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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
How does make me feel?( RP#1)
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Paolo Mancini Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

05-24-2014, 01:54 PM

Paolo Mancini wasn’t the kind of person who would usually visit a psychologist, he wasn’t crazy or had depression or had anything else

wrong with his mental health. To him, he needed to go one once he had arrived in Denver for the next show. Frankie and his Uncle Louie

had promised to meet him in Denver in a couple of day, so the shrink was his only company for today. Every since the fight with his father,

nothing felt the same. Losing that match a few days ago also didn't help his spirit, he got robbed ...oh the irony...maybe this was karma

way of getting back at him. The notice the door open as a man with a clipboard came in and sat down.

?: Good afternoon, my name is Dr. John Smith.

Paolo: I am Paolo Mancini.

Dr. Smith : Oh yes, you're that professional wrestler. I am amusing your part of that show this week at the Pepsi Center.

Paolo: Yeah, it's only my second match. But it been great so far and it let's me get to live out a dream of mine.

Dr. Smith: I am not a big fan myself, but I can understand why some people are drawn to it. You said being a wrestler was a dream of your's, can you explain that a little bit.

Paolio: I guess it goes back to when I was little, my father was always busy with work or teaching my brothers the ropes of the company that would inherit. At that age, I only got to see him during the weekdays at nights when he would try and help me with my homework.

Dr. Smith: So how did this contribute to your dream of a professional wrestler?

Paolio: My mother insisted I have a male figure in my life, when my dad wasn't around. So my Uncle Louie became my "dad: during the weekends, he taught me everything from riding a bike to shooting a gun. Saturday night was always wrestling night at his house and I watched it with him one time out of curiosity. I became engross by everything I saw, I would try and watch it whenever I could. Uncle Louie even took me to a few shows for a birthday or Christmas present.

Dr. Smith: It seems to me that your want to become a professional wrestler came due to the fact that your father wasn't around and your uncle filled the void. While your brothers were learning the ropes from your father about their future, your uncle help you find a passion that would make up for the lack of involvement, It's not unheard of that the youngest sibling of family that sets proprieties on the eldest to bond with someone in a similar. This course amusing your uncle is younger than your father .

Paolio: Actually come to think of it, he is younger. The only reason my uncle seems older is because my father has taken care of himself better and has seen less action than my uncle.

Dr. Smith: Your uncle a veteran?

Paolio: In a way....But that doesn't explain my interest of actually wanting to fulfill my dream of become a wrestler. I mean I end up joining my father business anyways.

Dr. Smith: For some, that want never comes and that are content with what they have. For others, it's usually a build up of boredom and feeling unhappy with a situation. Did taking that job help improve anything?

Paolio: I mean beside getting see my father more often and having some I guess it didn't . I still felt unfulfilled and my uncle saw that...I mention wanting become a wrestler like when I was a little kid and he made that happy. I actually got into a huge fight with my father about and for some reason, I feel like I could careless and just want to wrestler.

Dr. Smith: It seems your drive for this is your and your father's relationship, his lack of involvement in your childhood cause you find something that you could make your own and your fight was due to your wants finally overcoming your attempt at trying to make your father's happiness a priority over yours.

Paolio: I guess that makes sense, so I guess I should focus on what I want and only shifted it when I need to.

Dr. Smith: In on to second problem. It says here, that you lost your match last week and feel very off about it.

Paolio: It was a triple threat match and I had hit my finisher, I was about to win...then one my opponents threw me out of the ring and stole the victory from me. I was angry, then I thought about and realized that I had done something to similar to other a metaphorical sense.

Dr. Smith: I see.

Paolio: One of my father's major ventures is loans that would be consider highway robbery. I was involved in a lot of the collecting process and the emotion of the people I collect from....was stuff I started to feel.

Dr. Smith: Your feeling guilty about past action and are using your new life as a way of atonement. It's good your feeling this, but don't let it comsume you. You have to accept that you made wrongs in the past and move forward.

Paolio: A clean, 1...2...3 might be all I need to get my head straight.

Dr. Smith: Mostly seems are session is done.

Paolio: Thank you.

Dr. Smith: If you have any other issue, call and I can see what I can do.

Paolo nodded before getting up and walking out. Outside he saw the blue sky and breath in the air....he felt better. With his mind ready, the call of the gym made him realize it was time to get his body ready. And with that he ran back to the hotel and begin the road to Wednesday...never could stop him.
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How does make me feel?( RP#1) - by Paolo Mancini - 05-24-2014, 01:54 PM

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