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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Cain and Abel II
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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06-06-2014, 10:18 AM

Eli is walking in the midst of trees. Everything around is vibrant in color and the noise is quiet.

"It was similar to a day like this."

Eli glances at all the trees as he walks by them while talking.

"You said it yourself, man. Almighty created the world and placed two people, his prized possession, to help take care of it. It was a great time. It was only a matter of time before the tempter came in to not destroy creation, but to hurt the Almighty. He tempted and they caved. So weak. Almighty still had mercy and covered their weakness. He let them live. Down the road Cain and Abel.. and we all heard the story."

Eli stops at a certain tree. He looks up and reaches for something... an apple. He takes a bite.

"Nature's kitchen. It doesn't get much better. Eve picked out a fruit and then entered sin. There wasn't a process, or evolving, of it.. it was instant. It wasn't the fruit that had evil in it... the disobedience did because it where it was.. obedience was not. Cain doesn't seem to understand any of it. Almighty gave them a chance.. he gave Cain a chance.. like I gave you a chance, and you decided to not take it. Ya can't say I didn't give ya a chance, man.

You speak about this story like ya know what it is. You may know what the Bible says, but ya do not know the human heart.

The words you said had a twist. You go with the story quoted in the Bible, and then end ya add to the story where there isn't any writings. It's people like you that wait for someone that says they are hungry, and then feed them food filled with maggots. It's food for the stomach, but a sickness for the body. Since ya quoted the Bible as truth... let's quote it...

"Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear.
Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from
your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and
whoever finds me will kill me.”

But the Lord said to him, “Not so; anyone who kills Cain will suffer
vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so
that no one who found him would kill him. So Cain went out from
the Lord’s presence and lived in the land of Nod,east of Eden.

Based on the same story you gave since it were you supposedly... it says 'anyone who kills Cain will suffer...' Ya see, Cain could be killed. Now, let's just ignore that and go with the fact you are that Cain. Let's just believers of all the words you said. You think those acts you spoke of are evil? Heh. Those little points in time where you did these evil acts is a joke book to the darkness.

Nightmares end when someone wakes up. They don't last very long. Is that what ya are, man? You're a nightmare who did a few bad deeds?

Let me tell ya truth.

Evil didn't evolve, just like good didn't evolve. Almighty is good. He is the standard of good. Where there is no Almighty is the absence of good, and that is evil. When man acted on his temptation and let sin enter his heart... it wasn't something that evolved over time. It was simply the absence of the Almighty. His presence left and evil came. Think of it like a lamp with a bulb in it.. when it's on it represents the Almighty and good.. when ya turn it off it's the moment the human acted in his temptation.. and darkness immediately is there. There was no evolving. The absence of light is darkness. The absence of good is evil.

When someone like yourself says 'evil evolved', I laugh. Your perception of evil may have evolved which makes you not completely evil to its core. It means you still have some good in ya with the chance of turning away from the evil completely. So don't try to pretend to be evil, man. At least not with me. I can see right through your words. Maybe you'd like to be evil, but trust me.. you'll never be. Now me? Heh. I don't just know good and evil. I'll let you figure out who I am.

Never pretend. It's just a waste. Especially with the one who know ya.. hehe.."

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

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Cain and Abel II - by Great Buzzard Eli James IV - 06-06-2014, 10:18 AM

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