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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Illustrations & The Garden
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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06-10-2014, 05:22 AM

A beautiful warm day.

Summer is here, and people are out doing their activities.

Somewhere at an unknown location surrounded by trees is an old wooden house. The trees cover the area well and provide much shade without any sunlight getting through, except for a peek. It's a location that those who love the summer would hate to visit. It's not a vacation spot they would be excited to visit. The way it looks, it's not safe for children to play.

The wood isn't smooth like a newly constructed building. The white paint is almost completely gone. You can hear the noises of rats who live inside the home. The sun is able to leak in and hit the backside of the house, like the trees and place the house was built was on purpose. A few windows have cracks in it, probably due to thrown rocks by some adventurous teens. The house is three stories and was probably once a great looking home. It's now deserted, except by the animals. Around the back of the home is an attached door that goes into the ground underneath the house. The doors look in better condition than the rest of the house, like they've been built within the last several years.

A stepping noise is heard below the home, and sounds closer to coming to the door. A person is also whistling in a cheery way. A few seconds pass by and the door leading to the ground opens. It's not silent by any means. Out walks Eli James.

"I think it's time to reveal some things about me. The stories I've told ya about my life were never events that took place in the real world. They were simply illustrations. Now, not everything I told was a story. Some of it really happened. Me fighting in the armed forces? Heh. That was an illustration of truth. Don't get me wrong, man... I fought in plenty of wars over time but it wasn't for a country... it was for something far greater.

It's funny how people can con others into thinkin' what they want just because they are so damn convincing. I'm not talkin' about truth, I'm talking about these lies people throw out every day. Hell, even the illustrations I gave people soaked them up as reality. This shows me the world isn't quite ready for the entire revelation.. baby steps.. heh.. baby steps. You people don't know the difference between reality and illustration.. between truth and lie.. between fact and fiction. When ya think you have me figured out.. I tell ya to think again because you're so far off the mark.

Take this boy named Cain. You know the difference between us? I can see behind your eyes. I can hear your heart beating a mile away. I smell your fears and taste your blood before it ever escapes your veins. You play the guess game. I know you and you guess me.

Now, I heard ya try to share these evil words.. maybe to try and spook me? You tell children you're from hell? That's funny. You're not listed there and never have been. Hell isn't a temporary home, but an eternal damnation. It's your destination. If ya think where ya came from is hell, then the surprise look on your face at the end is going to be priceless. The fear in your eyes. The trembling in your voice.

You kill not because you can, but because Almighty allows it. It's only for a season.

Killing someone isn't innovating murder, man. The art of murder is much deeper and takes time. A child can pick up a gun and press the trigger on someone. A person can climb a mountain, slip and fall to his death. The mountain can kill someone and it just sits in one place. Killing isn't something to parade about. Anyone... any thing.. can do it. Did ya use a weapon to kill? You're probably one to.. whether it's a rock, knife, sword, gun, or anything sharp. You may witness evil things, but you're far from knowing evil. You're far from knowing hell.

Your biggest problem is some things you said, 'You Eli, .. and those like you are the problem.'

'... you sit there and THINK you know the whole story. Obviously your parents let you read "man's bible" from cover to cover.'

'For every one person you've hurt, I have killed thousands. For every one person you've killed? I've devoured millions of souls.'

There is no one like me. You think because people call their God by the same name as I that we're similar? You think because I talk about truth and a Creator that I'm cut from the same dough? You are shallow in your thinking. You are not a killer. You are not a monster. You are the frightened boy who decided one day to shoot a arrow into the sky and see where it lands... and as it comes down it strikes into a persons heart. You are an accidental killer. You are a laughing stock to the serial killers of the world. You are a speck in the eye of evil. You are the stuffed furry purple monster laying in the boys toy chest that sits. You look scary to some.. but to those who know ya.. you're just another toy someone got for Christmas.

There's no thinking about truth. I know truth. I know far more than you will ever be able to comprehend. I just told that some of my stories I spoke in the past were for illustration purposes, well, let me go ahead and inform you of this... there was no Eli James I, II, or III before me. I am the only Eli James. In time you'll hear about who I am. You saying I had parents that let me read the man's Bible tells me you don't even know who I am. That's okay, man. Everyone makes mistakes.

For every thousand you accidentally killed... I destroyed their lives before you ever came into their life.. and a million more.

By the way man... how's that whole evil evolving thing working out for ya? Still believe it evolves? Heh."

Eli starts to walk away from the house deeper into the woods.

"I remember when these trees were planted. The hard labor people went through to make sure they followed my exact outline. It really is a beautiful place. I call it The Garden."

Eli stops for a moment at a tree that looks ancient. His eyes light up like a child on Christmas day.

"This tree... this tree is somethin' special. I remember it like it was yesterday when... well.. I think I'll share that another time."

Eli chips some bark off the tree with a smile. A snake starts to slither around the trunk near Eli's feet. He bends down and picks it up. He starts to pet the snake.

"The beautiful Blue Krait snake. Be careful where ya walk.. "

Eli throws the snake somewhere and continues walking. He arrives at a 'wall' of bushes, briers, thorns, etc. It looks like it goes on for miles in opposite directions and is about ten feet high.

"Beyond here is... a special place... "

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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Illustrations & The Garden - by Great Buzzard Eli James IV - 06-10-2014, 05:22 AM

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