now Its All On Me....
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Zoey Ryback Offline
--The Original Daughter of Destruction--

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-07-2014, 06:03 AM

Trust, and Love, What do these words really mean? What do these words have in common? And what is it about these two words that make people feel secure? In my experience, both the feeling of Trust, and the feeling of Love can be almost impossible to find, some people go their entire lives without truly finding either. But for something that is so unattainable for some. Both feelings are so easily discarded, people lose Trust for the simplest reasons, "Family Means Nothing To a Snake." as the saying goes. And what of Love? We get these illusions in our heads, that the person who makes us happy in this moment, will make us happy in the next. When you live in a world where everything is relative, you can't really appreciate either of these words, the people who we surround ourselves with in these days, might not be the same as the people we surround ourselves with tomorrow. The people who we rely on, who we care for, may one day let us down, break our hearts. This week I learned, I really can't rely on anyone but myself, he couldn't protect us...

So Now Its All On Me....


I felt the heat from the initial blast as it swept across the windshield of the HUM-V, It took me a moment to figure out just where I was, I couldn't hear but a muffle yelling from my Sargent, the truck in front of us flew off the side of the hill, rolling over the rocks and crashing down onto the highway below. I remembered the screaming, the taste of blood in my mouth, the ringing in my ears. I could hear the skips and cracks of the bullets flying passed my head. I remember feeling hopeless, I remember feeling truly scared. I fell out onto the ground next to the truck, they were above us, on the buildings, I raised my M4A1 over the hood of the Hummer, I could see him, aiming down with his RPG-7, he let the shell go, and thats when it hit us....

The Explosion shook the entire Suite, with a bomb like that I wouldn't have been suprised if it was the entire Hotel. I rolled out of bed as Quickly as I could, I could hear them shouting, they were clearing the rooms in Military fashion. I could see the lights flickering under the doorway. I flipped my bag open and pulled out the M9 I had tucked into the bottom of the backpack. I shot three holes in the floor to ceiling window and hurled the rest of my bag through it, the window smashed and the backpack fell to the street below. I flipped the bed over onto its side and covered, the next bomb blew the door clean off its hinges. I stood up, pumping rounds towards the door, the weak material that made up these types of rooms started coming apart. Then it comes, the assault rifle fire, 5.56 rip through the small room. I hit the ground, letting the tracers fly all around me, sheet rock and black paint rain down, and the smell of gun-powder fills the room. I roll to the side getting out of the main stream, I jump to my feet letting a few rounds go towards the door, I hear one of them let out a scream as fall against the floor. I duck into the small bathroom as two men action roll into the center of the room. I blind fire around the corner as the door frame chips and sparks around my arm. They quickly rip through the 30 round clips, I see an opportunity, but then I hear it, a voice from the living room.

McKayla Ryback - ZOEY!!!!

As quickly as they came in, their attention shifts to the living room, its now or never.

My vision narrows, my heart pounds and I dive back out into the bedroom, tackling the two men backwards against the floor, sending their weapons flying in two directions. The first man rolls me onto my back but I keep his momentum going, tossing him to the side while yanking one of the mag's out of his vest. I roll to the M4 lying on the floor next to the flipped bed. I dump a few rounds towards the other now rolling into the corner, hit hit hit. I slam the mag into the weapon as the man I threw off comes back, he grabs the barrel of the gun as I let off the first few rounds, swinging wildly with a combat knife. I punched him in the wrist, he flinched giving me the opening to force the knife into his neck. I pushed him back as the blood spewed across my face. I aimed for the door, I could see McKayla, adorned in the light of two Tactical lights at the end of the other two assault rifles. I couldn't shoot, McKayla was standing dead center in between both of them. I threw the strap over me and I felt it, the adrenaline. I moved, but like I never had before, the room contorted and stretched, became as a blur. I tackled McKayla clean off her feet, unwrapping the gun from behind my back, I fired with my free hand, sideways the muzzle jump created a sweeping pattern, sending my body spinning another 360 degrees before slamming to the ground. McKayla pushes away from me, her eyes splitting wide open, as the men at our backs fall lifelessly to the ground.

"Z-Zoey, they... why would they do that? Why Would--"

"I'll explain later, but right now I need you to get your shit together, we have to leave!"

"Zoey, what the fuck is going On?"

"Did you hear me McKayla!? You Have to Move!

She is in shock, I hold her cheeks and rest my forehead against hers.

"Listen to me Baby, we have a couple minutes to get the fuck out of here, My shit is already on the street but we have to get your stuff, okay, can you do that for me?"

She looks up at me, and slowly nods her head, I lift her up off the ground and walk her into her room, she walks to the side of the bed and grabs her bag. She is still in her pants and a little tipsy from the drinks just hours ago. As we step back into the living room, I roll one of the men over, searching his pockets, I unstrap the vest and thats when I hear it, McKayla is puking behind me. She falls against the wall as I slide the second vest off the other man. I find nothing in either of their pockets, no cell phones, no papers, no wallets, nothing. I remember the cards that Nick found on the agents we had fought before. These guys weren't carrying those, so either they were people angry about something I had done while still in North Carolina, and unconnected, or they were working for people like the ones Nick and I met before. It didn't matter, I had to get us out of here. Goddamnit Nick what the hell happened in New York?

"Okay McKayla you have to wear this now okay?"

She looked up at me, terrified, it was almost heart breaking.

"Are there more of them?"

"I dont know, but if there are I need you to wear this, I'll handle it."

"But... He Said He Would Keep Us Safe?"

"I know he did Kay, but you have to trust me Right now okay."

She musters up all the courage she has and nods her head. I pick her up off the floor and check the corners of the door, no one is in the hallway just yet. Its then I notice the headset hanging off the side of the vest. I put it into my ear, but nothing comes through. They must be waiting for the clear/clear from the strike team. I pull her to the side and open the elevator doors, locking the first one in place.


She points at the numbers above the second elevator, they're ascending. Either the rest of the team, or the Hotel Management coming to figure out just what the fuck just happened in their Hotel. Either way, I didn't want to be here when they got here. We ran down the hallway and into the stairwell. I looked down, I Could see three more men coming up the stairs, the space between was wide enough for them to see me. I pushed McKayla Back against the wall as bullets started skipping off the handrail. I looked up, no use going to the roof, we would have to plow right through them. I tucked McKayla against the corner and leapt over the railing, falling onto the flat in the opposite corner. My Body slams against the wall but the men, They are straight across from me. I spray towards them, sending one man against the wall, a pattern of reds and blacks spraying onto the wall behind him. The other two fall backwards, rolling down the stairs, my rounds spark the walls and staircase all around them. They tumble back into a heap at the next flat spot in the stairwell. Squirming in pain, not enough to kill but enough for me to make my approach. I tuck the gun behind me and jump again, soaring over the gap and landing directly ontop of them, I grab one by the back of his head and smash him violently against the wall. He coughs and sputters, falling to the ground, the other, bleeding from a wound in his leg, pushes himself backwards across the floor. He goes for the side-arm in his weist-band, as he raises it I catch it with the bottom of my foot and slam it against the ground. He punches me in the inner part of my thigh, the pain makes me wince, but only for a moment, I turn his head completely around.

"McKayla Come on!"

She bounds down the stairs, obviously feeling the same thing as I am. She catches up to me as I pull the man to the side and check his pockets, nothing. She steps over the man, still bleeding from his head wound and looks down at me. The look on her face is confident, serious, a face I haven't seen on her ever.

"I'm okay Zoey, I'm alright... this is... what is this?"

I shake my head, now isnt the time. We move quickly down the stairs and out into the lobby, I press us against the wall, no flashing lights, no sirens, good. I peek around the corner, the lobby is clear, silence. I turn back to her, making a downward motion with my palm and then a finger over my mouth. Low and Quiet. As we passed the counter I peeked over, I could smell gunpowder, and there on the floor was the body of Kevin, the nice guy. I shook my head, McKayla gasps as she saw him, he'd been shot in the face above the left eye. There were a couple other bodies in the office I could see. I checked my right, then my left. I signalled for McKayla to watch me as I crossed the lobby, and that I'd cover her when I got there, she nodded. I got across the room without being noticed, I pushed the door open to see a line of black SUV's parked along the sidewalk on the far side of the parking lot. My bag lie in the middle of the lot, at least I got it to the ground. I waved for her to move up to the door, she tapped me on the shoulder when she made it.

"Okay McKayla, we going for the car, my bag is right there, Im gonna grab it, Its got another two clips and some clothes, I need you to get to the car and get it started, I'm going to give you this alright?"

I pulled the pistol out of the back of my pants and opened the action, I still had six shells waiting to go off, and one in the chamber. I placed it in her hand.

"Okay aim this end at anything you want to Lie down, Alright Go!"

I moved with the Assault Rifle aimed at the trucks the entire time, there had to be someone else watching the vehicles so I checked my sectors. I grabbed the bag and sprinted towards the car. McKayla already had it started, I threw the bag into the back seat and slammed the car into gear. The car roared as the tires peeled out across the thin layer of dew on the roads. We ripped off down the road, I kept an eye on the rearview until we made our way to the north side of town. We would have to sleep there until the show. McKayla threw the gun onto my lap, safety on suprisingly. I tucked it into the holster under the steering wheel.

"So, what the hell is going on Zoey?"

"I think I fucked up McKayla."

"How Bad Z, because that was really serious, your bleeding."

I checked it, just a graze on the upper part of my arm. Nothing serious, nothing like I've had before. I shook my head, contemplating, was she ready for everything I was about to tell her? I didn't even fully understand what was happening, those guys, didn't have numbers, didn't have cards. For all I knew they could have been Italians or the Irish.

"I dont know McKayla, there is so much that is out in the open right now, I just don't know what the deal is, I have to get on the phone with Nick, I have to make sure of some things before I can say anything. All I can tell you right now is I guess people are trying to hit me, hard."

"Apparently, they seemed confused when they saw me, like they had no idea anyone else would be there."

"Your lucky they didn't kill you."

"Which brings to my next question Zoey, how did you do that?"

"What? Lay those guys down? Its just--

"No Z, when you were in that bedroom, you moved like a blur, it was like you phased, from that room, to where I was, how did you do that?"

I shook my head, not even I knew how. I couldn't begin to wrap my head around what was happening, between the shock, and the adrenaline, I had no idea what had really happened up there. All I knew was the two of us made it out alive, and for right now thats all that mattered. I rubbed the back of her head gently, reassuringly.

"I dont know McKayla, I really don't know. I have to make a phone call, figure out what the hell is really going on out here, Nick promised us something, and now I want to make sure he's keeping his promise."

"Zoey, Next time, I want you to know you can count on me, I want to know what you know, I want to be able to help you.

The sentiment made me smile, but I couldn't bring her into this. What was I supposed to do now? What could I do? Nick, you better be able to tell me something.


-The Shoot-

As we fade in Zoey and McKayla are sitting in their car, just oustide the North Charleston Arena. McKayla is snoring lazily in the back seat while Zoey looks down at the glowing light of her phone. The text line at the top Reads "Frodo" the line under reads:"You got a match, I'll see you in a few months Ryback." She smirks, nodding her head in satisfaction. Her phone turns off and she puts it in the center console. She opens the door, flicking her cigarette out onto the ground.

"So it looks as if the world gets to see it, Frodo, finally getting exactly what is coming to him, imagine that. You would have thought that after, what happened to him at the hands of those two on wednesday that he would have gotten it through his head. But after that line of text messages, I can see that this is the type of individual who never quite knows when enough is enough. Now anything I can say about this man is already well known, a coward, the type of man who has to approach me with his friend, two men, on little old me. To be honest its sort of flattering, to say the least. But Frodo, I can sit here and tell you that Swagmire won't be able to help you, and all the trash talk in the world wont be able to save you from what is inevitable. I am going to end you, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. But thats in a distant future, your off running the world, filling it with your unique brand of Bullshit, I hope you have fun Frodo, I really do. And thats as Sincere as I can be. So for now, let me concentrate, theres a fight on the table this week,

Kennedy Nikomedes, Since we are fielding questions, Ive got just the one. How far are you really willing to go to do just what you say? After listening to you, I can see that you and I have some things in common. Both of us want to bring America back to its roots, give the power back to the people, the way America was founded. When we were the Colonies, we became, to escape the oppression of the British Government, and here we are 250 years later, where we are ridiculed for our differences, our Religion, Sexual Preference, or Race. And this isn't just a fault of Fat Cats and suits and ties, this is instilled in every red blooded american. Can we really say that this world would be any better? Maybe. And thats the point isnt it? We've lived under the thumb of the 1% for so long, that maybe a change in is order. But to do it Kennedy, I dont think we can stand behind a man tied to the same structure, so, I guess what Im really asking is, if need be, would you be willing to step outside of what you've come to know, what you've come to love, to be a leader of the people?

I was born into this world with a voice, and just like you I have used it. Even since my arriving here in the XWF I have been approached by more people than I even care to understand, so maybe your right, the XWF is a good enough soap box to reach out and touch people. But here's what Im saying Kennedy. Its in the defiance of Authority that people find inspiration, the actions of one can greatly effect the decisions of a few. I've seen it first hand, the kid who stands up to his local police department in defence of something he truly believes in, and now theres a Skate Park in Hope Mills North Carolina, why? Because he inspired everyone to pull together, its in combined strength that this world changes, but you understand that much has to be sacraficed for any real change to happen. Are you ready for the sacrafices? Are you ready to pay the toll to turn your words into reality? You know as well as I do its not going to happen overnight, and you as a politician, paint a bullseye on your back, for anyone who stands anything to lose. And these people Kennedy, don't like to play nice. I just hope you can actually make a change, before they get to you.

You and I, are about to shake the ground, a tremor that will rise, and to anyone who hears us now can see that we want the same things, but from different ends of the spectrum. Heres what I have seen over mankinds evolution, Open conflict has ended, and changed more things throughout human history than any other medium. And if need be, I would be one of the people leading the charge. Because as long as those men in Washington believe that this is truly what the people want. Then they will destroy anyone who thinks or shows progress to anything else. The difference between you and me, your Harvey Dent, and I'm Bruce Wayne, between us, lies the power to do amazing things, things that may even stop the world as we know it from spinning. But when my war would be over, after all the dust has settled, someone has to put out the fires. Should that man be you? I'm a believer. So maybe we find out something in this match, maybe I want to know how hard you can push. How hard you are willing to fight. I've laid down my life for this country, and I almost, didnt make it.

We can't make it a pissing contest, because we dont fall in with these kids, sure we can play their game, drop ourselves to their level, talk shit, boast about who we are, and what we do, the things we've done. But this match, is about something else now, I truly do want to believe I have a friend in you Kennedy, and if the time comes I may need someone like you. My sister and I, might be in over ours heads. And knowing someone like you in a time like this might be the stepping stone we need. But I need to know how willing you are, how far you can go. Believe me when I say that this match will be one for the books, one you will remember, one that will make the both of us great, no matter the outcome. Everything in this world is Relative, we step into the ring as enemies now, so that we might unite as one later. Before I Leave you tonight, I want to leave you with a little something I remember....

"Let Every Nation Know, Whether It Wishes Us Well Or ill...

That We Shall Pay Any Price, Bear Any Burden...

Meet Any Hardship, Support Any Friend...

Oppose Any Foe, To Ensure The Survival And Success, Of Liberty."

-John F. Kennedy.

Good Night XWF."

-Instant Black-

[Image: zoey2_zps7e97bccb.png]

[Image: nickxwf_zps4da01d73.png]
[Image: mckayla_zpsf517aade.png]


Copyright 2014 Suicide Note Productions
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Now Its All On Me.... - by Zoey Ryback - 08-07-2014, 06:03 AM

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