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07-05-2014, 12:25 PM

Anxiety. Nervousness. Excitement. Anticipation. These are just a few of the emotions storming through Michael's head as he sits alone in his apartment. Its only Saturday, but he's already thinking about Wednesday night. He hasn't even stepped in the ring yet, but he's already trying to map out how things will go. There, on his couch, he's trying to think through what he wants to accomplish in his match. He knows he has to face not one, but two competitors. He knows its been a long time since he's been in the ring. But he also knows that he has a lot to prove. He wants to know that he can still do this. He wants to know that he can still compete with the best of them. This may be only his first match in the XWF, but this may be the most important of his career. This will set the tone. This will be what proves to him whether or not he still has what it takes. As he stares at the wall of his living room, full of belts from other companies, he knows that now those accomplishments mean absolutely nothing. He's starting from square one. This is where it all begins again. As Michael is sitting there, he feels his phone vibrate in the pocket of his sweat pants. He pulls it out to realize he's getting a phone call from his best friend back home. He smiles as he answers.

Reece: Devon! What's up, dude?

Devon: Not much, man! How about you? This is the big week you've been looking forward to. How are you holding up?

Reece: I'm doing pretty good. I'm not gonna lie, though. The nerves are starting to set in. This isn't like it was back in the day. I'm used to being the number one guy in a company. Its really weird starting from the bottom again.

Devon: Yeah, I'd imagine, man. Actually, that's part of the reason I called. I've got to ask you...are you sure you want to do this? You've been out of the wrestling business for a few years now. You had your success while you were in it. You really don't have anything to prove here. If you go back into it now, you can't expect it to be the same. Times have changed. Things have evolved. You're going to be up against competition way better than what you dealt with before. That's how sports work, bro. Competition gets better over time. Its been...what...three or four years since you were in the ring? You had success at a young age. Maybe you should just stay retired, you know? I don't want to see you get--

Reece: You don't want to see me get hurt? Is that what this is all about? My knee? You're afraid I'm gonna hurt my knee again? You must have been talking to my mom again. Look, the doctors said it's always going to hurt and give me problems. But that's just going to be part of life. I should be free to do whatever it is that I want to do. I retired as a precaution because at the time we weren't sure what I would be able to do. I know everybody is nervous for me. Heck, I'm nervous for myself. But I've got to know. I've got to know that I can still do this. There was a point where it felt like I might be the best wrestler in the world. I've got to know that I can still be that guy, Devon.

Devon: Yeah, but what if you get hurt again? You're telling me all this "doctors said this, doctors said that" crap, but what about when the doctors said it'd be a miracle for you to walk one day? Did you forget about that? Did you forget what it did to your mom when she heard that? What it did to all of us? Because I'll never forget that. And here you are, willing to gamble all of that happening again because you've "got to know." Well, let me tell you what I've "got to know"....I've got to know that my best friend isn't going to go out here and get himself killed over old dreams!

At this point, tempers have started to flare. Especially Michael's. He's gone from sitting to standing. In fact, he's now pacing back and fourth across the hardwood floors of his living room. He takes a few tense seconds to breathe, trying not to let his anger cause him to say anything that he may regret. After regaining his composure, he begins to address his friend in a very strained voice, as if holding back from shouting.

Reece: Old dreams? ....Old dreams? Devon...I am a PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER. That's not an old dream. That's my only dream. Its the only thing I've ever wanted to do. Its the only thing that's ever made me feel complete. Do you have any idea what it's been like to have all of that ripped away from me? Do you??? It's been a nightmare. Every week I see these shows on TV of guys doing things that I know I could do twice as well. I see guys holding title belts that I know I should have. And up until now I've been telling myself that I couldn't do it. Up until now I've been telling myself that I'm too hurt. Well you know what hurts more than a bum knee?? Not being able to live out the dream you've had since you were a child!! I'm sick of it! So, you know what's going to happen this week, bro? This week I'm going to pack my bags. I'm going to make sure I bring my wrestling gear with me. I'm going to get on a plane. And I'm going to ride that plane all the way to Manchester, New Hampshire. I'm going to walk into the Verizon Wireless arena, and I'm gonna have a match. A triple threat match against Percy Gains and Ben Bones. And you know what's going to happen in that match?? I DON'T FREAKING KNOW!! But I can promise you this. I'm going to leave every bit of what I have in that ring. And if at the end of it all, my knee gives out and I can't walk, then so be it. These people will know who I am, and I'll know once in for all that I can still do this. I'm going to prove this to myself. And there ain't a soul that can stop me. Not you, not a bunch of doctors, not Percy Gains or Ben Bones...nobody. I'm going to have a match. And I'm going to steal the show like I always have. Because that's what a PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER DOES!!

Devon (slightly hesitant and apologetic): Okay....okay, chill. I didn't meat to get you worked up. We're all just worried about you down here, man. Whether you want to admit it or not, you're taking a huge risk with how bad of shape your knee is in. But if there's anybody in the world that believes in you, its me. We've been best friends for a long time, and I've never seen you back down from a challenge. I just wanted to make sure you understood what you were getting yourself into. This is your first match in a long time, and you're fighting two guys at once. If anyone can do it, its you. I just would hate to see anything happen to you, bro. That's all I'm saying.

Reece (considerably more calm): I get you. Trust me, I get you. I'm taking on a tall order, here, I know. I don't know a whole lot about Gains or Bones, but if they're anything like what I've been hearing of them...this is going to be a battle. But if I'm going to get back to where I was, I can't just ease in. I've got to go in head first push all this fear to the side. If that means my first match has to be a triple threat against two hungry guys that want the number one spot as bad as I do, then fine. That's what this business should be about anyway. If you want to be at the top, then you've got to take it. And on the way there, you have to take out anybody who might stop you. I'm trying to be the man in this company one day. Gains and Bones, as good as they may be, are two guys that might stop me. So, I'm going to do what I have to do. I'm going to take them out. Its really that simple.

Devon: Well. Haha, if that's what you've got to do. Look man, I believe in you. I support you. Do your thing. Just be careful and make sure you make it to the top. I gotta go, man. Let me know if you need anything. I'll be watching on Wednesday. Make me proud, alright?

Reece: I'll do my best. Thanks for having my back. Peace, brother.

Devon: Absolutely, man. Peace.

As Michael hangs up the phone and slides it back into the pocket of his sweatpants, he can't help but wonder about the concerns of his friend (and everyone else) back home. What if he gets hurt? What if he can't hang with the big boys anymore? What if the knee injury he suffered in a match years ago was God's way of telling him to hang it up? As he's thinking, he wanders closer to the wall in his living room with all of his accomplishments. Various title belts. Newspaper and magazine articles. Plaques and awards. Trophies. And as he's looking back at all these things, and all these memories, he can't help but notice that his thoughts start to change. What if he doesn't get hurt? What if he gets back in the ring, and it all comes back. What if when it's all said and done, his music is playing and his hand is being raised. He starts to think that maybe there's some room on this wall that's yet to be filled. And maybe...this is his time to fill it.

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Are you sure? - by michaelkingreece - 07-05-2014, 12:25 PM

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