Ricky Maine
Active in WNW
XWF FanBase: Mixed reactions (cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)
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Joined: Wed Jul 23 2014
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07-30-2014, 09:48 PM
New York City, USA
After their flight from Mexico City Kaiser and Ricky Maine land in New York and head to their hotel, thankfully for Kaiser they flew first class. At the hotel the long time friends talked about the upcoming Warfare..
Kaiser: "So yeah Rick, this is a pretty big deal right? What do you have planned for your big return?"
Ricky Maine: "Well to be honest I was planning on just coming in with a clean state, nothing over the top you know?"
Kaiser: "What da faq are you talking about man? How can you honestly expect to come in all silent like. Do you think the fans have forgotten who you are or something? it's been what 15 months? These people at XWF don't know who you are but this is Madison Square Garden for fuck sake."
Ricky Maine: "You're right big man, how many time have I wrestled here before? I can't even remember."
Kaiser: "Seriously brother the crowd is going to pop, fucking pop."
Ricky Maine: "Yeah I sort of figured, last week they cheered like crazy when I smacked Frodo in the face, I just thought maybe they really hated him or something. It's not like I planned to come in and lose, anyway. I just want to work my way up the card, instead of screaming at management to get ahead, even though that is what got me to the top back in 2009."
Kaiser: "It's easy to do man you know that, you debut and everyone thinks you suck. You scream at everyone about how good you are, they give you a shot because they think they'll make you look silly and wham next thing you know championship gold."
Ricky Maine: "That was fun in 2009 bro, now? I dunno. I really just want to wrestle, titles, main events, bragging rights, yeah those are good things, and I know I can do that, but I just want to work, and I don't mean back at the fucking auto factory either."
Kaiser: "You should of called me months ago, obviously you're losing your mean streak, and we can't let that happen, I won't let it happen."
Madison Square Garden
Wednesday Night Warfare has been action packed so far as the show continued backstage Ricky Maine prepared for his first match in 15 months. His friend Kaiser was backstage with him but not formally signed to any contracts with XWF, so couldn't appear on camera. Steve Sayors was waiting for the call from the truck as Maine walked onto the scene, the feed cuts backstage where Sayors begins the interview.
Steve Sayors: "Thanks Ace. I here with the 'Wrestling Revolution' Ricky Maine moments before his debut XWF match. Ricky Maine you're no stranger to the ring but do you have the jitters? some ring rust maybe?"
Ricky Maine: "I think there will be ring rust you know? 15 months is a long time but it won't hinder my victory tonight."
Steve Sayors: "So you're confident you can defeat Frodo Smackins tonight?"
Ricky Maine: "I'm always confident Steve and I'll tell you why. All my life I've struggled, from my birth on the reservation to my well publicized drug addiction, yet I've always overcome the odds. In 2009 when I started in this sport there wasn't one person in the world who gave me a chance. I've spent my entire life beating the odds. If one is confident in themselves then they really shouldn't be lacing up boots."
Steve Sayor: "Your opponent has had some choice words for you, would you like to respond?"
Ricky Maine: "You know Frodo runs around flapping his mouth about who his friends are like I give a damn. It just shows the fans that Frodo knows he can't get the job done alone, he needs friends, even though according to him I'm insignificant. Then he wants to run his flaps about where I live, who even gives a damn? I'm not here to debate on the merits of Raul Castro's anti-Americanism, he isn't anti-American, although put me in the same position, after 50 years of devastating embargo, multiple terrorist attacks and assassination attempts I wouldn't blame him if he were. Frodo wants to know if I love America, I fucking love my country, I'm just not willing to trade humanitarianism for patriotism. Anything else he has to say is just rubbish, he likes to throw around cheap insults, uses the word constantly, who cares? None of that means nothing, XWF, I am the WRESTLING REVOLUTION! and the revolution will be televised."
Steve Sayors: "Back to you at ringside."