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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Warriors come out and play...
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2014, 04:24 PM

*Okay, first things first. Todd has actually compiled and edited footage! Yeah, I couldn’t believe it at first either! I’m all a flutter and I’m just some disembodied voice that describes the scene... Actually, I shouldn’t be speaking normally... Forget that last part. Everything is normal*

*Gator’s theme music plays as stock footage of New York’s skyline and clips of Gator wearing an ‘I heart NY’ t-shirt visiting some of New York’s best tourist spots and fascinating locations. We see Gator and Todd at Times Square, the Metropolitan Museum, which we saw in the last promo, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, the Empire State Building and watching a game at Yankee Stadium. It was New York Yankees versus Boston Red Sox, Gator sat in the Yankees stand wearing a Red Sox jersey. Yankees won, Gator had a long talk with some policemen after ‘defending’ himself from some ‘rioting’ fans; he bribed the police and was let off with a warning. After the masterfully edited footage we join Todd as he is filming Gator wearing his ‘I heart NY’ t-shirt and holding some cotton candy walking down a path with small carnival booths on each side and rides in the background, Gator is walking chewing on his cotton candy but due to him still wearing his mask, clumps keep falling down and sticking around where his mouth should be. He wipes the pink sugary snack away and he turns to his right, and offers the snack to Socrates, who is wearing designer sunglasses, despite it being late evening, and a ‘I heart NY but not as much as I heart Greece' t-shirt. He shakes his head at the little pink sugar cloud as he is enjoying some ice cream. Bubblegum flavour!*

“Coney Island. Isn’t this the place where The Warriors hang out?”

“The who?”

“No The Who is a band. The Warriors was a movie about a tough street gang who get set up for a murder they didn’t commit, sending them on a journey through New York City and rival gang turfs to get back to their safehouse or get killed on the way!”

“What does any of this have to do with our match?”

“Nothing. Fuck man we need to take a break, we got Reigns barking at us non-stop, telling us about his sob story that he bought at the 99 cents store along with his promos. Proxy’s shut up leaving everyone on a fucking cliff-hanger like a bad writer for a shitty sitcom and Zoey, like the period after a pregnancy scare, has turned up late.”

“You truly are an artist with words. Perhaps you are right my friend. A break is well deserved, but after this back to tactics and training. Okay?”


*Gator throws the cotton candy stick in a nearby bin and lights a cigarette. Socrates finishes his ice cream and dusts off his hands. Gator offers him a cigarette, Socrates refuses*

“Is it true you burnt down someone’s house?”

*Gator exhales a large column of smoke*



“You know I’ve been asking myself the very same question since I did that. I don’t know, make an impact I guess. Fuck, I was stupid when I walked into this place acting like I fucked the bosses daughter on my first day. Ha, I acted like that for a good 2 years before I came here, and I lose my second match and realise I’m not the hottest shit in the world.”

“I think that house was probably the hottest shit in the world.”

*Gator looks at Socrates for a second and let’s out the smoke in his mouth with laughter, Socrates and Todd laugh too*

“Fuck man, I miss this shit you know. Just hanging out with a friend doing fuck all. I’ve been fighting for what seems like forever, I’m just happy to take a few hours off.”

“I agree. But we must talk about our match sooner or later, Miss Ryback has sad some things.”

“Yeah I know, but not right now. We can deal with her later.”

*Gator and the Greek continue walking pass crowds, lines and attractions until Gator notices someone*


*Mark Flynn is out at the Coney Island carnival wearing a t-shirt with his face winking and pointing his finger like a gun with the line ‘You’re Fucked’ underneath his smiling face*

“Gator? Socrates? Hey guys how’s it going?”

“Not bad man, nice shirt.”

“Thanks man got it done for Mastermind’s funeral. Hey Todd, how’s your head?”

T: “You gave me a concussion.”

“Hahaha good times. Sorry guys I gotta shoot, hey Gator am I coming round your house again next week?”

“Ermm, maybe. Hey good luck at Warfare!”

*Flynn begins to walk away but turns and shoots his finger guns at Gator and Socrates*

“Yeah man, you too! Kick their fucking asses!”

*The pair continue walking down the path away from Flynn*

“What a nice guy.”

“Yeah Flynn’s great, he got me thinking though. How can a guy who is constantly getting hassled for that belt walk around so confidently?”

“I’m guessing once you’ve defended it for so long it just becomes a day to day errand. Kicking out of pins and advertising stuff just comes naturally to him.”

*The trio enter a queue of people*

“... Yeah, you’re right. Shit comes naturally to me, these one liners I always do, the insults I hurl and the asses I kick. Did you know Zoey called me a plush toy?”

“She called me a yoghurt.”

“What a fucking idiot, I actually had some respect for her but if she wants to play this game then I’m going to beat it. She did literally nothing in the trios contest; they were for the belts as well! This is just one match and she thinks she can just take Proxy’s place and actually beat us? This kid needs to learn a lesson about this business, that you can’t bat your eyelashes and expect people to fall at your feet. She’s fucking trying to act all innocent saying that she’s a real fighter but she’s doing the same thing she did against Mastermind.”


“You see Mastermind was ready all week, he put out one or two promos and Zoey didn’t reply. Mastermind thought she was going to no show the match and he decided to relax a little, let his guard down and BAM! The night before Warfare she shows her face and talks for, what feels like, a good hour; Mastermind got caught off guard, and it’s no surprise that he did! Little sneaky bitch tried to sandbag the poor bastard. And she’s tried to do it again with us, bet she feels like an idiot seeing that we already talked a better game than those other three fucks and the show got moved to Friday due to technical difficulties.”

“I thought we were taking a break from the match. And didn't you like Zoey Ryback?”

“We are, but it's just I need to get some stuff of my chest you know. And I did like her but she did nothing for her team on Madness. I’ve got no respect for a person who does nothing for their team or this company.”

*The lines moves forward some more and Gator, Socrates and Todd are at the front of the queue waiting to go on the Ferris wheel*

“Why are we at the big wheel?”

“Because it’s the best place for our first kiss. I love you Socrates.”

*Socrates backs away and looks at Gator ready to punch him in his masked, puckered lips. Gator laughs and faces the Ferris wheel*

“I’m fucking with you man, take a damn joke you handsome Greek bastard. I just thought this would be a quiet place to talk.”

*Gator throws his cigarette over the nearby barricade and the trio take a seat on the Ferris wheel*

“I can’t believe I expected big things from Zoey. Another let down. Holy shit, do you know what this means?

“What does it mean?”

“Raoul has become the biggest threat in this match by default!”

*The chair the men are sitting in jolts forward and the Ferris wheel revolves, Todd points the camera forward showing off the beautiful New York skyline*

“Athens is more exotic.” *Todd swings the camera around, placing Socrates and Gator in view* “Do you know what I liked about Reign’s previous promo; that bench, that was a damn good bench. I had high hopes for him when he switched things up and sat on that bench but now he’s back to square one, breathing heavily doing sweet fuck all.”

“It was impressive that he sat on a bench.”

“May I ask about the shit with Griffin MacAlister?”

“Sure, what do you want to know?”

“Why do you think you lost the match?”

“... He was better than me. I underestimated him. Why? do you think we’re gonna lose this 6 man?”

“No, no, not at all! I was just wondering.”

“Ha, it’s funny to think really. Griff has been here longer than everyone in our match combined, he’s one of the best wrestlers I’ve ever seen and I got a shot at him on my second week. If I won, I’d probably have a title shot next week, but I’ll still be an arrogant asshole. I’m happy I lost; I got a chance to play with the big boys and lost, but still managed to prove myself. So many people have said how close that match was. Do you think our opponents could beat MacAlister? To actually come close to beating him?”

“I don’t think they could... Also did you really take all those drugs in Louisiana?”

“Yup. Damn that was a fun week, but I can control my shit and Todd got clean!”

T: “No I didn’t! I was in rehab for one day! My addiction still cripples me! I’d do anything for just a speck of MDMA.”

“HAHA! Todd you crack me up!”

*The pair admire the view for a few moments as the seat raises upwards*

“Zoey talks a lot doesn’t she.”

“Yeah she does, even more than I do! But I could make a point in half the time she does. It’s a problem when a decent promo is ruined by running too long. The Undertaker had a problem with that back in the late nineties.”

*The seat stays at the peak of the Ferris wheel. The camera pans across the area showing the bright flashing lights of Coney Island, the murky water below and the buildings lit up in the distance*

“It is a damn nice country.”

“Sure is. You and I are going to make big names for ourselves here.”

*The camera lingers on the beautiful view and the footage is interrupted by commercials and promotions advertising Warfare*

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.
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(07-30-2014), LH Harrison (08-04-2014), Ozymandias (08-01-2014), Socrates (07-30-2014)

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Warriors come out and play... - by Gator - 07-30-2014, 04:24 PM

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