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Dimmy's Rage (tag match)
Author Message
John Msdison 2.Faggot

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06-18-2014, 08:47 PM

[Image: uLCvgPQ.png]

7:00 PM - Meanwhile in Dim's Stolen Cop Car

Wailing sirens, screeching tires, and angry car horns. This is what Dimallisher's life is now that he's entrusted himself with the long arm of the law. He's in the front seat of a stolen police cruiser, ranting. And by the sound of it, he's still a bit irked from what transpired earlier that day with-- well, Dim is about to tell us. By the way, get a good look at them teeth, eh Scorpio and J-Dub? Dem' teeth! Or should we just say Dim's teeth moving forward?

"Goddamn it, even with me being able to blow through all of these traffic lights, I'm worried I might not make it in time to stop GC and John Madison from raping Peter!"

Dimallisher, who is equipped with a police cruiser, goes barreling through a red light, only flashing his blue lights a split second before approaching the busy intersection. He nearly causes a collision as five vehicles have to slam on the brakes to miss him.

"Learn how to drive you fucking cock suckers! I'm a Goddamn police officer here! I have an emergency on hand!"

With his head sticking out of the window, Dimallisher is screaming at cars as they pass by. He turns his attention back to the road ahead of him and holy shit-- he slams on the brakes and comes within an inch of nailing some old bag trying to cross the street. Dim sounds his horn and yells at that old bitch to get out of the way.

"Goddamn it, move out of the way before I kick your ass, woman!"

"Young man, can you tell me where I can buy a radio?"

Dimallisher doesn't have the patience to go back and forth with this bitch. He gets out of the police cruiser, grabs the old lady by the neck, and tosses her across the street!

"Sorry, ma'am, but I gotta go help my friend Peter!"

As Dimallisher is walking back to the police cruiser, a frightened gentleman around 30 years old runs up to Dimallisher. More delays!

"Officer, I need your help, please! Someone just robbed me and raped my wife!"

Dimallisher responds to the frantic man by knocking him out with a brutal punch to the face! Holy shit, Dim. Take it easy, the man's wife was just raped!

"I... I'm sorry, sir, but I gotta go help my friend Peter! NOTHING takes priority over my friend right now."

Dimallisher jumps back into his vehicle and takes off, leaving his two victims behind. Once he's back on the highway and away from crazy traffic, he's able to relax again.

"Shit, what a fuckin' day. I feel bad about some of the things I just done, but if I don't get to Peter before John and GC do, he's fucked! I'm fairly certain that those two morons are up to no good and will just try to figure out some way to humiliate Peter.

Now like I said earlier, I wasn't too thrilled about jumping back into things right away, espcially after the fallout of my Trio Titles victory. Ya' see, I went out there a couple weeks ago and I busted my ass to earn a victory over Mark Flynn, Theo Pryce, and Luce Arzegotti. Not only did I carry my team, I also got my first victory as well! That's right, a former World Champion and former King of the XWF crumbled beneath my feet as I walked away with championship gold around my waist. What a turnaround, right? Crazy how things work out that way. I went from the worst losing streak of all time to beating three of the best that the XWF has to offer. It had to be like that time that my friend Peter Gilmour carried Sid Feder and Unknown Soldier through the Trio Titles at Gauntlet City. Nothing against Sid and Soldier, but their work rate ain't nothin' compared to Peter's. They wrestle-- what-- twice a year? Peter wrestles non-stop, probably more than anyone else in this fuckin' place. He's a fuckin' animal, but people want to give the guy a hard time about Gauntlet City all because he couldn't dispose of Sebastian Duke, NAZI, and John Madison by himself. Because damn him for not being able to steamroll through some of the toughest competition in the XWF on his own, right?

Now I know this event took place a long time ago but I couldn't help but touch on the subject after seeing Frodo bring it back to life. Plus I know a lot of people here believe in the same bullshit that Frodo is repeating.

Maybe I dropped out of school in the 7th grade but even a man of my intellect knows that there's no "I" in the word "team!" Soldier and Sid helped Peter stay focused at Gauntlet City and the end result was a triumphant victory for all three men. People knew going into this match that Peter was a forced to be reckoned with. Here's a part of the match that people like to conveniently ignore:

Quote:From Gauntlet City:

Blackwater: I'd like to call out all participants of this match to be sure it has a fair start. I don't want anybody attacking anyone else before the match.

Just then, from the back comes the entire BLACK CIRCLE!

But they're already beating on Peter Gilmour!!!

Holy shit, look at that massive unfair advantage. The bell hadn't even rang and all three of those went to town on Peter. Now, don't get me wrong; I'm all for some folks making a strategic attack even if it does go against the rules. But the point is, even a group as powerful as The Black Circle was able to see how big of a threat Peter Gilmour was, and they used their numbers against him like a bunch of cowards! Why would three strong competitors like Duke, Madison, and NAZI need an unfair advantage like that? These are three guys who have held multiple championships and defeated several big names. But they did it because Peter was the strongest man on his team! They could have easily attacked Sid and Soldier backstage if those two had been the stronger links on the team, but instead they rushed down to the ring to attack the head of the snake. They knew that they would be fucked if they had to fight Peter in a fair contest so they tried to blindside him.

Speakin' of history, I couldn't help but notice that Scorpio wanted to dig way back into history; back to parts that no one gives a shit about.

Quote:I swear to god I've seen walls with better comprehension than you. YOU'RE THE ONE, let me repeat that, YOU'RE THE ONE who claimed that you would win the Xreme Title for the 12th time meaning that you would have held it longer than anybody else. I then brought up that Rizza held it 16 times and suddenly it's who gives a fuck about Zach Rizza? THE FUCKING XWF HISTORY BOOKS DO!

Which book might that be, Scorpio? Maybe this history book?

Not a single mention of Zach Rizza anywhere in that history! He ain't here in the top federation in the world so I'm gonna go ahead and agree with Peter that HE DOESN'T MATTER! Shane threw your buddy away in the bin along with all the other trash that was piling up in this place.

So when Peter Gilmour says "who gives a fuck about Zach Rizza?" He's fucking right! WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT ZACH RIZZA, YOU FUCKING ? No one! Not a single mention of that fuck that is in the record book. And he doesn't compete here, does he? Let me check real quick...

NOPE! ain't here.

So to recap:

- Not in the record books.

- Doesn't compete.

He doesn't matter, .

Peter Gilmour is the longest reigning X-Treme Champion and the longest reigning Trio Champion of all time. Get over your jealousy issues, , because it's the truth.

And you're gonna give Peter a hard time about not being impressive or "luck," when you haven't been impressive yourself? I remember that moment that John Madison mentioned in his promo when you got your ass handed to you by Jim Hickbilly. Was that your idea of impressive, you pathetic queer? Too bad your little gook girlfriend won't be there this time to rescue you when this dumb redneck takes your title.

Dimallisher takes the next exit that leads him to a gas station. There's a line backed up at the pumps so he flips on his lights and siren to get them to move.

"Out of my way, ! This is an emergency! Peter needs my help!"
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Peter Fn Gilmour (06-19-2014), Theo Pryce (06-19-2014)

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Dimmy's Rage (tag match) - by John Msdison 2.Faggot - 06-18-2014, 08:47 PM

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