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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Nipple Clamps and Phallus Burns
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-24-2014, 09:41 AM

Voice-”Boyo, now yer gunna tell me what you had planned with me gun shipments and you are going to tell me now!”

Morbid-”I know this voice…McBride! It that you?”

The lights rise up and the room shows Michael McBride sitting in a chair 10 feet from Morbid Angel and…of course…Morbid Angel hanging upside down and chained with the electrodes attached to his nipples.

Michael McBride-”Tis me! Now you’ll find out the hard way that I am the last turtle in the pond you’ll fuck with!”

A silence fell between them. The only sound in the room was the creaking of the chains as Morbid slowly slightly shook from side to side.

Morbid-”Did you just call yourself a turtle?”

Michael McBride-”It twas a metaphor you stupid fucking Nazi!”

Morbid-”Really…I mean for a moment there I thought you really were a turtle…How could I be so stupid!”

Michael McBride-”Keep making them jokes Mr Angel. I’ll be the one laughing soon enough.

Morbid-”Are you going to zap my nipples? Sounds kinky!”

Michael McBride-” Aye, then I’m going to take a blow torch to your privy bits and turn them into a lump that could only give you pleasure if you beat it with a stick!”

Morbid-”Well that’s rather…descriptive…done this much?”

Michael McBride-”lad, this is me specialty!”

Morbid-”Well no shit your wife left you then. Talking about burning motherfuckers dicks off and shit. I talk about dysfunctional motherfuckers all the time…you are…not so bad! HAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Michael then walks over to the car jumper and flicks the switch! Sending volts of electricity to Morbid Angel’s most sensitive nipples! At the power hit Morbid his eyes bulged as he let out a scream.


Michael turned off the jumper box.


Morbid-”is it odd that I have a massive erection right now? That power really turned me on! WOOOOOOOOOOO!”

McBride flicks the switch once more! The flesh on Morbid’s chest started to bubble and become a purplish burn.

McBride turns the switch off again.

Morbid-”…I am starting to like this!”

Michael McBride-”Tell me what it is I’m after and I’ll stop.”

Morbid-OK….ok…what do you want to know?”

Michael McBride-”I want to know what yer doin’ messin’ wit me gun shipments. Tell me what I want to know and you are free.”

Morbid Angel smiles and looks at Michael McBride and starts to speak in an obviously mocking Irish accent with a heavy Russian overtones.

Morbid-Eye, I dan’t have a fecking clue wut ther fect yer talkin’ aboot! Sack ah dack!”

Michael McBride-”Are you moving me, mate?”

Morbid-”…Yes…Yes I am…”

Michael reaches into his jacket and pulls out a cattle prod and jams it on Morbid Angel’s genitalia and presses the button! The 2200 volts hit the morbid phallus with such a jolt that Morbids head almost hit the ceiling beam!
McBride smirks. Morbid was starting to sweat!

Michael McBride-”Who’s laughing now you son of a bitch! TELL ME WHAT I WANT TO KNOW!”

Morbid-”So there was this one time when your wife let me stick my fist in her ass…and she liked it! Then she wanted me to stick my other arm in her vagina and double fist fuck her…..”

Michael then cattle prods him in the nethers once more! After a few seconds he turns off the prod.

Morbid-”perhaps I was too hasty…I should have saved the ass fisting for later…I know this now.”

Michael McBride-”NO MORE GAMES! Tell me about the shipments! NOW!”

McBride starts to kick Morbid Angel in the ribs.

Morbid-”OK! OK! STOP!….I’ll tell you what you want to know….”

McBride pulls a pocket knife and holds it to Morbid’s neck.

Michael McBride-”Start talking er else imma’ take me pound of flesh!”

Morbid-”…Ok…see….I have this match with Tri Bute! And you know Tri Bute pretty decently I think. He is as you would call it…A pompous wanker! He always answers his fan mail like he is the shit and people like him…well, he received a letter about a few weeks past…he told me about it in this secret bar…this is how he was planning to over throw your re-re-IRA by taking all your BB pistols and leaving you to fight the battle with your small cocks! Once you all have your cocks out for battle he was going to suck them dry…lots of semen all up in his mouth…he likes that kind of shit. He dumped your silly guns in the harbor…for shits and grins…that’s what I know.”

McBride was not amused…He took the knife and ran the blade through Morbid’s ear lobe and twisted it before pulling it out.

Michael McBride-”Not so funny now is it, big man!”

Morbid-”Actually it kind of is…truthfully it has about 10% truth to it…maybe…not the point! You think I’ll fucking talk to the likes of you?! A fucking scab! Fuck you, McBride! Your torturing is about as weak as the tea you drink!”

Michael wipes the blade on a near by rag.

Michael McBride-”You got me all wrong mate. I don’t drink tea!”

McBride snaps his fingers and two men carry in a chair covered with a blanket and set it on the floor.

Morbid-”What is this? Are you going to let me fuck your wife again? She is rather loose! HA!”

Michael McBride-”Laugh while you can. Perhaps you just need direction.”

Michael pulls the sheet off revealing Xerces! Morbid Angel’s only child…Xerces was tied to the chair and gagged.

Michael McBride-”We figured you’d be a tough fella’ to crack so we grabbed yer wee boy.”

Morbid looks at Xerces…whom he hasn’t seen in months.

Morbid-”Xerces! How have you been? Are they treating you well? If not, I’ll be forced to do some very bad things that include corpse desecration!”

Michael walks over to the boy with the knife in hand and softly runs the blade across the boys face.

Michael McBride-”anyone ever tell you that you two look very much alike?”

Morbid-”No…I never thought he looked like me.”

[/color]Michael McBride-”He does look just like you. It would be a shame to cut him up and make him walk around like a freak for the rest of his life. Tell me what I want to know and I’ll let him be.”

Morbid-”Cut him.”

Michael McBride-”What?”

Morbid-”Cut him. Maybe it’ll make a man out of him. I’m not telling you a motherfucking thing!”

The scene fades to a Blood Red

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Messages In This Thread
Nipple Clamps and Phallus Burns - by Morbid Angel - 03-24-2014, 09:41 AM

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