#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick
Waves don't die.
XWF FanBase: Women and gay men (physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)
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Joined: Wed Jan 09 2013
Posts: 966
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Hates Received: 16 in 15 posts
Hates Given: 4
Hates Received: 16 in 15 posts
X-Bux: ✘25,000
05-01-2014, 12:30 PM
(05-01-2014, 08:11 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: seems like Mr. Arzegotti is about to become dead.. AGAIN!
Genius. Fucking genius. Come on you fucking vampire wannabe goth cunt, wreck me. I dare you- no, I fucking double dare you cocksucker, wreck my ass.
Fucking dipshit, go back to eating paint chips, your down syndrome isn't visible enough yet.
(05-01-2014, 10:30 AM)Leda Coma Said: I got put out by some string bean?
Leda rolls her eyes and says something under her breath.
Bloody Git..I'm fine Swaggy, turns out Luca can't even drop someone on their bloody head properly to do damage.
Do damage? I may be a prick, but I ain't that much of a prick. We all know you're only here for your looks anyway and if I left you lookin' like a fuckin' potato, you'd be out of a job. Shit, why didn't I do that?
(05-01-2014, 10:34 AM)SwagMire Said: "Goddamn him. I got a revenge plan. Frodo's gonna rape him. Then enigma will track down the rapist, find it's Frodo, and get raped himself. It'll be brilliant. Revenge for hitting you. It's so ridiculous it can't fail."
Swagmire smiles at Leda.
Come at me bro. Fight me one on one. Hell, get your ass brother to come rape me, I'll just keep fucking up your girl's shit. I ain't too proud to hit a girl, and I sure as hell ain't too proud to curbstomp a fucking never was, never will be rapist mustache sporting cuntmuffin. Hell, your girl who was only hired cuz of her tits and Affirmative Action has more fuckin' talent in one of her nips than you do in your entire body.