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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
RP # 2: My kind of message
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Paolo Mancini Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

05-19-2014, 03:10 PM

It was Monday Night in downtown Detroit, Michigan and Paolo was in stuck in traffic with Big Frankie.
Paolo: Hey Frankie, do you know anything about Brazilian jiu-jitsu?
Frankie: I know about Brazilian waxes.
Frankie laughed at the comment, before Paolo looked at him with the infamous Mancini death glare.
Frankie: Sorry…why do you need to know anyways?
Paolo pulled out his IPhone and brought up the XWF homepage and went to its Wednesday Night Warfare card.
Paolo: Because one of my opponents this week some guy by the name of Vellore Brommer, who based on his bio page says he is a master of jiu-jitsu and a former champion as well.
Frankie: Shit, I think you might be up the creek with a paddle when facing this guy. Brazilian jiu-jitsu is one of the hardest fighting styles to go up against; the main focus of the style is to keep your opponent on the ground and I not trying to be dick, but dude your ground game sucks ass.
Paolo: Thanks for the vote of no confidence.
Frankie: But hey it’s only one of the two guys you are facing, what about the other guy.
Paolo: Say here his name is Sterling Steal and…oh god he’s a Brit.
Frankie: God damn English bastards always get in are way….Stupid Queen’s guards and their goofy ass hats. All I wanted to do is take a picture and next thing I get tackle to the ground.
Paolo: Well you did get too close to the old gal’s carriage and it’s not like we do the same thing to protect those who put the trust of their safety in us. It’s one of those cross cultural things when comes to body guarding, course I do something horrible to you… while you just got a big ass fine that my old man is still harping about.
Frankie: Don’t remind me…where almost at the meet up point. Grab the money.
Paolo: This is going to end very well or turn into a giant fucking mess…I am betting on the latter.

Port of Detroit
Paolo got out of the car the car with briefcase in hand and wearing his trademark black suit/ fedora combo. Frankie put on the shades as they walked into one of the storage areas to meet up with their “client”. The man was a Yakuza by the name of Abe Suzuki, son of one of my major Yakuza representatives in the States. His father wanted to welcome Abe with a traditional Mafia welcome….in reality it was to send a message to foreign crime groups to stay away from their territory.
Frankie: The others are on here.
Mafia grunt: Mr. Mancini the boys have the set up ready. The fireworks for the post-dinner celebration will be ready on your command.
Paolo: Good. Let’s go in, we wouldn’t want to keep our host waiting.
Mafia grunt: Yes Sir.
Paolo walked into the port area that based on information from his father’s connections in the city collected, the Yakuza were trying to sneak in Meth into an area that the Mafia already had a claim in.
He saw Abe Suzuki at a makeshift table, their Abe rose up to greet him and Frankie
Abe: Ah, Mr. Mancini. Welcome to our little operation, I see you and your associate…what is his name?
Paolo: Just call him Big Frankie.
Abe: Very well, I had my men prepare us some traditional Japanese cuisine and I have some sake as well.
Paolo: Sounds like a night change a pace, most dinner we have with other mob families are the clique spaghetti and wine style.
Abe: Sounds interesting…having dinner with people who are both allies and enemies.
Paolo and Frankie sat at the table, while Japanese men in suits brought in the food and drinks.
Paolo: It can be a trip.
Abe: My father tells me your father sent you here as well to negotiate a deal on the meth trade.
Paolo: My old man is the kind who likes others to get their hands dirty.
Abe: I know the feeling.
Frankie: So Abe, I have to ask…who much is this facility you got here worth.
Abe: A few millions base on father’s estimates…our groups both have an interest in the drug trade. It’s good we can work something out.
Paolo put the suitcase on the table and pulled out the remote with the big red button…his favorite.
Paolo: Yes here is the contract my father sent with.
Abe: A remote?

Abe was confused by the man’s actions before realizing he had been played.
Frankie: Not just a remote you fucking piece of garbage, it’s a warning to what happens when you cross into Mafia territory.
Abe: So you want to play that game…very well.
Abe snapped his fingers as black smoke enter the surrounding area and ninja appeared out of know where.
Frankie: Fuck…its ninjas again.
Paolo: You think your little band of geisha girls scare me…I think you have a proper Mafia house warming party.
A three vans filled with Paolo’s reinforcements smashed a hole through a wall and park right behind him as 20 or so of his father’s men backed him up.
Mafia grunt #2: Enjoy the dinner boss?
Grunt tossed him a semi-automatic after asking him the question.
Paolo: My momma’s spaghetti and meatballs still is better than anything I just ate.
Abe: If your done insulting my dinner I had prepared…it seem our two groups are even in numbers.
Paolo looked and notice that the Japanese man wasn’t mistaken in his counting…for now at least. Paolo smiled at Frankie before winked at him.
Frankie: I think you’re mistaken.
Two more vans crashed behind Abe Suzuki as about 13 more Mafia grunts came out of them and surrounded the Japanese crime group.
Abe: You cheated. Your father promised an even number of men between us…you disgrace his honor.
Paolo: Fuck honor. Hasn’t anyone told you the Mafia likes to rig things it their favo, how do you think we make so much money off of gambling.
Abe drop his gun and told his men to stand down.
Abe: We surrender.
Both Paolo and Frankie started to laugh at the omission.
Frankie: That’s too funny.
Paolo: Do you really think, we’re just going to let you go. We have to make sure you get the message about not fucking with the Mafia. Boys pump some of these ninjas full of lead while I take Mr. Suzuki off to watch the fireworks.
Mafia grunt #2: You got it boss.
Frankie went over to the other side of the table grabbed Abe by the arm and started to pull him outside.
Frankie: Quit struggling…I sure you’re going to like the show.

Outside Paolo heard gun shots and the sound of men in pain. Frankie tossed Abe on the ground and pointed his gun at him.
After a few minutes Frankie saw the signal of the boys finished with the hit and the cleanup.
Frankie: Paolo…we are good to go.
Paolo: Mr. Suzuki it’s time I made my final offer…Say Hello.
Paolo pushed the button on the remote as the Yakuza’s drug operations went up in a big fiery explosion
Abe: Fucking Italian pigs…
That all Abe could say before the barrel of Frankie’s gun broke his jaw.
Frankie: Shut the hell up/
Paolo: Well look at the time…
Paolo in mockery looked at his watch.
Frankie: I saw dinner times over…Let’s go report to your Uncle.
Paolo: Sorry to dine and ditch, but you know duty calls. If you father has any issue about the deal, just tell him my father will be waiting for that phone call.
Abe looked at what was once a few million dollars operation up in flames as he laid there with a broken jaw. He heard their car leave before the sound of sirens started… he got up and ran for his boat.

In the car, Paolo smiled greatly at the success of their mission… He hoped the message he gave in two days was just as explosive.
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RP # 2: My kind of message - by Paolo Mancini - 05-19-2014, 03:10 PM

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